Quilt Finish – Batik Mountains

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

3 Responses

  1. Susan Grancio says:

    Love the quilt. Wine tasting is always good. Remember it is always five o’clock somewhere.
    Many of my batiks ended up in masks, maybe it is time to add some more to my stash.
    This is a classic pattern for a reason!

  2. Joan says:

    All that twisting and turning paid off – this is amazing!!! Also went back and put the 2 side by side, so different, both gorgeous. p. s. the sky in the photo! Movie studio sky! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Dorothy says:

    I love the quilt and that you did it on your terms; as in deconstructing and redoing with no “real” background. As for the wine. I am having a glass of sauvignon blanc at the moment

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