The Big C’s

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

39 Responses

  1. Dorothy says:

    I have to tell you that your last post of “I am not OK” threw me for a loop simply because I am not in the close loop. Sending good love and hopes for Mr Sparkles, and that the horrible “C” was caught in time and that you will have many happy years together. And BTW, Grandma Sparkles does NOT look like a Grandma 🙂 I cannot imagine any one voting for Trump, but then that’s what I thought with our last election. I am so ashamed to be an “American”. Love you

  2. OneWeeBird says:

    Suspected something was simmering beneath …the biggest hugs and since were social distancing the warmest smiles and loudest air kisses SB 😘😘😘

  3. Wendy Booth-Boyd says:

    On all fronts – Best wishes.

  4. Jean says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  5. Robyn Haworth says:

    When I read your last post, I was praying that it wouldn’t be the same position as my husband and I found ourselves in back in 2013. All I can do is send a humongous hug to you & Adam, it is socking news to get your heads around. Hopefully Adam has the disposition as my man…..he used to say “Don’t know what the drs are going on about, they only want a guinea pig…..there’s nothing wrong with me”. He remained in that frame of mind all the way throughout everything that was thrown at him in the past 5 years. Love to you both 💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💙🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  6. Janine T says:

    Thinking if you guys while on your journey. Hope it all goes well for Mr Sparkles. As my Mum who has non Hodgkins has always said I’m not going to let the cancer beat me!” She was diagnosed in 1996 and she’s going well. Take care both of you xx

  7. Natasha says:

    I hate cancer. I am so sorry that your wedding had to be postponed. There is just SO MUCH going on for so many people right now. What is up with 2020? As I type, it’s 3:00 am. I woke up with stress about wildfires (I live in California), COVID (I’m a teacher and the kids are coming back to class soon), and the election (we have to get that dumpster fire out of office). I am trying to take care of myself and stay calm. Your blog has always made me smile. Keep writing.

  8. Sue Preece says:

    2020 has been a year of challenges for all of us, hopefully we can all get them out of the way in one awful year and move on to better things next year! In a life together we have our ups and downs, and it’s how we handle our downs that is telling. You will get through this …. together.
    As for wedding issues, just my opinion, but being married is about the two of you, not the party. Maybe an intimate ceremony might mean more right now than a big statement party which can come later. I’m sure all will be well, it’s just a bit fraught right now. Whatever happens, you are both stronger than you know. Hang in there!

  9. Caroline says:

    Oh, what an incredibly difficult time for you all. What a shitshow of a year. Sending love and strength. F*** cancer!

  10. Jennifer says:

    This planet needs a million yous I love your heart I love your being , what a beautiful soul, sometimes I wonder if we have lost our way and then I read this and know that everything is alright with the world because you exist! You are a beautiful story teller a beautiful friend husband ,grandchild, person. Take good care of Mr. Sparkles !

  11. Carol Ferett says:

    Dear Molli, along with thousands of others, I’m sure, I send my thoughts to you. Hang on in there! What a year this is being eh … Love and Hugs

  12. Sam says:

    Been there, done that. 2020 needs to be over. Sending good vibes, lots of prayers, big hugs, best wishes and warmest regards.

  13. Moira says:

    That’s a lot to handle! Sharing hope for better times.

  14. Carole S. says:

    Molli, love, we’re always behind you. I did suspect the diagnosis was behind your last post. I have no words of wisdom, but I know Mr. Sparkles is lucky to have you by his side. Regarding the other topics in this post, I couldn’t agree more. I hope the voters in this country wake the hell up and do the right thing.

  15. Carole S. says:

    Molli, love, we’re always behind you. I did suspect the diagnosis was behind your last post. I have no words of wisdom, but I know Mr. Sparkles is lucky to have you by his side. Regarding the other topics in this post, I couldn’t agree more. I hope the voters in this country wake the hell up and do the right thing.

  16. Katie says:

    Sending much color, sparkles, and glitter your way (just the good ones!). I agree, everything is tough right now. I haven’t seen my friends since Quiltcon in February. 🙁 I just rearranged my sewing room so I can see my garden properly, and watch the birds at the feeders (and be jealous of their freedom). Hummingbirds this morning! I’m also watching big fat swallowtail caterpillars eat up my parsley. The plant is in my sewing room safe from the birds until the butterfly enclosure arrives tomorrow. 🙂 . I dug out my feng shui books yesterday, because why not. Whatever helps! And, I’m voting in person in November even if I have to wear hazmat gear to do it. Gotta make it count. Ok. Back to sewing….only bright colors. Hugs to you both.

  17. Lis says:

    All my love and hugs to you both for a speedy recovery.

  18. AJ says:

    My heart goes out to you and Mr. Sparkles – so much to deal with. Words fail me – I wish I had some magical, glittery, bedazzled, sparkling words that might encourage both of you and lift your spirits. Failing at that, all I can do is send love, love, and more love, along with lots of hugs and prayers.

  19. Peggy says:

    Sending lots of love to you and Adam for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

  20. Joan Sheppard says:

    I know you can’t see us but there is a whole bunch of us out here holding you dear in our hearts. I actually called the airline to come out there. They said no. Venting is fine. Vent whenever you need to – we’ll put the kettle and. (Or pop some champagne.) This is my fav quilt blog – never ever boring. Thanks for all you do for us.

  21. Jean says:

    I am saddened to hear that Mr. Sparkles has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I wanted to let you know that my husband has been 5 years cancer free after having his prostate removed. I wish the same for you and Mr. Sparkles. I am also saddened to hear your tirade about current events in the US. I look to your emails for quilting news, not political tirades. I am so overwhelmed with all of the current news I need no further exacerbation from you. My life sucks enough right now!

  22. Trude Jackson says:

    The Big C is always the worst news… I’ve been in your shoes too…having my significant other be diagnosed with prostate cancer…it’s truly gut wrenching!

    I’m just so deeply grateful you’ve found good doctors and are aggressively taking care of this! Unfortunately…depending on age…the course of action is do nothing…I understand that in some cases the cancer is slow growing but the psychological effect of doing nothing is horrible… knowing you have untreated cancer is something no one wants to live with!

    Sending you and your family much love and positive thoughts…you’re an amazing
    loving partner!

  23. Kristel says:

    All the best to you both! Life is always a little challenging in ways big and small, but to have so many at once… it’s just hard. Hold your lived ones close!

  24. John J. Cole-Morgan says:

    I hope Adam is doing well. I am sending you all all the love and support a stranger can. You are a true inspiration to me and my quilting journey and I hate that you are going through all of this. Much love always! John x

  25. Aileen says:

    Holy shit! I’m so sorry to hear the your man has cancer. Thankfully, there are really effective treatments and the picture is so much better if it is just within the prostate. Look after yourself too, Molly. Caring for someone with cancer is so important but also really hard. Sending you and Mr Sparkles love and good thoughts! Wish I could do more.

  26. I am so so glad Mr. got an early dx and the top Dr. Paramount. I hope he can connect with others who have had the same treatment and find out strategies. This whole C thing sucks. Love, and thanks for a well written post.

  27. Cathy Barbagallo says:

    Thank you Molli for being so candid (another C word….). As a Melburnian, I am just so over all of it. And extra stressors just make it all seem so insurmountable. Good luck to you and Mr Sparkles in his treatment and recovery – my life is devoted to cancer treatment and education, so I know that you will do everything needed right now. Mostly I am sure, he needs you. Hugs. X

  28. I am so sorry for the Cancer diagnosis. My husband is a few years from having his bout of Prostate cancer. He was “young” at that time too. It’s been a learning curve ever since but he’s doing well. A prostate cancer diagnosis is one that truly affects both partners. I’m sending hugs to both of you. Just keep breathing and don’t stop having those moments to decompress and just vent. And yes, 54 is young, but shit happens. The stress is real and I am sorry Mr’s diagnosis is another hurdle for your life plans together. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, or so they say. I am sure you will both get through it together with your usual sense of humor and zest for life.

  29. Amoreena says:

    I think you know I love you, and I’ve been thinking about you and Adam since March, when you had to cancel your long-planned wedding, and I’ve been extra thinking about you since you shared this news. Big hugs and I’m here if you need to chat. 💜💜

  30. Kate says:

    Oh Molli! So much on your plate at the moment 😱 I hope the offload did the trick and you are now focussing on breathing and looking after yourselves 💖💜
    A friend at work has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer too, so while I’m not in exactly the same boat as you are, I can confidently say cancer can go f*ck itself! It sounds like you have a great plan in place, and I wish Mr Sparkles a quick and easy path thru treatment and a full recovery xo

  31. Lesley says:

    Here’s some big (((HUGS))) for you both – & love & best wishes x <3

  32. Elaine says:

    After watching for and reading the past few posts, I knew something was going on. So sorry about Mr Sparkles cancer. Sending strong, positive thoughts your way. I believe all will be good! Yes I’m about through with this virus dominating our lives, but I guess it’s just taking things one step at a time for now. As far as the Trump infection, how do you deal with loved ones who are supporters??? It is so hard.

  33. Cleta says:

    So sorry to hear this about Adam. God can do anything but fail. He got this. Anyone that loves Trump, hates me. I really don’t get how these “Christians” follow Trump but don’t follow Christ nor his love for everyone. I am lifting Adam and you up right now. Blessings friends

  34. Paul Burega says:

    Thanks for reminding us all to get checked. And don’t forget the colon cancer check. Seems that people younger and younger are being impacted. Is it the environment?

    I’m sending wishes for a speedy recovery.

  35. Anja @ Anja Quilts says:

    So sorry to hear about your news. Sending best wishes for you both to get through all your C’s.

  36. Janie Nutter says:

    We know you both will be giving this challenge your all. A simple justice of the peace wedding is fine for now – have the party next year and celebrate Mr. Sparkles health at the same time.
    Much love from Pensacola MQG and specifically the ‘ETTES’ – Janette. Aka Janie.

  37. Jo says:

    So sorry that you are going through all of this. So very hard to deal with all the stuff. One step at a time as they say. Just keep on loving with all your heart.

  38. Susie says:

    Wow – a ‘c’omprehensive post. Firstly – I wish Mr Sparkles (and yourself) the very best in your journey. A tough one for sure but I’m ‘c’onfident you’ll see the rear of it soon – forever. Now I’m out of the loop a little and saw your post on the weekend about the exciting news – a wedding. Congratulations to you both. An absolute shining light in your troubled year. (And I totally agree with everything you say about the imbecile in the White House. I feel the same about some of ‘friends’ that don’t believe in covid nor mask wearing. I’m too old to foster relationship where we are not aligned. Shame but adios). Take care and have a blast in married life.

  39. Mary Sara Fields says:

    Wow, I just read the great article about you in Issue 28 of Simply Moderne. I was so enamored of your work and your seemingly great attitude about life that I jumped into your website to say great things to you. BUT I find that you say we cannot be friends because I am a Trump supporter. I cannot imagine how anybody in the entire world thinks that our lives are better under Biden. Biden has brought America to its knees. I wish you much success and happiness but I will not be back to share with you (your choice, not mine.)
    Mary Fields, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.

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