Cottage Window Tutorial + House of Versace Pillow
So The Fully Sick quilt may not exactly be a super star, but I couldn’t possibly give up on the block I created to make it. I’ve decided to call it the Cottage Window block, due to the original fabric choices of The Fully Sick quilt. It’s all sorts of small, floral, country-cottage kitsch. Well, that may be my home on the English country-side, but my normal digs look more like the House of Versace! I had to prove how versatile this block is! So read on for a glow up, and a free tutorial!

I knew the Cottage Window block needed a second chance to really shine. If it has to prove its way into gold lamé heaven, who better than me to give it some wings?! I promise you though, no Kylie hot pants were harmed in the making of this 18″ pillow! I simply created four Cottage Window blocks, in opposing fabric placements, to give it some modern-Studio-54-realness.

I found this Michael Miller gold tiles fat quarter at my LQS, The Remnant Warehouse. It was going to feature in this week’s Sunday Stash, but I got a tad ahead of myself. I combined it with Art Gallery Pure Elements in black in keeping with the luxe vibe. When all four blocks were finished, I added some straight line quilting along the edges of the block, and some concentric squares in the middle where the four blocks meet.

For the back I used Art Gallery Living Elements in gold yellow to make a giant statement. You know, because gold lamé is never enough. Seriously. Then I added my fave closure, a fully-exposed side-zip. Remember, I’m a gay man, I don’t wanna be messin’ with any flaps!

The Fully Sick Quilt versus The House of Versace Pillow: what a difference fabric selection makes! This was just what I needed y’all, time to start Bringin’ Blingin’ Back!
Cottage Window Block Tutorial
- Fabric requirements for one block:

2. Assemble (2) – 5” squares of a coloured fabric. Assemble (2) – 5” squares of a neutral fabric.

3. Create (4) half square triangle units (HST) from these pieces.
– Place a coloured square and neutral square right sides together.
– Draw a line diagonally across the squares.
– Sew a 1/4” on either side of this line.
– Cut each square apart on the drawn diagonal line.
– Press open with the seam towards the coloured piece.

4. Trim HSTs to 4.5” square.

5. Assemble (4) – 3.25” squares of the coloured fabric.

6. Draw a diagonal line on the back side of each 3.25” square.

7. Place one of the 3.25” squares right side together with each HST as per the diagram. Sew along the drawn line.

8. Cut a 1/4” from this sewn diagonal line, and discard these pieces. (Note: You can use these fabric scraps to create another HST.)

9. Press open with the seam towards the coloured piece. Repeat this process on all four HSTs.

10. Arrange these units per the diagram below.

11. Assemble (2) – 5” x 1.5” neutral pieces, and combine with adjacent units. These neutral pieces are intentionally longer to allow for any variation in block size.

12. Trim the edges of the neutral pieces to create squared up rectangles.

13. Assemble (1) 10” x 1.5” neutral piece, and combine with adjacent units. This neutral piece is intentionally longer to allow for any variation in block size.

14. Trim back to square up block, and it is now complete at 9.5”.

I actually just snorted coffee out of my nose at your flaps comment. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!
What a gorgeous cushion, Molli! Very sophisticated look. Thanks so much for sharing the tutorial!
Thanks for the tutorial, Molli. Congratulations on turning the mundane into the sophisticated.
Wow! How different was that! Studio 54…now that's a blast from the past.
Now thats more like it. 🙂
I seriously heart this pillow. This is more like it!
So luxe. That pillow juat screams glamour. I feel like maybe a celebeity should be carrying it down the red carpet.
"Snap" on the pillow making this week!
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!
Thanks for the tutorial!!! Love the Pillow.
Oh yes, that definitely has some Molli sparkle!
Thank you Molli for the tutorial. I'll whip one up this weekend. Of course it won't sparkle like yours!
Love Cottage Window in gold and black – *s*p*a*r*k*l*e*!!! Great tutorial…no flaps about it!!! Hubs wondered why I snorted!!!
It looks amazing. It's hard to believe this cushion and the fully sick quilt are even related.
Ooooooooooh. I love it now!!
This is stunning. It's so fabulous to see quilting in a modern light. I feel like this pillow is so chic and modern and would fit perfectly in an elegant and dapper pad. One day, my house will fit more this modern style than the rural kids-and-chickens-own-the-place look we have going on now. One day, when my 2 year old and 4 year old get a *bit* older. Thanks for the tutorial, too!
Thanks for sharing Molli – I love this block!
Love it. glad to see you back. A little tea… wondered where the real you went to 🙂 Great tutorial
Looks great! What software did you use
Great pillow. Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
Great cushion and great tutorial. Thanks so much for sharing.
Sorry you were sick but what a wonderful outcome. Love the tutorials and the pillow is so graphic, adore.