Cottage Window Tutorial + House of Versace Pillow

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

22 Responses

  1. Charlotte says:

    I actually just snorted coffee out of my nose at your flaps comment. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!

  2. What a gorgeous cushion, Molli! Very sophisticated look. Thanks so much for sharing the tutorial!

  3. Marly says:

    Thanks for the tutorial, Molli. Congratulations on turning the mundane into the sophisticated.

  4. charlotte says:

    Wow! How different was that! Studio 54…now that's a blast from the past.

  5. Auntie Pami says:

    Now thats more like it. 🙂

  6. audrey says:

    I seriously heart this pillow. This is more like it!

  7. Sheryl says:

    So luxe. That pillow juat screams glamour. I feel like maybe a celebeity should be carrying it down the red carpet.

  8. "Snap" on the pillow making this week!

  9. Pat says:

    Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!

  10. Thanks for the tutorial!!! Love the Pillow.

  11. Katy Cameron says:

    Oh yes, that definitely has some Molli sparkle!

  12. Patti K says:

    Thank you Molli for the tutorial. I'll whip one up this weekend. Of course it won't sparkle like yours!

  13. Farm Quilter says:

    Love Cottage Window in gold and black – *s*p*a*r*k*l*e*!!! Great tutorial…no flaps about it!!! Hubs wondered why I snorted!!!

  14. It looks amazing. It's hard to believe this cushion and the fully sick quilt are even related.

  15. amy says:

    Ooooooooooh. I love it now!!

  16. Kitty says:

    This is stunning. It's so fabulous to see quilting in a modern light. I feel like this pillow is so chic and modern and would fit perfectly in an elegant and dapper pad. One day, my house will fit more this modern style than the rural kids-and-chickens-own-the-place look we have going on now. One day, when my 2 year old and 4 year old get a *bit* older. Thanks for the tutorial, too!

  17. Kathy says:

    Thanks for sharing Molli – I love this block!

  18. Anita C says:

    Love it. glad to see you back. A little tea… wondered where the real you went to 🙂 Great tutorial

  19. Laura says:

    Looks great! What software did you use

  20. Anja says:

    Great pillow. Thanks for sharing the tutorial.

  21. Paula says:

    Great cushion and great tutorial. Thanks so much for sharing.

  22. Sorry you were sick but what a wonderful outcome. Love the tutorials and the pillow is so graphic, adore.

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