Sunday Stash #24 – Magic Suitcase 09 – Hula Hoop Finale

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

17 Responses

  1. Paula says:

    Pink Sparkles, what a magical end to what has been a fairytale journey through the contents of that magic suitcase. That really is the stuff of dreams. I'm no Cinderella, but a girl can always dream of having her own fairy godmother.

  2. Mareenchen says:

    Grandmas never fail to surprise, do they? How lucky you are and how lucky for us all that the Magic Suitcase #2 is in the works.

  3. vexa says:

    Hula Hoop you never fail to make us smile plus my dictionary got busy again, lol.

  4. Katy Cameron says:

    Okay, I've come to the conclusion that Grandma Sparkles is in fact Mary freaking Poppins with her ever expanding suitcase! So glad she got to meet up with the delightful Hula Hoop as well, I wonder if 'Hula' herself was rather enjoying spending time with someone that wasn't drooling all over her in hero worship style!

  5. Kelly says:

    Grandma Sparkles rocks – too cool!

  6. Sooli says:

    Well okay then, we can definitely forgive Grandma Sparkles some of the slightly less than exciting pieces when she delivers the goods with that amazing Tula 'Hula Hoop' Pink stash of awesomeness! You have truly been blessed to have such an amazing grandmother – I unfortunately was such a late arrival to my parents that all my grandparents had shuffled off so I will never have that relationship. Cherish all that lovely grandma loving while you can! (Oh and if she has any loving to spare, I'm willing to be loved!) Keep on sparkling Grandma Sparkles!

  7. The O's says:

    Classic! I love it! I have just bought the Hula Hoop book, spurred on by the happenings in our rainbow land…
    I love Grandma Sparkles, I think she is rad and sweet and a whole lot of freakin' awesome! x

  8. Waverlee says:

    :-O whaaat?!?! That's fantastic. Totally jealous right now. Nice work Grandma Sparkles.

  9. MsMidge says:

    Sweet mother of god! Hula Hoop. Too much for me to take on a Sunday night! You know I have that Art Gallery fq just waiting to be swapped don't you? Hint, hint! lol

  10. Tessa Marie says:

    Oh. My. God!!!! This is such a freakin' awesome story and it was written in your usual delightful and hilarious style!! Grandma Sparkles is an absolute treasure! I love her!! Enjoy creating something amazing with your "hula hoop" fabric!!

  11. SIMPLESEW says:

    stopping by for the lovely eye candy…..have a great sewing week…..

  12. audrey says:

    This might be my favorite Tula story EVER. Also, I'm totally jealous!

  13. Ahh love it! Favourite magic suitcase tale yet!! That is so funny! Can't wait to see what you make with this bit of magic fabric!

  14. Kelly G says:

    I have truly loved this Magic suitcase saga! Grandma Sparkles is just the bees knees! Talk about total fabric yumminess! I can't wait to see what you create with it!

  15. What a delightful story because Grandma Sparkles inadvertently finds the pot of gold in the mid west fabric store. You tell the story so well Josh that I was chuckling from the first sentence.

  16. So jelly. Grandma Sparkles can adopt me any time she likes.

  1. June 6, 2016

    […] me a Magic Suitcase full of fabric, including a treasure trove of what are now Tula Pink rarities. Funny story, that one. I had no idea what I had been given would become what it is now. For nearly four years, it has all […]

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