Lava Lampalong: Week 03
So technically, per the original schedule, I think this is week four. But hey! We’re keeping it loose around here, so like Daylight Savings Time, I’m rolling it back to week three. It’s my lava lamp party and I’ll subvert time and space if I wanna. So how are your lava lamps coming along? Some of you might have eight or so, some four, some one… any one out there still waiting to get started? What’s holding you up! Is there anything I or other members of the Glitterati can do to get your lava flowing? Make sure you have joined the Facebook group to see the latest tips, fabric choices, and finished projects.
Molli Sparkles & The Glitterati Facebook Group
Do you not have time to make a whole quilt, but still want to add a lava lamp to your life? With a bit of alteration, this block can be squared up for the perfect cushion cover. If you add 4.5” horizontally to each fabric piece on the left or right (e.g. pieces A1, D1 and H1) the block will be big enough for you to square up to about 16.5”. You could leave this as is, or add a border to upsize it a bit more. These would be the perfect cushions for a camper trailer, college dorm room, or what am I saying, anywhere you wanna get a bit groovy, baby!

This is exactly what Fiona from Vlieseline Australia did with my pattern in the picture above. She completely made it her own, and you should too! My patterns are always a jumping off point for you to explore, alter, create and mixup to your liking. You’ll notice that Fiona even made the table higher on the right cushion! This was easily done with a different fabric placement on pieces D1 and G1. Fiona also used Vlieseline’s Vliesofix for the applique, then G700 as backing for stability on the cushion on the left, and G785 for more flexible structure for the one on the right. Speaking of Vlieseline Australia, should we announce some prizes?
Purchase Molli Sparkles Lava Lamp Pattern

Let me first announce our first winner of a Mettler thread sampler pack. This was randomly selected from those lava lampers posting a photo of their block anywhere on social media. Winner is … Lisa, IG: sewsontheweekends! (Lisa — I’ll reach out to get your deets!)

And while I’m here, let me announce another winner of a full cone of Mettler red thread! This is 2,743 metres (3,000 yards) of 60 wt silk-finish cotton thread. It’s amazingly strong to piece with, and I’ve done quilting samples with it too. This is just a random pop-up prize for posting two or more blocks in the Molli Sparkles & The Glitterati Facebook Group! Surprise!

And the winner is … Lyz Kershaw! Check out her magic mushroom induced haze of blocks below–I think I’m tripping lava lamps! (Lyz — I’ll reach out to get your deets!)

Next week, I’ll be at AQC, and will be drawing a winner from the #lavalampalong on Instagram only! So make sure you post all of your blocks there for a chance to win a Mettler swag bag. One post equals one entry. Show the world that you’re always a winner with Molli Sparkles and the Lava Lampalong.

Here’s a few of my latest film noir blocks. They’re just waiting to get plugged in and turned all the way on! I have a special technique planned for the lava blobs to give them a bit of dimension. The exact colours have yet to be decided, and I’d love to hear your thoughts!

These are great. You know what would be nice is if you could share how you made the squrcles for yours Molli. 😊