Cut It Up QAL: B06 – Super Card Trick
Even after ten years of quilting, I’ve never made a Card Trick quilt block. At the beginning of my quilting journey I was amazed at the slight optical illusion it creates, but now I’m like, yeah, pretty basic construction. That’s not me being a quilt block snob! I could never! It’s just that my skill set–and thus interest–has grown to those endeavours that have a bit more bite. However, I’ve still been intrigued by the Card Trick, so set about looking for any variations that might offer more of a challenge. That’s when I stumbled across the Super Card Trick!

I need to give all of the credit to Ellie of Craft Sew Create and her own inspiration which was from Best of Blocks from Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine. In doing a bit of reading on her blog, she found the original block constructed out of templates, and then went about creating a foundation paper pieced version. Her blog has been quiet for nearly eight years, so I’ve recreated the paper piecing pattern and hosted it here for easy access. I have no other information about the original designer, but kudos to them for taking the Card Trick up a notch!
Download Super Card Trick Pattern Here
As I said, this is a foundation paper pieced pattern, so you will need to know a bit about that. If you’re scared or intimidated by FPP, please don’t be! This is a very simple construction, made with large pieces of fabric, and no crazy angles to interpret. Yes, there are triangles, but if you’re new to FPP, just use an over-sized rectangular piece of fabric for those parts that you will then trim back. Scraps are a fact of life! You will need to print four copies at 100% scale. I repeat: four copies at 100% scale. The block alone will be 12.5″ unfinished (12″ when finished in a quilt top) unless you don’t print at 100% scale. See how I’ve mentioned that three times? Okay, then.
I’m not gonna teach you how to foundation paper piece but there are a thousand and one (I counted) online resources to help you with that. This is a really good block to practice with, so I hope you join me in making a few! Please join us in the Molli Sparkles & The Glitterati Facebook group to see all the variations! Remember to follow me on Instagram: molli_sparkles to see all of my progress on this Cut It Up quilt and many others!
I have done card trick and super card trick and my cards look like I dealt a game of “52 Pick-Up”. But I sew for dogs and kids and they don’t complain! How wonderful to have this pattern where I actually can see the swirl of the cards! I’m printing it as we speak. Rainbow? Shades of Gray? Thank you so much!
Look at you, lining up the rainbows and making a chevron in the loopy stripes – awesome sauce-some, puddin’ and pie!! And the rainbow card suits background is adorable. You have inspired me – once I get some fabric again, I shall attempt (cringe!) the Foundation Paper Piecing of Doom!!!
#MolliSparkles I’d like to use your block to teach Virtual Quilters, an online quilters group (Visit us, you’d love it–no rules) how to use freezer paper to foundation piece. OK if I send them to your site to download the pattern?