2021: A Year In Review

What a year 2021 has been! There’s been incredible highs and terrible lows, which is really not unlike any other year. Even though there was that pesky pandemic lingering in the shadows of our lives, I hope you all managed to find some of the good stuff too. This past year I really focused on clearing out my works-in-progress. I wanted 2022 to bring a new slate of ideas, and I knew I could never achieve that with these quilts lingering in the background. So with that in mind, I gotta let you know that I finished sixteen quilts and one cushion in 2022! This is definitely a record for me. There’s one recent quilt that’s not pictured, which I finished only a few days ago. Feel free to take a look below, and may the coming year bring even more fabric fun for us all.

Happy 2022 Mollie. I hope it is better that the last one or two. Your quilts are astounding. I think it is the fact that they are all so different and so creative. You make me realize that translating the pattern into cloth isn’t art as much as paying attention to the what next. The movement of colour or the subtle changes on tone make these quilts art pieces. Thank you for sharing.
Such wonderful pieces! Your fearless use of color is so exciting. Wishing us all a happy, healthy and quilty 2022!
Wishing you a wonderful new year. You inspire us. Thank you!
What a lot of nice work which I really like, and I especially LOVE Field Of Dreams! Best wishes to all.
Your quilts and photography are beautiful. Can’t wait to see what you make in 2022!