
Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

5 Responses

  1. Joan says:

    Stunning in it’s simplicity! But perfect to show off the fabric! Like most of the fabric – I hate to cute them, like destroying their magic power! Went back to visit the Baby Rainbow, still awww-inspiring. Thanks for sharing the info about cost/pricing. I only do gifts or charity – but it’s good to know where to start the bidding. Thanks again

  2. cheryl says:

    It’s gorgeous, spectacular use of the ombre goodness. Pre-done pattern and jelly, but placement will make or break. You are made – maid! – servant of the color!

    And the costing, argh. I just finished a quilt along where I took at least 20 hours a month for 7 months, selecting/creating/re-designing/assembling.

    I take it to work to show off, all proud mama bear, telling them I’ve been at this since April. And what do they do?!? “Wow, have you thought about making those to sell? You could charge, like, a hundred dollars, maybe two!”

    Are they !@#**!! kidding me?!? These are ALL people with degrees and good paying jobs. They have no idea how long it takes, no idea of the amount of design knowledge used to keep it from looking like crap, no idea of the actual assembly time. Just plain No Idea.

    So yes, keep schooling your peeps in the costs of the world. And we shall chirp on, yea verily yea!

  3. Mindy says:

    Wow! Wow! WOW! I love this on so many levels! Moda. Hombre. Fairy dust. Metallic. And your spot on craftsmanship and design eye. Plus sewing on the bias and all the points meeting! Wowza! Love it. 💕

  4. Katie says:

    Wow! All that twisting and turning was worth it!! All the fairy dust!!! 😀

  1. April 11, 2023

    […] finished this quilt top in November, 2021 after buying a  V and Co ombré, fairy dust, jelly roll. Click here if you’d like to read a more detailed history and process of making this quilt top. Suffice […]

Spill the truth tea.