Sunday Stash #282 – I Have This Thing With Teal

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

13 Responses

  1. Sue says:

    Teal is a fantastic colour, I love most of the blues butvteal is my fave. Interestingly though teal and red work well together!

  2. Nancy says:

    What an incredible insightful post. I appreciate it because it is is easy to get sucked into changing ourselves from r others. And colour is one way it manifests itself. I love teal. I love it because it reminds me of the ocean and it has nuances (like me). And because it ranges from blue to green so varigated material or yarn looks spectacular.Thanks for sharing.

  3. Trude says:

    You always have a way with words…that leaves me thinking about it for hours… days… weeks…relationships with moms are so complicated… know you’re not alone… my mother had a rebellious relationship with red too!

  4. Sharon says:

    While red is flashy, vibrant and racy, teal is calming, soothing, has depth and character.

  5. Jane says:

    Molli, you can really tell a story Red inspires a love/hate relationship for me, too. I am just getting acquainted with teal. Can’t wait to see what tealness you are sewing. xxoo

  6. Trude says:

    I had a neighbor add teal trim to their cream house…it was stunning!

  7. Ellen McCarthy says:

    Molli, dare I write this? Your writing, wit and insight sparkle. Love your posts. Xx

  8. Jean Blythe says:

    When I was asked as a young girl what my favorite color was, I had to admit that I loved blue and green equally. Since then I have discovered that I actually love turquoise more, a combination of the two! Thank you for your insight as always. Xoxo

  9. Rebecca says:

    Beautifully written 👌🏻 Sparkle on SB 🥰

  10. Lesley says:

    Loved your story <3 At school my house colour was yellow so I always thought it had to be my favourite colour. Growing up I realised that blue was my favourite and to this day I love most shades of blue. I also have those teal scissors and looking at them right now! So from now on, I'll always think of you when I'm using them 🙂 Thanks for the smiles I get when reading your posts. ((hugs)) to you both from the UK x

  11. Tamara says:

    Well, that’s out there now! After years of hard work, I’m glad you have found your own true color.

  12. Harindu says:

    Hey Molli, really appreciate your stuff!

  1. January 16, 2022

    […] in April 2021, I recounted in Sunday Stash #282 that I have a thing for teal. Okay, so truth tea time: I think “a thing” has severely […]

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