Molli Sparkles Shirt and Tie Pattern
Okay, y’all need to settled down! I’ve been inundated with requests for me to release my Molli Sparkles Shirt and Tie pattern! Clearly, some of you are thirsty for this fash-yun! Well that’s okay, because I’m giving you a soft launch for this pattern release right now. I was hoping to have more blocks suited up before the release, but they’re still in varying stages of undress!
Buy Molli Sparkles Shirt and Tie Pattern Here

I’m still going to be making more blocks so I can get you a finished quilt top for inspiration as well! A little insider secret: I’m actually making two different quilts with this block at the same time. When inspiration strikes, let it wash all over you. (Just make sure you loosen your tie first!) Maybe some of you will beat me down the runway!

Buy Molli Sparkles Shirt and Tie Pattern Here

Dots, checks, paisleys, stripes, and basically whatever avant-garde stylings you choose will work with this block. This block would also serve as the foundation for a memory quilt with actual shirts and ties. I want to see what you’re doing! So have a look at my Instagram molli_sparkles and the #mollisparklesshirtandtie so you can follow along with all the latest trends.

Love this. What a great idea to use this for a memory quilt!