Spice Up Your Life Cushion
It all started with a few simple rail fence quilt blocks. I hadn’t made any of these in years. Meh, a bit simple, why waste my time? That is until my good friend Alyce Blythe from Blossom Heart Quilts came-a-knockin’. “I’m releasing a book called Mini Masterpieces,” she said, quickly followed by, “Remember all those favours you owe me? Well, I’m cashing them in!” She may have even called me the b-word, but I took that as a compliment so no harm done.

Fortunately for her, I had a fabric stack ready to go. I mean, who amongst us doesn’t have thirty-seven or so fabric stacks ready to go? If you and your fabric aren’t ready for the quiltageddon, how you gonna make some quilts in times such as these? Always be prepared. And here I was, telling her, “Okay, Miss Thang, let’s do this then!” So that’s basically how I got hogtied into this gig making some rail fence blocks. Honestly, I wouldn’t have had it any other way!)

So Alyce’s book is all about using basic construction techniques to make mini quilts. I know a lot of you out there love a good mini — I prefer a mani/pedi, but they don’t keep you warm at night. Well neither does a mini quilt if we’re dishing the truth tea. However, the projects in Mini Masterpieces allow amazing introductions to the tasks, as well as jumping off points for larger or more complex projects. Take mine for example: instead of a mini quilt, I ended up spicing it up to a cushion.

I never would have even fathomed using the modest rail fence block as inspiration for a cushion. Yet, here we are, both looking fabulous, because of the simplicity of the design combined with the boldness of the fabric choices. In all other scenarios I had been struggling to find the right pattern for this over-zealous peacock fabric. I was trying to over-design with it, not realising my error until I had my nose in Alyce’s Mini Masterpieces book. It really gave me room to take a step back, a bit of permission to simplify my thoughts, and inspiration to boldly create in a different direction. I got all of that from one chapter; imagine what you could get out of the entire book!

If you would like to take your own journey from mini to masterpiece using Alyce’s Mini Masterpieces book, you can enquire here. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy my photographic journey of the Spice Up Your Life cushion I made. Those stripes from Tula’s All Stars make amazing cushion backings, or even linings. (I used them for both!) Oh, and if that perfectly matched pom-pom trim ain’t got your juices flowing, check your pulse because you’re probably dead!

Love your Pom Poms :p
I love it!! You elevated the nondescript couch cushion
into an art piece. Plus the satisfaction of a finish. Whoop Whoop
I am buying the book.
Ms. Sue