Book Hop: Mini Masterpieces + Giveaway Winner
Oh ladies and gay lords, it’s a good, good day. It’s one of those types of days where I need to put on my Lee Press On Nails. Yes, it is exactly that type of special occasion! You see, one of my favourite people, Alyce Blyth from Blossom Heart Quilts, is releasing a book called Mini Masterpieces. It’s my job as hype-gurrrrl to get you all shades of excited about this endeavour. To get us started, I’m going to show you some of the blocks I’ve made from the chapter about strip piecing (ahem!) and then leave you with a giveaway!

When Alyce — that’s pronounced “a lease on life” not “Alice in Wonderland” — told me she had assigned me a very special chapter (with a chuckle), I knew I was in for it. As I opened my pre-release copy to Lesson 2: Strip Piecing, not only was I not surprised, gurl, I was encouraged. I mean, I’ll always be the one to take it off for a good cause! Show me a dollar and I’ll make you holler!

If you’re new to quilting, the term strip piecing could easily be misconstrued for something more nefarious. And believe you me, even as a longterm quilter, it still can be! As Alyce writes, “When there are many identical units or blocks that contain squares or rectangles, you can often save time by piecing them together into larger strips or rows first and then sub-cutting to the required size.” If you’re not strip piecing yet, your world is about to go from strip mall to the Vegas strip.

Additionally, Alyce’s book takes you on a journey through twelve techniques that give you building blocks for larger projects. However, the larger projects you’ll be making are all mini quilts! These Mini Masterpieces can be used as wall hangings, turned into cushions, or for those wanting to go the full stripper pole, combined into larger-sized quilts. These little preview blocks took mere minutes to make, and I’m already crushing on their colours!

Once you have the foundations of these blocks and techniques, I’m sure I’ll find you swirling upside down à la J.Lo in Hustlers. Besides sewing, isn’t that what you do on weekends? If not, come over and I’ll show you how to really expand your repertoire! Until then, make sure you’re buying signed copies of Mini Masterpieces directly from Alyce’s website.

Some more good news: there’s a giveaway! I mean, really, what kind of Book Hop would this be without one? This giveaway is all shades of brilliant because you have the opportunity to win two spools of Aurifil thread that coordinate with the projects in the book. On this stop of the book hop the winner will be receiving Aurifl 1128 Light Blue Violet and Auriful 2021 Natural White.
To enter leave a comment with your stripper name (this can be real or imagined!) No judgements! I’ll circle back at the end of the book hop on 30 November and pick the most creative winner! [EDIT: The winner is Katrine Dukic, otherwise known as Lady Booty Juggles!]

November 18 – Simple Squares
Sarah from Sarah Ashford Studio – @sarahashfordstudio
Janice from Better Off Thread – @betteroffthread
November 19 – Strip Piecing
Molli from Molli Sparkles – @mollisparkles
Sarah from SariDitty – @sariditty
November 20 – Snowball Blocks
Ali from Arabesque Scissors – @arabesquescissors
Kitty from Night Quilter – @nightquilter
November 21 – HSTs
Andrea from 3rd Story Workshop – @3rdstoryworkshop
Caitlin – @caitlinpolden
November 22 – Flying Geese
Kirsty from Bonjour Quilts – @bonjour_quilts
Karen from Karen Lewis Textiles – @karenlewistextiles
November 23 – HRTs
Jemima from Tied With A Ribbon – @tiedwitharibbon
Rebecca from Bryan House Quilts – @bryanhousequilts
November 24 – Simple Curves
Nicole from Modern Handcraft – @modernhandcraft
Ava & Neve – @ava_and_neve
November 25 – Complex Curves
Elisabeth from Elisabew Quilts – @elisabew
Samantha from Aqua Paisley – @aqua_paisleyChristopher from The Tattooed Quilter – @the_tattooed_quilter
November 26 – Improv Curves
Aurifil – @aurifilthread
November 27 – Applique
Lauren from Molly And Mama – @mollyandmama
Sedef from Down Grapevine Lane – @downgrapevinelane
November 28 – EPP
Sharon from Lilabelle Lane – @lilabellelane
Jodi from Tales of Cloth – @talesofcloth
November 29 – FPP
Kristy from Quiet Play – @quietplay
Oh Molli, you are 2Cool4School!💋
I’ll be Betty✂️Piecer!
-Jean ❤
I love your block–simple, fast & furious. (please do not put me in the drawing though)
Fantastic – heard years ago strippper name & first pet and street name, so I’d be Goldie Roundhill 🤣
What do you want it to be? ;p
I’ll be Kitty K
Katemuststrip n’ flip 😂
Nancy the Stippler – wandering through fabric without care and abandon
Stripper name: Sassy BloMo Plank
Thank you for the chance to win
Boots Juicy Fruit
I’ll be Sewnaughty.
Aquinas Manuel or Percy Toy….depends which of pet’s and maiden names (mother/motherinlaw).
I’ve heard that your stripper name is your first pet and where you grew up. I would be Spot Ferguson. Not too glamorous, so I probably wouldn’t get too many tips! 🙂
(Haha! I’d be Whiskers St. Clair! Now that’s a good one! Still…I’ll keep my Betta✂️Piecer! -Jean ❤)
Hi, how about “Quilt Stripper”! Thanks for sharing!
How about “Stripping K in Ky” ??!!
Thank you!!
Hi!, so glad I found you, my name is Strippin Misty and I’ll be following You!!
Well, considering what the quilting bug has endowed me with, I would be called Fat Quarter!
Please put me in the draw. Stripping Sewist.
I actually used a Stripper Name Generator for this one (yes, there is such a thing!)
My name came back as:
Kitty Baby….meeeowww!
SassyChris but that’s lame. Love this book already.
I want to be Sparkle Gal
Beach Babe
Dayum, FuckMeRunningBackwards!!!
Well it hubby was a stripper (or a porn star 🤭) he’d be Brutus Homebush. I’d be Kitty Manning 🐱
I’ll keep it simple – Sewstripper!
I took a quiz to find my stripper name and the generator came up with: Sleazy Skiz
I also took a quiz to find my stripper name and it would be Dementia Lick. Ha! That is so funny! Thanks!
Melodious MAXimus…LOL!
I took a quiz my stripper name is sheila sapphire lol, I am worth more then a precious gemstone lol
I want to be … Scissor Cat 🐾
My stripper name would be Smoked Honey lol. Thank you for letting me play.
Rhonda Rotary
I’m not good at picking names but I guess I will be Cuddly Soft Teddy.
ZackieBower! Pet & street, sounds rather boring! LOL!
How does Glitter Stripper sound? This looks like a great book.
Belatrix LeGame is the name recommended by my daughter….we have had lots of fun with this as a family. I broke my husband trying to get him to participate!
Lady Booty Juggles says, “I just love Aurifil thread and learning new ‘techniques’ is always a good thang!”
Your blocks are awesome, love the fabrics.
How fun! Let’s go with Chrissie Cockatiel. Nothing nefarious intended…HA!
Giggles…. I adore your blog…. And my stripper name should be Stacy’s Mom
Oddly enough, the subject of stripper names came up at our house last night – I’m going with our best of breed from the discussion – Luma Nasty.
Lately my stripper name should be lazy lori, but lovely lori would be good
Molly, these are lovely. Today I think I’ll be Sassy Vermilion.
My pet name/1st street name is my favorite stripper name ever…Brandy Grand Canyon! So evocative! I love strip piecing…I often redo patterns to be able to do it because it just is so much better!
I love the strip piecing efficiency. My stripper name would be Dusty.
What fun! (Both the book and the question), I’ll be Pammy Whammy.
Lotta Dot says love Aurifil thread.
Bubbly button :))
This is fun! I’m StrippyHoSew. 🤩
Dainty Delight – this is much harder than it should be.
Ombre rainbow or Ombow for short
I think that my name is Easy Stripper, Easy Flipper, Easy Ripper, or ESIFER for short!
Hmmm…… I have never considered stripping….so My imagined stripper name will be “Hairy Houdini” because I can get out of all of it. LOL
I read your column in MAKE MODERN, so it’s great to see your strip blocks in this book hop! I just received my copy of Mini Masterpieces yesterday via Amazon Canada. I can hardly wait to get started! Your blocks vibrate with colour; love the skyscrapers… My formula name would be Toddy22.
My formula name would be Toddy22. I just received my copy of Mini Masterpieces yesterday via Amazon Canada. Your blocks vibrate with colour; love the skyscrapers… I read your column in MAKE MODERN, so it’s great to see your strip blocks in this book hop!