Grandma Sparkles Quilt Block – My Wig Testers
It’s about damn time, y’all. Yes, indeedy. Time to shake it out and release this Grandma Sparkles Quilt Block pattern to the world. This block has an illustrious history in my sketchbook. A few tales to tell if you know what I mean! It’s been coloured, chopped, put together and torn apart. This block has seen more action in my studio than the big, blonde wig I wear on Tuesdays! Yet, it’s still here to tell a story, and let you tell yours.

Here are a few blocks from my pattern testers to show you some different wig styles this block can produce. Whip your hair back and forth! While I can’t completely confirm, I do believe no wigs were snatched during the testing of this block.

Oooh Lourdes! Dan made two of them to show you the tessellation. Tessa-what? No, that ain’t a drag name… that’s the repeating pattern that is made when shapes are put together. It’s like having a room full of drag queens smooshed up against each other and noticing all that hair spelling out S.O.S.! True story!

Did you enjoy that? I know, I did! There’s nothing quite like seeing someone else try on your wig. Oh it looks good, gurl. That brings you full circle to me, and this wig is glued on with super-glue, Velcro, some hope and a prayer. If you’d like to start braiding your own version, there’s a link below. Let that colour set under some heat, and I’ll show you some finished projects later this week!

I love them all!
I love them all
Love it — Have it — Will start it on Sunday I think Thank you, and you had some awesome “wig” testers too
Love the triangle work almost a “card trick”. And the best color combos. The tiny “Love You” peeking out of the middle. Love ya back. Thanks looking forward to seeing them altogether.
After reading through the pattern, it suddenly hit me that you have some fantastic quotes on the instruction sheets. No wonder I love you 🙂