Sunday Stash #258 – Long Distance Shopping

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

12 Responses

  1. Paula Demanett says:

    Mollie Mollie Mollie. Love the red accented fabric and the pink is something I want for my stash. Green with envy

  2. Karen Seitz says:

    Hahaha — I hope your colleague is getting a little Molli-made somethin’ somethin’ for her efforts and excellent work!

  3. Wendy Hatley says:

    My husband went way a few years ago, he txted me saying. I bought you some fabric. Ye Gods I was astounded and intrigued! I had very low expectations but what he’d done is walk into a fabric shop, seen a (stunning ) range in my colours and asked for a fat quarter of each. The lady said “ oh I havnt cut fat quarters of those ones “ he said “ I’ll go next door for a coffee while you do it then! “ The fabrics were gorgeous and I was so impressed by his assertiveness.

  4. Ellen says:

    I completely stopped breathing. WHEW. She can shop for me anytime. They are lovely and I can almost feel them. You can tell a good person by the friends they keep – you are indeed blessed.
    Thanks for sharing them.

  5. Mary Ann Hayre says:

    Wow, love the fabrics. I’ve actually trained my children to get fabric for me whenever they travel, and now my grandchildren have started. Love it!

  6. JEAN says:

    Yes! What great fabric! What a lovely friend! My daughter and I call it “power shopping” and we’ve done it often between her urban DC area and these boonies in TN. Great job, Molli!

  7. Yes, I’ve had similar remote shopping experiences and you have described it to a T, an adrenaline-fuelled affair. Lovely additions to your stash!

  8. Nancy says:

    I have purchased online but not with the drama you describe. Do you think she will ask again? I am such a fabric snob. I love Liberty. But at $50 US I don’t have much :(. Love love love seeing your emails pop up on Sundays.

  9. CARO says:

    I would love to own some Liberty fabric…maybe some day. I love your drama so much!

    Your co worker did a fabulous job!

  10. Valarie says:

    Wow…now there a co-worker who has good fabric taste. Gorgeous!!

  11. Cloudy Wishes says:

    Oh how I love those fabrics! You’ve no idea

  1. October 28, 2018

    […] haven’t shown off! Hey world, look at my bits! Not those: these! Consider this part three of Long Distance Shopping and Long Distance Shopping Continued where I showcased the magic that is shopping through […]

Spill the truth tea.