Five Year Blogiversary – Giveaway
Holy guacamoles my darling Glitteratis! Today marks my five-year blogiversary. Colour me slayed like a carbon-dated fossil. Five years, where did that time go? Well, a few extra grey weaves dyed, a repeat prescription of Botox injections self-administered, and tens of thousands of dollars worth of quilting supplies: that’s where. If someone would have told me what sort of rabbit hole I was falling down five years ago, well, I would have brought an extra suitcase full of vodka. Geez people, head’s up next time!
Let’s see if we can recap some of this. That’s 680 published blog posts. That’s a blog post every 2.68 days–so that’s where all my free time goes. My initial thought was to link to my top five blog posts. And then I laughed, and LOLed, and let the fans blow my hair back like in an 80s hair band music video. You see, I don’t have just five blog posts that tell the story of Molli B. Sparkles. There are at the very least thirty-five! For those new to my brand of revelry, this provides a “thorough” and “bookmarked” read through my journey. The Cliff Notes version, if you will!
I do hope you’ll find something here you may have missed the first time around. Or this can be a bookmark-able feast of greatest hits for you to return when you have time.
07 September, 2012 – My first blog post.
30 November, 2012 – My First Quilt. My First TGIFF.
01 June, 2013 – My Right To an Anniversary
07 June, 2013 – TGIFF – A Proud Dad
08 August, 2013 – Broken Herringbone QAL – Announcement
04 September, 2013 – Blogjacking Freshly Pieced!
17 September, 2013 – Time To Trade Him In
27 September, 2013 – Arrival
07 October, 2013 – The Quilter’s Shirtless Man and Spicy Burrito Calendar
22, November 2013 – TGIFF – No Value Does Not Equal Free
23 November, 2013 – No Value Does Not Equal Free – Some Responses
21 March, 2014 – TGIFF – Costing Sheets
23 April, 2014 – If you can’t say anything nice…
15 May, 2014 – Dear David Butler
13 June, 2014 – TGIFF – Union Jack Surprise!
14 July, 2014 – Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair 2014 – A Winner & A Recap
22 August, 2014 – TGIFF – No Value Does Not Equal Free … It Equals $2,252.40.
17 December, 2014 – Sewing For Sydney – FAQ
14 February, 2015 – Missouri Star Quilt Co. & Me (WHAT!)
15 April, 2015 – When Juki Met Molli
31 May, 2015 – Sunday Stash #128 – First Prize
07 August, 2015 – Will You Marry Me?
01 October, 2015 – I Sleep On the Bottom Bunk
31 December, 2015 – 2015: A Year in Review
14 January, 2016 – Men and Quilting: A Response
21 February, 2016 –Winning
28 May, 2016 – No Value Does Not Equal Free – It Equals Sold!
09 June, 2016 – Censoring: Don’t Be a Dick
10 December, 2016 – The Honey Pot Bee: Announcing
08 January, 2017 – Quilt Finish – Don’t Be a Dick
09 April, 2017 – Sunday Stash #219 – Pissing In the Wind
15 April, 2017 – Just Listen + Hey Mr. DJ Pattern Release
21 April, 2017 – #SewingForSydney: What Happened Next
28 July, 2017 – The Honey Pot Bee: My Blocks
“C’mon, I thought you said something about a giveaway?” Le sigh. Girl, if you’ve fast forwarded straight to this point without a momentary and celebratory pause at my wares, maybe you shouldn’t be trying to win any of them either. Snap! However-eva, if you are a true member of the Glitterati (no matter how old, young, new or blue) leave one comment below on this blog post.* I’d love for you to tell me your favourite blog post, series, finish, or things you’d like to see more of over the next five years. Maybe I’ll listen, maybe I won’t, but maybe you’ll win all these crazy goodies that I’ve sifted out of my sewing studio.
There are so many things in this prize pack, I don’t know even know what’s in it anymore! I’ve thrown in a heap of Anna-Maria Horner Pretty Potent scraps, a MoMo Oh Deer! charm pack, clips, speciality rulers for measuring cutting and quilting, a Martelli’s ergonomic rotary cutter with spare blades, threads, zips, bags, and more fabrics oh my! Good luck to all those who enter, and thank you for being part of my journey for any part of this past five years!
*This means to be entered for the giveaway, your comment must be made on this blog post right here at Leaving a comment on Facebook or Instagram is so thoughtful, and I’ll read it, and I’ll most likely respond to it as well. But it doesn’t count as an entry. This giveaway is of course open internationally. I’m hoping someone from Gary, Indiana wins.
Oh Molli. I looked at a block I had done through the eyes of my camera this morning and I thought of you. Let’s just say there were 3 circles and a strip of fabric perfected placed.

(I’ll send the photo to you.)
Well, I’m not from Gary, Indiana, but I’d love to win a bit of sparkle stash. I’ve only been reading a couple of months, so I’m not sure what I’d like to see more, except just keep on keeping on. Love ya Molli!!!
Thanks for all you do – I enjoy your blog. I’m not from Gary, Indiana. I’m from Albuquerque, but I’m married to a Gary, so that seems like it should count for something! Congratulations!
Hello from Nova Scotia Canada! By far my favorite blog post(s) are the ones about the Don’t be a Dick quilt. Those and the quotes from Mr. Sparkles got my husband laughing and every time he sees me on my phone he asks what Molli is up to! Happy 5th anniversary and a cheers for another 50!
I love your Sunday Stash posts and the ones where you shared about your trip to the US last year and all the shopping you did. The Sunday Stash are so fun because I get to see fabrics that I will never find here in the US. Thank you for sharing with us!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I enjoy all of your posts, especially those that are thought-provoking and, of course, your Sunday Stash reports. Keep doing what you’re doing, and have a safe trip to the states.
How about Moscow, Idaho? And I lived on the edge of the Grand Canyon growing up! Just found your blog a few months ago, so I’ll have to bookmark this post and read some of the past. Love your blog. What fabric can you get in Australia that we can’t get here in the states? That’s one thing that would be fun to see.
Is it just me? I tried to read some of the blog posts above, but I get asked for a user name and password each time.
I did as well. I even reset it, and it still didn’t allow me access. I was able to FINALLY see them, but not sure how, exactly!
What could be better than winning a goodie pack from THE modern SPARKLE Plenty?
Congrats Molli Sparkles. I love your outrageousness ( is that a word?) and enthusiasm. Here’s to five more years of sparkling posts.
Happy Five Years! I don’t need to be entered in the giveaway (I mean, if my name got drawn, I wouldn’t say no to the Oh Deer, but I’ve got so much stuff I should be doing a giveaway myself), but just wanted to wish you well. It’s been fun reading along over the years. I remember the first time I encountered you, which was when you posted a comment on my own blog during Sew Mama Sew’s giveaway week. I can’t remember what you said, but you made enough of an impression that I followed the link over to your blog.
Happy 5th blogaversary-I have only been with you this year, but always enjoy your read- lots of fun! Thank you, Susan
Happy 5! I’m a fan of your glorious Sunday Stashes and have enjoyed following along with the Honey Pot been even tho I haven’t made too many blocks yet. Maybe this winter life will slow down? Keep Sparklin’ and thanks for the giveaway.
Happy 5 yrs of blogging. Thanks very much for the entertainment mixed with useful information and delightful artistic expression!
Congratulations on your 5 years of blogging. I live on the other side of the world in New Zealand but would love to win this wonderful prize.
Oh wow, those highlights made me realise how long I’ve been reading your blog…! Such good stuff. I’d love to see more of your actual making — your style blows me away, but your finished work seems few and far between, given your prolific output. Still, given how much time you must spend on blogging, that’s no surprise! Love your work.
Funny, you can’t narrow it down to less than 35, but I’m supposed to? Charlotte, I love your posts about your darling daughter. Blessed, the both of you, you have a lovely family. Wish you were coming my way whilst you’re in the U.S., I hope Mr Sparkles is feeling better. Xox.
Molli–Happy 5th Blogiversary–I’ve been a subscriber for a short time but I already have a favorite block–your Honey Pot Bee ‘Queen Bee’ block. Grab your crown and celebrate all those blog posts you’ve written. As for the future, keep those comments from Mr Sparkle coming. I look forward to my chuckle for the day.
Pick only ONE? Thats a tough call! I love your humor and look forward to new ways you use colour! Yiu are an inspiraration.
As a Brit living in Canada, I LOVED your union jack quilt. I look forward to reading your posts and have done from the start! Congratulations on the last 5 years and I’m looking forward to reading as you ruffle plenty of feathers and throw lots of glitter in the next 5 years!
I love the honey pot bee. Please make it a never-ending bee! You can do it. Gotta fill the next five years with something, right? Your peeps are depending on you.
First of all, congratulations on your blogiversary – that is quite an accomplishment!! I first discovered you with your “Don’t Be A Dick” blog and became a loyal fan then. I have haphazardly followed along on the Honey Pot Bee – hey, I’ve made 6 blocks so far! – thru the blog and the facebook group. I really enjoy your take on things – thanks for sharing your talents!
One of the highlights of any day is a new blog entry from Molli Sparkles….always great entertainment, smiles, a little pathos….and fun projects! Delightful, thank you, thank you!
I liked reading about your shopping trips with your grandma.
Congratulations on hanging in there for 5 years! I read your blog for the entertainment value first and quilts second. My favourite is always your feather quilt. Here’s to another 5 years! Cheers!
I think my favorite post is about your “escape” from Oklahoma! I also like when you talk about shopping with your grandma. Were they the same post? Well, I’m 70, what can you expect? lol xoxo
Love your Sunday Stash and grandma shopping trips but by far my favorite black g post was “Don’t be a dick”. Here’s to many more blog post…sparkle on!!
Congratulations. A lot of times I must say I don’t agree I love Hobby Lobby. It is all I have and they treat us wonderful. Smiling, happy, helpful people. Every craft and fabric in one spot. Still, I love your DJ block. Keep writing and having fun.
The thing I like best about your blog posts, is that they always make me smile
No-one makes me laugh like you do! It’s hard to pick a favourite post but Grandma Sparkles would feature.
Well, cannot access the blog posts, however I do follow you via email and all your posts are…ehem….interesting and I love them all.
Congrats on the 5 year anniversary. The herringbone QAL link isn’t working though
I meet you at the Honey Pot Bee and now you have me hook line and sinker. Spreading the word in WA and showing off our journey.
Just keep sparkling Molli

I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs over the last 12 months since I discovered you one sleepless night.
Her’s to the next 5 years!
Happy 5th birthday! I first read your blog waaaaay back in 2012 so very happy you stuck around this long. Not sure I have a favourite post, maybe the truth tea one and the discussion of love it versus really, really like it!
Molli your dedication to fabulous and sparkle brightens up any day you post. I love the posts when you explore new shops all over the world, discovering new and old fabric. I cannot imagine what your stash looks like! Also loved the Craftsy dick “outrage” so funny, but highlighted the real lack of tolerance in middle America (that explains Trump!) I’m in the U.K. And love reading about your glitterati life!
Happy Blogversary. 5 years. How time flies.
I enjoyed reading some of your early posts. The pinny one was one of my favourites.
Congrats on 5 years! My favourite quilt of yours is your ‘Don’t be a dick’ quilt. Seeing that on Instagram just after I’d started exploring the online quilty community persuaded me that you were a quilter on my wavelength and got me following you. I also loved your blog post on the journey to get it and ‘I Sleep on the Bottom Bunk’ exhibited. If you ever come to the UK, let me know!
Molli, what I love best is the Honey pot bee. So many people having so much fun and learning all the time. I’ve never seen a negative comment, thats so refreshing. And it all due to you !
Congratulations! Wow five years is a long time. I really like your Sunday stash post, love seeing what someone else has in there hoarded collection! Thanks again for the honey pot bee, it has been great fun making all the blocks and seeing everyone’s results.
Happy 5 from MI! So glad I found you, loving the honeypot bee and all the fab inspiration!!
I love the monthly quilt blocks but I love the comradarie even more. Look at the following you have created… but look at the relationships you have helped forge through quilting. Thack you for doing this!!
I came to you page via the Honeypot Bee – and I just love your humor. I just read several of your blogs – love the one about quilt value and selling, shopping at Hobby lobby, etc. I really like the fabric you have in this give away. I’d love to win.
I am quite new around here and I have been enjoying the Honey Pot bee! Thanks for the list of interesting posts to read, I will sure to go back and see which amazing things I missed over the years!! Happy anniversary!!
I am not from Gary Indiana, but I have known you for a long while now.. through the Men who Quilt group and your blog. Congrats my friend
I’ve only been reading your blog since January so I really enjoyed reading quite a few of the posts that you linked. I think what I like the best about you is how you say what you need to say and (it seems like) you don’t hold anything back and your humor. Happy blog birthday!
Happy anniversary!
I love reading the stories behind your finishes, and rooting for you + Mr. Sparkles – here’s hoping for some wedding bells for ya both!
Happy 5!! I’ve only found you late last year. So this was a joy to see past posts. I love your post of your daughter and her fabulous apron! I am glad to hear that boring is the bad word. Keep on Sparkling!
My favourite posts are the Sunday stash. Congrats on five years!
Hi there 21st April
Congratulations!!! I don’t have a favorite post as I look forward to each one! I’ve found the posts and comments about valuing your quilts SO helpful, they’ve helped me to keep track of costs/time.
I’ve been following you (& I believe a member of the Glitterati) for about 3.5 years. We’ve met in person twice and I’ve made several of your quilt blocks or ones that you’ve shared. I can’t decide if the BH or UJ is my favourite! Congratulations on 5 blog years Molli! xo
Greetings from smokey Helena, Montana. We’re on fire here! Literally! I love seeing your ‘enhancements’ (to your stash). And I love it your ‘dare to go there’ quilts. Blog on!
I LOVE your “Don’t be a Dick” pattern! and I enjoy reading your blog even though I don’t comment much at all
I discovered your blog when you were asking for blocks for Sydney, which I made following your instructions then sent them off and they became part of a quilt going abroad! Very exciting!
Not from Gary, Indiana… more the southern part of New Mexico, but I have enjoyed being part of the Honeypot Bee, and learning the things about making quilt squares – especially that paper piecing. I really enjoy your sense of humor! I’ll be checking out more of your blog posts, soon.
Hi Molli, I really related to your blog post about ” low value does not equal free”. Not that I sell my quilts but several people have asked if I can just make them a quilt and have not come back to me when I tell than how much fabric etc they will need to buy.
I als find it really funny that we both shop in Hobby Lobby in Foley, I do hop Grandma Sparkles is safely out of the way of the hurricane.
Congratulations on your 5th blogiversary! I just found you a few months ago & love reading your past posts. Love your Honey Pot Bee blocks. Hopefully, I can join in the next time around. Not from Gary IN, but that stash of goodies will help me curate a stash for your next B here on the sparkling shores of Lake Martin in good ole Jackson’s Gap AL! Please keep us updated on you & Mr. Sparkles, love happy endings.
Congrats! Your posts have always been a highlight for me. You always have a unique perspective on many different subjects…all are interesting. I found the No Value posts very interesting. Keep blogging and sharing your quilting view and life view!
First, happy anniversary. Second, I have several blog posts that were faves. I love it when you stir things up like No Value Does Not Equal Free. You make us think. I loved and joined in with the Broken Herringbone QAL and I love my quilt to this day. I hope you will be blogging for a long time to come.
My favorite was your first quilt post. Having just started last year it shows me how much I can improve in the next 4 years. I love your honey bee blocks you are so creative.
I loved following your shopping spree here in the States earlier this year, Florida was my favorite.
Fun to revisit some of my favorites as well on your blog. Congrats.
I am a fairly new follower so I’m not sure what my fave post was…they are all so fun! I would have to say the theme of the posts I like best are about your fabric purchases! Can’t wait to see what comes next….
Happy 5 years! Thank you for this list. I’m a relatively new member of your glitterati squad, so this list will be a great way to catch up on all your fun times
Your Union Jack tutorial drew me to your work and I was blown away. I was very new to quilting and thought there couldn’t be many male quilters out there but I was wrong. Thank you for creating a welcoming and safe place for everyone who wants the same. Xoxo
Just found you! What fun I’m going to have back reading! Congratulations on 5 years of *Sparkle* and continue to Blog On! Love all the subjects I saw listed already going to start some reading now with my morning tea
I’ve started a fun trip through your “best of” blog list — so far I think my favorite has to be the. 2013 calendar shot! I bought the calendar for a couple of years but I must have missed that one… I just remember a lot of burly dudes.
Congratulations! I have been following you for a year, or so, and I love your work! Keep up with your thought provoking and glitterati creations!
Happy Blogiverary! Almost didn’t get to the giveaway – I was too distracted perusing new-to-me early posts! I love your ‘tude, truth tea, and sense of humor, the awesome tutorials and patterns, and your eye for color and style. The Honey Pot Bee has challenged me to try new techniques, I love Sunday Stash, and, probably most of all, I appreciate the stories you share about the meaning behind the quilts you make. I direct other quilters to your No Value Does Not Equal Free – We Are $ew Worth It post regularly as I believe this is a particular issue. Favorite finish? Probably No Value Does Not Equal Free because it made a giant statement in such a subtle way. In the future, I’d love more of the same; tutorials, bees, and general awesome quiltiness, delivered with your unique perspective on life and quilting. Basically, I am a huge fan and love your blog in general. In a completely non-stalkery, let’s have cocktails if you are ever in northeast Tennessee kind of way… Although, at the moment, I wish I lived in Gary, Indiana. Keep on sparkling Molli!
Congratulations on your five year anniversary!! I can’t believe I have been following you since the beginning! Your posts are what I read when I need a break from the world. I loved you Union jack quilt and all of your cheeky quilts (don’t be a dick, I sleep in the bottom bunk, etc). I am a part of The Honey Pot Bee, but a bit behind because I decided to go back to school. I love the stress free bees, I love seeing your new patterns and love the blog. Here is to many more years!
HI from the suburbs of San Francisco, CA! Love your blogs and looking forward to many more! Congrats on your first 5 years!
Congratulations! And I sure did enjoy rereading some of my favorite posts. I love a good conversation about things I care about.
When I first discovered your blog, I went back to the very beginning and read every single post — I enjoyed your writing that much. Many of your posts have inspired me, many have entertained me, some have made me think. If I must choose, one thing that sticks with me is your “No Value Does Not Equal Free” quilt. I want to make a quilt like it — using just those kinds of fabrics, a sampler of whatever proportion I can manage. I am fascinated by pattern, obvious pattern, hidden pattern, you name it. I also think of this post every time I am asked to put a value on something handmade. And not just monetary value, but human value and values, and those exemplified by our worldwide quilting community. I could go further, but enough said.
I have read many of your blogs…I love your sense of humour…amazing! Keep up the good words and wisdom…
Happy anniversary! 5 years! Wow! I haven’t been reading you for that long, but I was surprised to see that I knew nearly all the blog posts in your cliff notes!
I’m not from Gary, Indiana either but since it’s your birthday, I hope your wish comes true! In the meantime, I drink a glass of Champagne in your honour, I’ll hope you’ll have some too.
To the next 5² years of sparkling reading delight! Best wishes from France!
Congratulations on your being 5 years in the web world. I am new t it and only started my blog this year. I wish you the best in the coming years and may the sparkle be with you. Best wishes from Alberta Canada.
I truly enjoy the Honey Pot Bee and all the great patterns. My quilting time is pretty much full up, but I have downloaded and saved the blocks for future use. Currently, I am working on a queen sized quilt that has 20 blocks that are hand pieced and hopefully hand quilted. I also have two blocks of the month quilts on which I am a couple of months behind on each. I have three quilts waiting on my long arm to be quilted for my guild’s charity quilts. Every Wednesday, I get together with nine other sewers for 4 hours of hands sewing – embroidery, bindings, applique. I enjoy your site and you glitter! It tends to pull me out of my more traditional mode in color selection.
Happy Blogiversary!! I started following you after reading one of the “No Value Does Not Equal Free” posts. I love the Sunday Stash posts and really need to get working on my Honey Pot Bee blocks! I also love hearing about your shopping trips with grandma!
Congratulations to you and many more years of hearing about your fun travels on your blog. Keep sharing your talents!
Thank you for such a fun contribution to to the online world! I found your blog during the “Male Quilters” hoopla, and have enjoyed reading your conversation ever since! You bring spice and adventure into my inbox, and I enjoy it every time! Happy blogiversary, and many returns!
Congratulations on the BIG 5! I love all the posts, but “No Value Does Not Equal Free” is my favorite. Crossing everything–fingers, arms, legs, toes and eyes–to win
Thanks for the chance and keep on Sparkling!
I just have fun reading about your adventures with a whole lot of travel envy – would love to have guided tours in Tokyo. Keep on inspiring anyone and everyone to experience fabric manipulation!
5 years! I just started my blog a few weeks ago and can’t even imagine where to will be in that time, but I hope it is as popular as yours! Having just read some of your posts linked above, I have 2 favourites – your first quilt finish because I love your yellow colour choice and your message for Grandma, and the post about making the apron with your daughter which just had me LOLing
Here’a to the next five years x 
Congrats on year five. I look forward to reading each of your posts and have def enjoyed the Honey Pot Bee blocks. Keep on, you are making a difference.
Not Gary, but Cary! And not Indiana, but oh well.
Just keep on being you and that’s fine with me. My Sandbox loves all the glitter and inspiration too. Hugs!
Hello Sweet man!
Yay! A 5-year reign as ‘Queen’ of the bloggers…that’s my opinion! I first found you through the Herringbone QAL announcement and have enjoyed reading your triumphs & tribulations ever since! I LOVE the Honey Pot Bee and anxiously await the following month’s pattern(s). I know it is A LOT of work to put on a QAL…and by the way, you have done an awesome job…but it really gave me the push I needed to get out of a non-quilting funk I was in. I love your use of colour and fabric patterns to convey your message!
Happy ~wave~ from Pitt Meadows, BC Canada!
Thanks & Quilty Huggs!
Here’s to the next 5 years! I loved the Broken Herringbone QAL and the fact that I had a gorgeous quilt at the end of it (with an awesome supersized block on the back). I love your Truth Tea and your willingness to tackle difficult issues and say what you think.
I love your words on quilts. Especially after I used your alphabet and realised how freaking tiny those squares were, sheesh!! Anyway keep doing what you are doing, the world needs more glitter xoxoxox
Thank you for making me smile…… Never stop sparkling , creating and giving me new challenges
Mwah Briony
happy 5aversary. and clearly – the next 5 years require more David Butler memes.
Love it all, creating, shopping, trips, family. Happy Annivesary!
I love your vibe! It resonates throughout all your posts and quilts (I like the penis quilt) AND I like your conversations with Mr. Sparkles! When my three sisters and I were kids, we used to go around singing, “Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana STINKS, P-U!” I’m not sure why, but it has something to do with “The Music Man” and my Dad. Here’s hoping someone from Inglewood, CA wins! xo
I loved your “No Value” quilt at Quilt Con in 2016. I really enjoy your blog. I am looking forward to going back and reading the links since I am a new follower.
Congratulations! I love reading your blog. It makes me smile.
I’ve been reading your blog for several years. Honestly, my favorite item is the photo of you with glitter all over your face. That strikes me as a very risky thing to do (being of the ‘omg, glitter gets everywhere!’ school of thought). LOL! I enjoy your irreverence enormously.
I love your Don’t Be A Dick posts and the quilt. The post about your first quilt which you gave to your Grandmother touched my heart after I read the saying you stitched on it. While I’m not from Gary, Indiana, I used to live in Calumet City, IL and then Lansing, IL which isn’t far from Gary.
Congrats on 5 years of quilting and blogging. You’ve come a long way baby! Can’t wait to see where you proceed from this point forward.
It’s been quite a ride – my broken herringbone blocks have been popping up in my Timehop feed this week – congrats on the blog-a-versary. I admit mine has fallen by the wayside
I love you Molli, and am sad you won’t be visiting Atlanta on your USA jaunt. I have been to 10 different quilt shops in the area and some are quite good! One thing I love that you don’t point out on your finished posts (and you’ve done quite a bit of traveling so have not posted as many finishes in the past few months (there’s some truth tea for you)), is the Glitter Flecked Binding ™. You used to always show off your little contrasting parts of bindings, and haven’t done it in quite a while. Is the glitter flecked life over for you?! Anyway, I enjoy you, and finding new other quilters through your Stash Link Ups (Mary Lou Emmens is my Stash #Goals person). <3! Enjoy starting quilting kindergarten now that you're 5!!
Well Molli Sparkalotti, off the top of my head, I pick the Sunday Stash. One stash in particular had some fabric with an old vw Beetle printed on it. I would be in Super Beetle heaven to gave half a yard of that!
Please keep us smiling and don’t forget to take care of you and Mr Sparkles.
I’m not from Gary, but have been there. Here in Allentown, PA, I love your humor.
Happy blogaversary! I want to quilt with your Grandma! I do like getting glimpses into your non-quilty life. All the best for the next 5!
Oh, crap. This anniversary of yours means I’ve gotten a whole lot older, too! I think I joined in back around the apron because I distinctly remember the yellow pompom trim. But my perennial favorite is still “No Value Does Not Equal Free.” I took your file, tweaked it just a tad for my purposes, and have used it ever since for educating clients. Brilliant. Happiest of anniversaries, Molli!!!
Congrats! You’re such a joy!!!! Love your blog!!! I’m a mush pot! Loved reading the Marry Me entry! Such a happy photo! Thanks for all the smiles you send to so many!
I’ve been enjoying following along and sewing up the bee blocks! Congratulations and happy blogiversary!
HI Molly
I only discovered your blog about 2.5 years ago so i definitely had to read the previous blogs. I just howled when I saw the title: February 14, 2015; Missouri Star Quilt Co. & Me (WHAT!). Having attended a class taught by Jenny the thought of the two of you together was hysterical. I love Jenny and I love you and you both have a similar sense of humor but with very different content. Hope you got to actually meet with Jenny!
Didn’the find you until the Honey Pot be started. Looked back at some of your more risqué work and knew I wanted to follow you. Haven’t had time to sew for ages (trips, daughter’s wedding, selling house, buying house) but am saving each month’s patterns. Fun to see what you and everyone has done. Congrats on 5 yrs.
Congrats on 5 years!! My absolute favorite story/pattern is the Don’t be a Dick pattern and all the people who threw a fit over it. I actually just bought the pattern & i’m currently working on it. I go back to university in late september and I want to surprise my roomates with it and then leave it in our living room to show people!
My favorite post was the No Value Does Not Equal Free. I think the post opened some people’s eyes! Thank you Molli!
Well, I love dick and hate censorship, so naturally June 9, 2016 was my fav.
Hi dear one my favorite blog post was the one about where the Quilts for Sydney ended up and why as usual it was funny, kind and to the point.
Congratulations of five years in blog world! I am really enjoying the challenges that you monthly blocks pose. It is also fun to see all the ideas that people come up with to individualize their blocks. I wish you many more years of blogging and quilting.
It’s wild looking back and recognizing posts when i first started following you! I still remember sitting back and watching the stir that No Value Does Not Equal Free caused, as well as the chaos by the men in quilting debate. Thanks for keeping the truth tea especially honest, looking forward to more of it in the future!
Awesome prize! I’m another one not from Gary but please don’t hold that against those of us who aren’t. Your posts about you are sew worth it really resonated with me and have given me the confidence to challenge all the oh isn’t that lovey can I have one type of comments we all get. I also love your posts about Charlotte and watching her develop an interest and skills in the world of quilting. My other fav was your carefully crafted response to the anti-men quilting fraternity. Here’s to another successful 5 glittery years!
Happy blogversary . I first came across your blog way back in 2013 , a blink of an eye . Not from Gary Indiana I’m afraid but good old Belfast in n’orn irelan’ . Keep blogging !
Love you Molli! I have been enjoying for years and look forward to many more.
Molli, I’ve been reading your blog for ages but reread lots of your posts again & it was so much fun. Thanks for all those years & may there be many more sparkles

Happy Blogversary, Molli. I’ve been reading your blog for ages – I so enjoy the sparkles you bring to the blogging world. 2 Fave posts – No Value Does Not Equal Free, and Don’t Be A Dick. Long may your sparkles and trailblazing, thought-provoking posts continue.
Molli I just love Mr Sparkles Says. And of course all that fabric eye candy you scatter throughout your blog. Keep it up you always make me smile!
‘No Value Does Not Equal Free’ was so eye-opening and the day I became a fan and regular reader. As a huge economics nerd, I had never done the math on my quilts. And was so happy you had! Thank you for being you, and letting us all in on the sparkles! We need more of that every day!
“No Value Does Not Equal Free” was not just a beautiful quilt, but also was very interesting to think about the levels of intense labor and time etc that goes into such beauty. I also very much enjoyed reading the comments and responses people had to the entire subject. I’m also enjoying following the Honeypot Bee.
OMG, I missed the David Butler post, and just read it. LOVE IT!
Yay, congratulations! It’s awesome to be blogging for that long. Your No Value Does Not Equal Free is something I still reference – I just told my friends about it a couple of weeks ago! It’s important to value ourselves and our work and I thank you for putting your info about that quilt out there.
Happy 5th! I really enjoy your blogs.
I have only followed you for a short time, so I did look back at some of the things you listed. I knew that not all whites are the same, but it was still interesting to see your collection sewed together. And it made for a very nice piece. I also like the bright colors you used in your Union Jack and Sewing For Sydney.
Congrats Molly, this is such a big accomplishment…680 accomplishments to be exact! I could never do it!
Well, congratulations on your fifth blogiversary! All of your blogs are awesome, but I especially liked the Don’t be a Dick blogs. Thanks!
Well, I am a relative newbie to following your blog, and I loved going through some of the 35 highlights you posted. I’ve always wondered the story of the Don’t Be a Dick block (and quilt) and that was fabulous to read (although, geez, those folks who complained? Seriously??), and your “bottom bunk” quilt….love it!! Not sure where Australia stands on marriage equality….I hope you get those wedding bands soon, if you haven’t already. Coming up sometime in my near future is making a quilt for friends who were just able to marry this year here in the US, so hopefully your turn is coming.
Anyway, long-winded way to say, I love your entire blog, your personality, your quilting….I was shocked and inspired and a little chastised to realize you and I started quilting right about the same time. Gulp. I need to step up my game!
Congrats on 5 years of blogging and quilting, and can’t wait to be able to wish you a happy 5th wedding anniversary, too! May that day come quickly!
Not from Gary either. You inspire me Molly. Would love to win. Blessings
No Value Does Not Equal Free…a real Glitterati eye opener. Fabric and Thread artist here…Sparkling on !
Molli I love all your blog posts. I have laughed, I have cried and I have revelled in your irreverant sense of humour. I see sparkle dust on each and every entry. I think it is the posts that you challenge us to look at our beliefs, our values and to express them in art. So probably I appreciate the ones where you have talked about “Don’t be a Dick” quilt or Men and Quilting. However your way with words and the way you bring us into your glitter empire is absolutely wonderful. You know Mollie if you and Mr Sparkles ever retire, you could spend a year gallivanting all around North America as we show your our fabric stash and take you to endless quilt stores. Your plastic would quite literally melt. So hats off to you and lets enjoy the next 5 years of Molli blogs.
I like/d the mini series on No Value Doesn’t Equal Free. Very good series and it is still a topic that pops up from time to time.
Happy 5 Years! Until I looked back through your list I didn’t really realize that I’ve been reading along since 2013. =) Love the blog posts!
14 January 2016, that was the blog post that introduced you to me. After reading the ‘Men in Quilting, a Response, I was a follower! Also love don’t be a dick, because, well, it’s a cool dick quilt! You also broke my heart with the post about Mr. Sparkles being in hospital and being denied the right to be his legal husband. As a Canadian, I don’t understand Australia’s refusal to enact same sex marriage.
Just found you Molli. Will have to read up on your previous blogs.
What a trip down memory lane. Congrats on your 5th anniversary. Loved the Proud Dad post, and the no value posts. I can see why it was difficult to choose your top posts! I always look forward to reading your posts. Keep sparkling on.
I found your blog when you announced the Honeypot Bee, but have enjoyed reading your blog in general ever since! I had gone back through & read past posts then, but am glad you added your list here–I just read a few more. Thanks for all the fun! And your blog is the mostest-bestest fun I know of!!
I love too many of your blog posts to just pick one. My best moment was getting to meet you at Quiltcon 2016. Your button is my favourite and my motto for life. Happy 5 year blogaversary!
Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary. I have been following you since I discovered Bloglovin. Thank you for the giveaway!!!
I have been a blog reader for about a year when I was linked over her to read your posts on “No Value Does Not Equal Free”. I liked the cut of your jib, and stuck around.
Congratulations on 5 years! I think just keep bringing thought provoking content mixed with your personal style and colorful essence and I will be a happy reader.
I have been reading for several years (but alas commenting very seldom). I like them all – just continue being you!!
Happy anniversary! I love when you dish out your truth tea on the costs of making…and when you defend our honor and demand acknowledgement and conversation about those costs.
It is very difficult to chose one, however , ” No value does not equal free” stands out. Your blog is full of inspiration but the overwhelming tone of acceptance of those with different tastes and opinions is what appeals most to me. At Quilt Con in Pasadena I stood gawking at your ribbon adorned quilt explaining to my daughter the catalyst behind the quilt and the conversations it spurred. We both agreed it was deserving of the award… So beautiful in person. I got a picture with you that day and my “Glitter Like you mean it ” button to prove to my quilty friends that I had actually met Molli Sparkles the sewlebrity..
my favorite posts are your Sunday Stash posts
Hi! Congratulations on 5 years of blogging! The Don’t Be A Dick quilt caught my interest. Then, I gobbled up post after post from the Related post suggestions and I was hooked. I Sleep on the Bottom Bunk, No Value, Sunday stash posts…I love your wit and sass, stories about your personal life, how you use color, seeing your Asia hauls, the Honey Pot Bee… As of a couple years ago, I read a bunch of blogs regularly then I stopped reading all of them. Most became stuffed with sponsored posts and the content was dull/detached. Finding your blog and Instagram was refreshing and I look forward to your new posts.
Happy 5 years and many more! The blog that I like is where your niece is sewing the planets as a school project. It is always good to share you sewing knowledge. Also quilters can’t get enough of looking at fabric, so anytime you post your purchases is enjoyment.
Congratulations! Wow it’s already 5 years? I like to read your humorous posts, but not always my translator google translates everything. I used your Todal Pool test pattern and it was fun! Greetings from Poland Molli!
Happy 5th! I’ve followed your blog for several years now. I love all your posts on your fabric hauls (wish I was shopping along with you). I loved low value doesn’t equal free. It should make all of us think about the value of our craft. Thanks for your humor and truth tea.
Your anniversary is making me feel old Darling, since I’ve been here since [very nearly] the beginning! Keep on being awesome.
CONGRATS 5 yrs…and I just found you lol
I love the sparkle stash you have put as a giveaway. Oh! what goodness and eye candy!
Hope I win and am able to continue with the Sunday Stash for a while without going bankrupt or being thrown out of the house for usurping the husband’s office clothes cupboard…ha ha
Am not from Gary, Indiana but then, ‘Does India count’
Well I mostly love your sense of humour and your willingness to take on difficult subjects. I’m enjoying the honey pot bee when I have time to get to it.
Really enjoy reading your blog. Love seeing you stash posts. Thanks for doing the honey pot bee quilt along.
I first heard of you for your “No Value Doesn’t Equal Free” post years ago which I had bookmarked and referred back to several times since then. So happy to reconnect with you when the Honey Pot Bee came along. My favorite post is the yellow quilt for your Grandma. The world does indeed need a lot more yellow!
Your doing a great job. Keep it up.
Thanks for the sparkle you bring to my blog feed. My favourite posts were those where you addressed the value of what we do. Your costing chart gave me permission to say no to anyone asking me to make something for a ‘friend’, my sewing brings me joy and I don’t want that sucked away by having to make something my heart isn’t in.
And my favourite finish was your version of AMH feathers quilt… seeing that quilt in ‘real life’ at the quilt show a few years back was a highlight!
Congratulations on your blog-aversary! I love your humor, sensibility and sensitivity in addressing a broad range of subjects while you jam at puns and speak with passion. I love Sunday mornings to see what you are up to!
Well, I follow you religiously, Molli. Read each one of your posts. Sometimes you make me laugh, sometimes you make me think and you have made me cry – at least on one occasion. The post that stands out the most is – I sleep on the bottom bunk. Because I asked you the meaning of it. And you very kindly (and in a matter-of-fact way ) provided the answer. Ahem!
Thank you for your truth tea. It may be refreshing or scalding but we all need it. Lots of love, hugs and best wishes on your anniversary. May you have many more!!!
I would like to see more of your actual quilts
I loved your controversial pattern. I love that you are yourself. I also love seeing what you buy. For some reason this is really interesting from only you and not anyone else. Hah. Can’t believe it’s been 5 years! Congrats!!
So many wonderful blog posts… I got a big kick out of the Jan 17 “Don’t Be a Dick” post, especially when reeling from the Trump election. Your pattern is so sparkly. I checked out your blog this evening looking for quiltspiration and here is an anniversary! Congratulations on your perseverance. One of my frequent likes is your Sunday Stash series. You really have a magnet for the awesome and odd fabric. Thanks for hosting a giveaway, and have a lovely vacation in the US.
I’m really loving the honey pot bee! But I want to tell you that I truly enjoy reading your blog. Your storytelling ability is so captivating!
My favorite blog post is the story of Grandma Sparkles meeting Hula Hoop, AKA Tula Pink! But honestly, I enjoy all of your blog posts. You really have the gift of gab, and you are a born story teller!
I love the fabric shopping posts!!!