The Honey Pot Bee: March

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

6 Responses

  1. Amy says:

    Thank you for putting this together, Mol 🙂 Be sure to have a gin and tonic for me while you’re there!!!!

  2. Quilter 501 says:

    Love, love, love these two new blocks! Such fun variations! Who says there is nothing new in the world? Off to the sewing room……

  3. Thank you Molli for this bee which is just amazing! Again fantastic and inspiring blocks! If the colours match, all the blocks will make beautiful quilt. Time surely flies! I thought ‘oh, when it’s time to see the next blocks’ and now here they are. Have a great travel! Hyvaa matkaa! Καλο ταξιδι!

  4. Amanda says:

    I am in love with that cure envelope!
    So mane applications come to mind, Thankyou again

  5. decaffeinatedcycleb7e9ec4591 says:

    Gorgeous blocks, but they will not let me click on the blog. Please invite me?

  1. May 6, 2017

    […] March […]

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