Sunday Stash #217 – Fabrics By the Pound!
Okay, time to get my butt back in gear with these blogging shenanigans. As I mentioned in my last The Honey Pot Bee post, I haven’t been firing on all cylinders, instead choosing to step out of the blogging world for a bit. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been creating! I’ve been quietly stitching and organising over the past two weeks since I’ve been home, and what a joy it has been! You’ve probably also noticed there hasn’t been a Sunday Stash in a few weeks either, and while at first I was reticent, now I see the world didn’t fall apart. However, since I blew every fabric budget I have ever had out of the water while visiting Grandma Sparkles in Alabama, it’s about bloody time I started showing you what went down. It’s taken me nearly two weeks to get it all unpacked, ironed, folded, photographed (nearly done) and put away, so it’s gonna take more than one Sunday Stash to reveal it all! (You’ve no idea.)
So let’s just start with the first place I visited, called Fabrics By the Pound in Summerdale, Alabama. This fabric warehouse was a quick jaunt from Grandma’s house, so it was the obvious place to start. I always forget I should start small, but for some reason (gluttony?) I always seems to start with a bang! These are probably my two favourites, as they are already destined for WIP quilt backs. Have you ever seen anything as joyous as that stripe?
The divinity of this place was that it was a treasure trove of forgotten or misplaced bolts of fabric. As Grandma Sparkles and I walked through the many rows of shelved fabrics, I found myself saying to her over and over, “OMG, this is [insert designer name] here, from 2012 and is now OOP!” It was all such a Willy Wonka moment of fabric overload. I don’t think Grandma Sparkles realised how much info was stored in this pretty little head of mine, but it all came flowing out. Then these two fabrics happened! I just love everything about them, and in how many different directions my brain goes when shopping. I will love everything from pastel painted plaid, to a black dyed batik (that has a serpentine richness to it in person).
So the below picture is after the first pass. That’s how I like to shop: I do a full sweep of the entire store, then go back for a second round whereby I pull all the bolts I think I’ll want. Then I do a third sweep where I pull additional bolts. When all the bolts are laid out, I put about a third of them back (and usually half of those come back to the cutting table). Finally, once all bolts are decided, I choose either my standard cut (half yard), a potential backing fabric (four yards), or if I love-love it, just sell me the bolt!
Sometimes you just buy fabrics, just because right? Well this was one of those moments. Like, when ever in your pretty little life would you need a Kellog’s advertisement fabric? Well, if that time ever comes, I am duly prepared!
What follows is just a jungle of fabrics that I liked, and I felt needed to be added to the stash. Most are from designer fabric houses, many released before I even started sewing. While I was at the cutting table, a couple of older, distinguished ladies looked on in shock at my ever growing pile. I could tell they had thoughts of, “What is that fool doing?!” Grandma Sparkles politely sparkle-splained them, giving them the skinny on the fabulous creature that I am. (Don’t you love how grandmas have always got your back!?) So anyway, enjoy the fabric pictures, and if you’re with me, feel free to let you fabric freak fly!
P.s. If anyone is needing the details on any of the fabrics pictures here, leave a comment and I’ll respond for everyone to see!
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Wow, fabric overload for sure, and every one is chosen for a special reason, or just because it was there. What joy to unpack, to display, run your hand over, and rearrange to your heart’s content. This is a quilter’s dream.Enjoy, as we will when we see them sewn into a quilt or a wall hanging or a bag. Thanks for the beauty.
I am green with envy. Love them all (but some more than others).
What are the woodgrain fabrics in the last picture? I have a WIP that needs a woodgrain fabric and I think the middle fabric in that pic might be the one!
Hey Genevieve – On the left is Opal Owl by Tina Givens for Free Spirit, and the middle is Woodgrain in Dark Green from Aviary by Joel Dewberry. Joel Dewberry has a whole range of woodgrains in just about every colour, released in various collections of his.
They are all wonderful! What a great shop you have found, would . You be willing to share the name and address.
Yup! That is definitely a Fabrics by the Pound haul. I think I commented when you first mentioned it, but this shop is about 5 minutes from the RV park where we lived for three winters in an attempt to avoid Maine winters. It was a great park, had an awesome quilt guild and we all spent many pennies (x100) at Fabrics by the Pound. I even recovered my chairs with some of the fabulous uphostery material on the other side of the store. So happy to see a few FbyP slides and glad to know you enjoy it too.
It sounds like you had an amazing time time with Grandma Sparkles. If I remember correctly she’d been injured and you auctioned your Tula Pink fabric to help her with bills, I hope sh’es doing ok now.
That is a LOT of yum. I’m eager to see what else the magic suitcase(s?) yield from this trip!
Fabric by the pound! What a concept! I don’t know how you could have limited yourself in a place like that! What a fun haul full of lots of potential!
Molli– I would expect nothing less than you to return from your trip with a truckload of fabric. Can’t wait to see it all.
OMG……my dream trip and shopping! And it brought tears to my eyes. Although I am a retired senior, there isn’t a day go by that I don’t think about my grandma. She too is the one who encouraged me and gave me the gift of the STITCH bug. But most of all she was just always there for me. She was six feet tall …as am I… the midst of a shorter family…..and she helped me stand tall and be proud of it. What is truly amazing is that she only had one arm and taught me to sew, knit, crochet, embroider, and tat! Of course I do hold my needles a little strangely!! My goal in life is to grow that beloved in the lives of my own grandchildren! Thanks for these candy….and a morning of memories!
OH MY! What a haul! I would love to hear about the pixelated floral print

Me too!
That’s from Habitat by Jay McCarroll for Free Spirit. Interestingly, he was the winner of Project Runway Season 01!
I haven’t let myself “free” to shop like that maybe… ever. It sounds like a super fun way to go. And it’s very smart to buy enough yardage for backings. I have realized lately that I am having to but backing for all my projects and it’s time to start committing to some real yardage to have on hand.
I am sitting here drooling:) By the way, we moved to AL almost 4 years ago. Where is Summerdale? We live in Tuscaloosa.
Have stopped in Paducah to shop and had lots of fun shopping just as you did. For those who don’t know — Hancocks of Paducah is not part of the Hancock Fabric chain. It is a hugh warehouse of fabrics. One time the woman checking out in front of me just had one item. I knew right away she was a local:) Those of us who live a long way away leave with a big shopping bag of fabric:)
I too wood (LOL) like to know about the wood-grain fabric. I think it might work for an attic windows quilt. Thanks, Mollie!
On the left is Opal Owl by Tina Givens for Free Spirit, and the middle is Woodgrain in Dark Green from Aviary by Joel Dewberry. Joel Dewberry has a whole range of woodgrains in just about every colour, released in various collections of his.
Oh, the woodgrain fabric, I would have loved to find that bolt!
Molli, I gave up buying quilt fabric for Lent – had to get control of my stash some how… But I didn’t give up coveting other peoples stashes – thanks for letting me drool. Love your taste in fabric.
Can’t wait to see what the Kellogg fabric is “just right” for!
What a lovely trip and what awesome fabric! Good to know you had a great time with grandma Sparkles. I am glad you are back and so is Sunday Stash…missed those weekend adventures badly…now let me run and make some Honey Pot blocks
How did you get them all home?!! Did you each take an extra bag just for this?
Oh my. We live in GA and prefer the mountains but this gives me a reason to head to the Gulf. Just don’t tell my husband;-)
Just the name of that shop!! sounds wonderous!
OMG I used to live in Mobile, Alabama and every time I go back, I head to Fabrics by the Pound! It’s like a huge candy shop of fabric goodness!