Ten Things On Thursday – 16
This has been a positively fantastic week! I hope you are feeling the same! I’m not even stressed by the holiday season. Unlike a lot of you, I don’t do crafty-holiday gifts because why would you do that to yourself?! I do not need any of you sweating glitter bullets trying to make thirty-seven mugs rugs on the Twelve Days of Christmas. Stop, breathe, have a drink (or few) and just enjoy the season. I’m sure Uncle Betty would rather receive a Condom Kingdom gift card than your mug rug anyway! Ow! Don’t take offence, just take some time off instead. Mmmkay?
- Oh my gosh. I officially launched what I’m gonna be working on next year: The Honey Pot Bee! I’ve had this idea on my brain for the past six months, and I’m so glad it has come to fruition. I almost backed out completely from making it happen due to fear of failure. (Happens to the best of us.) Well, there’s no turning back now!
- I got a new phone this week, and hence a new camera! I am beyond excited to see what happens with my photos. Plus all the exciting camera accessories I can request for Christmas!
- Speaking of, I bought my first Christmas present from Mr. Sparkles. He’s not very good at figuring out what a complex creature like me might want, so I say, “this, this, and a whole lot of that!” Oh, and is it weird that I asked my mother-in-law to buy me comic book boards? Us, quilters, I tell you what!
- So that project management course I was in last week nearly killed me. It’s called PRINCE2, and it was condensed into a week. I kid you not, by Friday there were tears, and I nearly walked away. Several deep breaths and slaps of encouragement from friends later, I dove into the 2.5 hour exam. I should have my results by this time next week, but I’m feeling cautiously good about it.
- My U.S. fabric mule arrived back this week with some yardage and thread that I picked up from Black Friday sales. It’s probably best that I don’t live in the U.S. or I’d definitely be povo all of the time.
- True confessions: I think every project I’m currently working on is secret sewing. Like, what is that about? If you were to happen stop by my house, I’d totally show you though!
Does anyone else have their hands stuffed deep into their hot pants anxiously awaiting the QuiltCon acceptance / rejection letters? I know I shouldn’t get wrapped up into such things, but I really just want to show you my finished Don’t Be a Dick Quilt! (I’ve committed to myself to not have a full reveal until I know its fate.)Results came today, and a rejection on all three quilts. I guess I can show you that quilt now!- Madonna’s Rebel Heart Tour concert film premiered on Showtime. If you want to see how a concert is done, you need to see this film. No one takes it to the level of artistry, theatre and performance like the Queen of Pop.
- I haven’t spoken about it in forever-ever, but I’m about to start on a border for a #NGAQB2 quilt. After this one, there’s one more for me to work on, and then I should be seeing my own magical forest quilt back in my own hands! I can not even begin to describe how eager I am!
- I booked a ten day work trip to Beijing and Singapore for January. Wow. The international fabric options just exploded in my brain!
I drank some wine last night and gave lots of love to the #quiltconreject tag on IG. Felt good to support others. My quilt didn’t make it either. Oh well. Now I can’t wait to see “Don’t be a Dick”. Congrats on launching the Honey Pot Bee as well!
I am surprised /not surprised all 3 of your entries didn’t make it. But we all love ya anyway! I am thinking my way through the HoneyPot Bee. I am not good at keeping up but since I made a whole pile of improv trees I consider myself ahead of the game…lol.
I just love your blog. You always make smile or laugh and remind me whats real. So sorry your quilts didn’t make it. Can’t wait to see them.
Very much looking forward to the Honey Pot Bee!
I’d love more info about your phone. Is it an iphone 7? I think I’m getting one for Christmas (if hubby uses his ears for anything other than holding up his cap).
+1 to Verria’s comment. This blog keeps me smiling and puts life, quilting and humanness into perspective! I can’t wait to see what goodies you pick up in Beijing and Singapore. Will you share you recommend good shops for fabric?
look forward to seeing your rejected quilts – bet they’re awesome ! thanks for the heads up on Madonna’s tour and have a fab sparkly New Year !