The Honey Pot Bee: Announcing
Let me introduce you to The Honey Pot Bee, and then ask if you want to be involved!
I’m organising a year long virtual quilt bee running from January – December 2017:
You get none of the sting, and all of the sticky goodness! Each month there are two queens (and/or kings, but for the sake of brevity will be called queens) who decide on The Honey Pot Bee block patterns. Each queen picks one, I announce them to the world, then each participating member (Princesses and Princes) can choose to make one of each or two of the same. Each member then keeps the blocks for themselves.
This is less of a block swap, and more of a way to find amazing block tutorials / patterns they never knew they wanted to try from other amazingly talented people. Some of the blocks will be original patterns from the queens, some will be existing tutorials from world class quilters. That will be up to the queens to choose.
The benefits for Participant Princesses and Princes:
They get to use their own fabric that they’ve been stashing
They improve and stretch their own skills
They work to their own timeline
There is no pressure
No one is disappointed if they’re late
They act as their own quality control
They meet a group of like-minded, inspiring individuals
They see the varying potential of each block
Participating with me
Sharing each month:
If desired, members post the blocks they’ve made on Instagram using #thehoneypotbee and there will be random prizes for people completing two blocks / both blocks. They can also chat amongst themselves in the The Honey Pot Bee Facebook group. Links to the monthly blocks, along with progress shots, tips, and finishes will be posted right here at, Instagram, and Facebook.
Wild Card Queen Bees:
If a member is still a participating princess, and not yet a queen, but they find an amazing block they want to share with the group, I want them to let me know! There will be wild cards throughout the year!
Block types:
Even more interestingly, there are no limits about style, or block sizes the queens can pick each month. However, there will always be at least two choices so participants can pick what they’re currently comfortable with, or try out something new. Sometimes you have the time and energy for that, and sometimes you don’t!
Most of the blocks will be kept to an intermediate level so that participants don’t become overwhelmed and fall into their fabric scraps in a heap! The blocks tutorials will all be found for free online. Additionally, the links to each month’s block choices will be archived on my blog so you can always go back to make more of them, or join in at any stage!
Ideas to bring cohesion to your blocks in one quilt:
One fabric line, one designer but multiple fabric lines, rainbow, 2-colour quilt, neutrals, random, everything but the kitchen sink, solids, low volume. (I think I might finally throw all of my Carolyn Friedlander ranges together into this one project!)
Quilt assembly:
Since there’s no requirement about the size of blocks, or the piecing style, participants will be encouraged to choose off-the-grid assembly structures when piecing their quilt tops. The hope is to stretch you outside of your comfort zone, while also creating some very contemporary quilts!
Do you want to be involved:
Queens (and/or Kings)
I have already hand-picked twelve super-star quilting queens, but I need twelve more to really make this project sparkle. That’s where the Glitterati comes in! This is your chance to be a quilt bee diva, without all the hustle and bustle of participating in a normal bee. If you are interested in being a queen, just leave a comment saying so, and I will randomly pick twelve more of you next week.
The requirements of a queen: (UPDATE: All Queen positions have been filled).
- Everyone is qualified to be a queen!
- Pick a month.
- Pick a free block, along with the tutorial / pattern from anyone / anywhere.
- Alternatively design something new, but not a requirement at all. (Seriously, not a requirement!)
- You do not have to make the block yourself!
- Gather any / all of a headshot, photo of work, social media info, promo plug, tips / info about the block, etc. that you’d like mentioned.
- There are no firm social media requirements except for the rest of us participants wanting to know more about you!
- Send both to me two weeks prior to your assigned month.
- Sit back and enjoy!
- Soak up any promotional benefits, and / or get to see your chosen block come to life!
It promises to get sticky, but the rewards will be oh so sweet! To whet your appetite, here is a list of the current queens lined up. They’ve already started speaking to me about their block ideas, and I can’t even wait to start making!
Participant Princesses (and/or Princes)
Okay, but not everyone can be a queen! Some of us have to make blocks too, ya know. I won’t actually be a designated queen, but a participant. (I may jump in as a Wild Card every now and again). As a participant, you just play along, making as many of the designated blocks as you like, then sharing them on social media with #thehoneypotbee!
This is probably a lot to take in right now, but I do hope you join me on what I know will be beautiful departure from the traditional bee format, whereby we can all relish in zero pressure, with all of the sparkles one can handle!
Sorry I cannot participate in the honey, and what a honey this is. You have been so busy out there, and already the gals and guys? are getting ready for their turn. What a super plan, and I am sure this is going to be the most delightful success. Roll on 2017, I’ll make sure I visit each of those bees on their month.
Hi Molli, I am keen to participate in any way I can be of use! One of my goals for 2017 is to become more actively engaged and involved with the quilting community and this seems (1/4 inch or otherwise) a perfect way to dive in!
I would love to be involved Molli
I would love to join the sticky fun as a Queen Bee Molli! Sparkletations my friend! x
Mollie what a great idea – hope I can keep up
I also would love to join the bee! I think it’s a perfect kind of bee with your rules for a young mom kike me. So, I can decide if I will have the time or not.
Greetings from Germany, Rike
Would love to be a Queen! I don’t have a blog yet, but I hope to in the next few months.
Yes, yes, yes (I would love to participate)!
What a great no pressure virtual quilt bee! I decided I would not join any quilt alongs or anything in 2017, but this one may be too hard to pass up! I’ve never been a queen of anything (except in my own warped mind), but maybe this is the time to change that! Put me in the pot and at the very least I’ll be checking out the monthly blocks!!
This sounds brilliant! I’ve never joined a bee, I was worried about deadlines and not having suitable fabrics. I have several blocks I’ve designed in a sketchbook, I’d love to share one. (I don’t have a blog, but I am on instagram).
Can’t wait for it to start.
Sounds like a wonderful amazing idea! Can’t wait!!!!
Sounds like fun, but I’m not on Facebook or Instagram. I may still make blocks with you all, though!
I’m the same, Jan – not on Facebook or Instagram. However, will sew along on the blocks. Count me in, please.
Love this idea! I’ve been setting aside specific time to sew each week and this will be perfect
I will be a participant and happily sew along.
Bring the virtual bee on!
I love your suggestions rather than rules for participants, so count me in for (my very first) your virtual bee.
O-o-o. What fun. I will be a happy participant. Love block of the month projects, and a sampler! Nothing better. Looking forward to this sweet honeyb pot.
Please throw my name in the hat to be a Queen Bee! Probably best to put me near the end of the year so I can ease into doing things outside of the traditional but either way, I’ll participate. It seems my motto is Go Big or Go Home these days!
I’m intrigued…sign me up Sparkle Boy x
Great idea. You have lined up a great bunch of quilting stars for the queens. Not sure if we sign up now, but I’ll watch this space.
Such a genius idea. Love it. All the fun and none of the performance anxiety. I’d be keen to be a queen too.
You’re right. You need a few kings in here. I’m available.
I’m totally in! I can’t wait to buzz with your bees! I’m thinking I may aim to make this my Pantone COTY quilt and use mostly greens on low volume background, with little pops of color of course… kind of like a block garden. I’ll see what the first few blocks look like before deciding for sure, though. Either way, wooo!! My first BEE!
This looks like fun. I don’t think I’m up to being a Queen bee yet, but I’ll happily sew along.
I would love to be a participant. Have been reading about bees but like the no pressure aspect of your bee. Excit d for my first BEE!
Sounds like a fun bee! Will all the blocks be the same size? and what would that be if they are
Sounds great would love to take part no pressure.
This sounds like a lot of fun and I’d love to participate: I think you have enough Queens and Kings so I’ll just dither along! Great write up Molli.
What a lovely idea! You already have many Queens that I admire participating. This will force me to do more socially in the coming year.
I so am going to sew along with this. Being a queen sounds interesting….throw my name in the hat to be a queen. Looking forward to this whole project.
This sounds very interesting and fun. I want to make blocks and post pictures. Thanks!
I am so excited about this bee and think I designed up a block I want to use yesterday. I do have almost a full year, so I reserve the right to change my mind, but I’m excited and can’t wait to sew up the idea and see if it “sticks”! Pow! This is going to be fun.
I can’t be a queen
, but I’d love
to be a participant!
Sounds like the kind of Bee I can fit in for 2017, pop my name in the hat for a Queen month too – it’s about time I shook the dust off my crown
At present I’m in Princess mode and would love to swarm with you.
Love this Princess mode idea! Me too.
Yes I am interested in being a queen bee, any month except January
Sounds fab Mollie, would love to jump in the deep end and put my hand up for one of the queen bees! Just need to pop out to my hive in the backyard and ask my natives (bees) for some inspiration!!! ps could probs do Feb
Sounds like a sweet year!
Sounds like a fabulous Bee! Would love to participate.
I would be happy to participate as a Queen! It looks like an exciting project!!
This is a brilliant idea and I would love to be a Queen! What a great way to host a Bee, and the name is soooooo sweet!
Mr. Sparkles, I am so excited to participate and I hope there is some fun sticky fun! Thanks for organizing another great activity.
Wow! This sounds amazing…. I just hope I can keep up! I would love to join, but don’t have either, a Facebook page nor an Instagram page. Will it matter?
This will be my first virtual bee. I love the way you have it organized, with lots of flexibility and no performance pressure. Who know? I might even come up with a wild card idea as I play along.
Hurray! Just finished one challenge, love to jump into the next one for 2017! What a super idea, two blocks to choose from! Count me in!
What a wonderful idea and I’d love to be a princess. Many other projects to finish but like something new for 2017. I can hardly wait. Merry Christmas to all.
I am interested. One block a month seems to be workable. I like your suggestions for bringing cohesion to the blocks. Looking forward to 2017.
Princess here!!
Oh, boy, I said no bees in 2017, but this is just too tempting! Love the lack of pressure : ) And I’d love to be a queen or a wild card! Thanks for the fun idea, Molli! Looking forward to some fresh block ideas from everyone!
This sound wonderful, no pressure, like even more. Sometimes I just run out of time, an so do better with no deadlines.
Oh sure, why not! I’ll even throw my name in the hat to be a Queen…
I already follow some of those current queens so I know the blocks will be amazing. Neat concept. I will be watching for everyone’s blocks, which will be fun in itself, but probably won’t be able to keep up.
This sounds painless…unless someone gets stung! I would be happy to be Queen Bee or Wild Card and I’ll be pleased to just sew along this pressure-free journey. I have a blog, and am on IG as QuilterinMotion.
This sound fun!!!! Normally I would jump at the chance to be Queen, but given the amazing list of talent you already have it might be a pressure filled reign. I’ll gladly be a princess. As long as I get a really good tiara
What a well organized and inviting activity. No need for me to be royalty of any kind although being a princess would be a new title. Thank you, you have clearly put a lot of thought into this.
Having been burnt by long term bees before (I somehow always ended up near the end when folks had jumped ship but received blocks by me), I LOVE THIS!!! I would gladly be a queen if you need one. (any month but Feb!)
I would love to be the Queen for a month! Sounds like a fun quilt bee!
I am so on this as a princess!! 2017 will be the year I expand into modern quilting, and this is PERFECT! And I’m trying to ramp up on social media too, so hashtags, baby, hashtags! Thanks for coordinating all this, Molli.
I am looking forward to participating; since this will be my first bee, I prefer to just try to keep up!
I’d love to be a princess bee
so to participate as a block sewer, you just tune in every month? Wow… no blocks getting lost in the mail, no worry about wrong sized blocks, …. what a great idea! Sparkles everywhere!
Count me in!
What a great idea, all of the fun and none of the pressure. This will be my first sewing bee, so am looking forward to easing into the whole process. No queen bees for me, just happy being a princess.
I’d love to be a princess. What a great idea!!! Thanks
oh sounds like a fun bee – I’m happy being a princess and look forward to hanging out in the honey pot !!
This sounds like fun. I will do it. I wouldn’t mind being a queen bee, but I never know when we will be swamped at work. I am thinking December might be the best.
Yes, please! This sounds like the perfect Bee, thank you for offering it.
Princess Beth Conlin
I’m definitely interested in participating. Count me in. Thanks!
I’d love to be a princess so count me in. I assume that the posts will come to my email address. Let me know if there is more I need to do to sign up.
I would love to be a princess.
would like to become a princss
Would love to be a princess
I would love to be involved as a princess at this stage. Sounds interesting!

I would love to be one of the princesses for the Honey Pot Bee. Love quilting but have been out of it for a few years and a couple of house moves so need this bee to kick start me again! Looking forward to the BEE in 2017.
Would love to be a princess
I would love to be a Princess. This is a great idea. Thank you for organising this.
Brilliant concept – no more disappointing blocks in the mail to contend with! Can’t wait to join in the virtual fun. I will throw my hat in the ring to be considered as Queen for mid next year.
oooh how exciting!
I’d love to play please, but happy to remain a Princess
I would love to join in as a princess .
Looking forward to more sewing for me. In 2017
Never done one before..would like to give it a go if any spaces left. thanks
Being a
is not within me at the moment, but I’m sure I could manage a Prince.
I’d like to be a Princess in your Honey Pot Bee. Sounds like fun!
A princess I will be for my first bee

I’m in! Always wanted to be a princess but didn’t want the pressure. This is perfect!
Count me in, love finding fabrics from the stash
I would love to play along as a princess, I have a large stash that needs to be used.
I would like to join in as a princess please.
very happy to join as a princess thanks
I would love to participate as a princess. Please let me know how I can join!
Would love to participate as a quitting princess.
Would love to participate as a princess. I need to be stretched as my I develop my skills. Thank you.
I’d like to join in at the Princess level (at last – a princess!)
Feeling like a princess. Can’t wait for the fun to begin
You had me at sticky

Queen? No. Princess? Definitely. Less pressure, more pleasure
That is why I bought all that fabric on Black Friday…ahem. Cohesiveness – Yay!!!
I’d love a chance to be a queen. This will be the closest to royalty I’ll ever get!
Yes please I would like to be a Princess.
Molli, thanks so much for such a wonderful idea. Yes please i would like to be a buzzy queen. Keen to learn keen to do. No sob story here, i have MS and it has affected my mobility so i find it hard to get out and about or commit to organised acitivites so this sounds perfect for me. I am so excited.
Hello sweet man!
I am content to be a Princess and sew up my own sticky bee quilt!
Quilty Huggs from Canada!
Please sign me up to be a princess. Too much fun to miss this one!
Would love to be a Queen .. Thank you for the chance! If not then I will be quite happy to be a princess …
I would love to participate as a princess
Sounds very exciting. Count me in as a princess but I may put my hand up for a wild card queen at some stage.
I definitely want to be a princess participant! Is there a sign up or do I just watch your blog?
I would love to be one of your randomly chosen queens. Fun! This is such a great idea. Looking forward to it.
Ooh – this sounds like fun. I love the freedom and spontaiety of it all. Count me in! And I’d love to be a queen bee for a month!
I’d love to participate. Great concept! I’d also love to be chosen as one of your queens. I have a great block I’d like to share. Also, I have been running our mqg’s BOM and my theme this year has been sharing a picture of a block that was published in the newspaper decades ago, usually the Kansas City Star, then handing out an open source current but traditional pattern and challenging the guild to make it modern. This can be just with fabric or a reinterpretation of the construction. Thanks!
This is just the type of Bee I was looking for! I will be a princess for sure, and I’m putting my name in the hat to be a Queen for October! I have an improv ghost block I’ve been working on.
This sounds like a ton of quilty fun! I would love to be a design queen!
I’d love for a chance to bee a Queen, great idea!
I’d love to be a Queen! Either way, I will be joining in .
I would love to be a Queen! I’ve been doing more and more quilting this year, and discovering new blocks is the best part – well, that and seeing what everyone is working on! I suppose saying “Pick me! Pick me!” would be juvenile, but that’s what I’m thinking.
Please sign me up as a princess, can’t wait!!!!
How fun! I want to be a Princess. And if still needed, a Queen.
I’m in for a busy year, but this sounds great please sign me in as a princess.
Yes please, I would love to be a Princess
Sounds great! I’ll put my hand up to be a queen as well.
What a fun idea!! I would love to put my name into the queen draw pot. Looking very forward to this!!
I would like to be a queen.Have been a shop owner for 20 years.. retiring from ownership and going in a new direction! Love the concept!
Hello Molli,
Love the no rules Honey Pot Bee. My little stash needs some serious busting:)
Love this idea… can’t wait.
Sounds great. Would love to participate.
Hi Molli I would love to be a queen! Do you require that we have a blog in order to do so? This sounds like so much fun…lots of creativity leeway! I am @funwithtotes on IG.
What a sweet idea!! I would love to join in. Sure going to be a lot of fun. Look likes you’ve got enough queens&kings, I’m just going to go along for the honey. Thank you.
Would love to give this a try…but only as a princess!
Time to join my first Bee. Count me in as a princess
Yea! I am in! I have been searching for a bee/mystery quilt for 2017 and I choose YOU!
Any idea on anticipated yardage requirements? I know it’s a tough question, but maybe some general guidelines? Thanks!
I would love to be a worker bee princess please. This sounds like a blast and a great way to grow my quilting skills. Now comes the hard part, picking out fabrics! Thank you for putting this together.
Hi Molli! I’m so happy for this honey pot bee – just what I needed! I made already the first wild card blocks, two trees (surely will make more). If you still need more Queens, I would love to participate! Happy Christmas time! x Teje
How fun! I want to play and would love to be a queen bee.
Sounds like fun! I will definitely join it at the princess level. Great to have an interesting variety of new ideas without a bundle of deadlines!
Oh my so many talented people have expressed interest in being queens…I am a bit afraid just to ask…but I will, even if I am so far away. I would love to get involved
Greetings from Greece!!! Thank you for a great quilting bee!
I love to be a participant Mollie. Many thanks for putting this out there for us.
Please tell me it’s ok to wear my princess tiara when playing. Would love to join in the fun
Hi, great idea. Thank you. I would love to participate as a Princess, sew looking forward to seeing all the Beeutiful creations
My tiara is really quite small, therefore, allow me to be a princess in your court, please.
I think I would like to be a princess too.
Call me Princess Ellen!
How do you join the bee? It will be my first bee and what a fun one too! Do I just join your email list? Thanks.
Would love to be a part of the buzz! Sounds like fun!
Sounds like fun! I am in as whatever is available- queen or princess or just a little bee having a blast!
Just saw this on Instagram and I knew I had to join! I’ve already started on my strawberry block(s?) and can’t wait for next month’s to be released! I would love to be a Queen Bee if you’ll have me. @biscuitbbcreations on IG.
A Princess I shall be…always wanted to be a princess…

Love to join in the fun!
I would like to join the fun as a princess…..
Very interesting! I can finally be a princess after all these years.
Oops! Bookmarked the Honey Bee & then….
I hope it’s not too late to participate as it sounds like it should be a great way to get myself back into making more quilts & use up a hefty stash!
Love to bee a princess love the idea of using part of my stash