Holy Bajezus and Ramona, y’all! If you haven’t heard, my quilt, No Value Does Not Equal Free, won a first prize ribbon at QuiltCon! Shut up. No, you shut up. What is this magical dream world I’m living in? Surely, this place with all the quilts must be heaven! I arrived into LAX on Friday morning with champagne glass in hand (the customs agents never know what to do with me), and was quickly shuttled away by my bodyguard and legal counsel. After getting a few hours of beauty sleep, I decided to make an incognito appearance at QuiltCon towards the end of the day. Oh my ladies of leisure, I should have worn the wig. I hadn’t even stepped into the building and was being serenaded by an angel on the street! Once inside it was a hop, skip and a jump from person to person, photo to photo, ecstatic scream to ecstatic scream. Molli-mania has well and truly hit QuiltCon!

Then the crowds parted and there it was.
No Value Does Not Equal Free hanging front and centre with a giant, beautiful ribbon adorning it. It had taken first prize in the Best Machine Quilting – Framed category. The amazing quilting was completed by my fellow Australian quilter extraordinaire,
Jane Davidson. It is such a proud moment for me, and certainly Jane, winning this prize for this quilt. I’ll never forget pacing around my bedroom one evening on the phone with Jane as I told her my thoughts on how this quilt needed to be quilted. It was the first time I had given serious consideration and input into how I wanted a quilt of mine quilted. There was never any hesitation that Jane had to be the one to long-arm this quilt. The brief I gave her, “epic, masculine, feather-free, architectural, Vogue Living, and include the words No Value Does Not Equal Free.” She chimed back, “graffiti, over-sized text, circles, and staccato.” Yaassss, she really got me, so the hugest of thanks to her! I guess that conversation really paid off, and I would suggest to all of you to invest the time in dialoguing with your own long-armers. It is still shocking to walk by my quilt hanging with such authority at the very front of the show. Thank you to everyone for your congratulations and well-wishes along the way. QuiltCon is shaping up to be a pretty sparktacular experience!
Congrats! That’s fantastic!
Congratulations to both you and Jane. Have a great time over there-like you need to be told!
From another longarmer…thank you for giving Jane props on her amazing quilting. We put our heart and soul into creating wonderful pieces of work for our customers sometimes our vision…sometimes the customers vision…and it’s hard when we get overlooked. Thrilled for both of you.
VERY COOL! So pleased for you both!!
Congratulations Molli, that’s wonderful!
✨ fantastic news congrats molli✨
Fantastic news! Congratulations to you and Jane.
Congratulations to you and Jane, the machine quilter! Well done! Wishing I could be at Quiltcon to see the quilt and you, Molli!
What a splendid team effort – enjoy the glory
Congratulations Molli and Jane. Great to hear such good news. Hope you are having a great time at QuiltCon and in Pasadena.
Congratulations! A well deserved win.
Congratulation for you and Jane !!! Greetings from Poland ! 🙂
Oh congratulations to you and Jane, how wonderful for you both.
Awesome! Congrats to you and to Jane!
Congratulations! I was so happy to see it in person — even though I didn’t get to see you in person. It is a beautiful quilt with an important message.
Congratulations, it was well deserved, the quilt is awesome!!!
So happy for you! Truly, this is a moment for celebration!
Congratulations..I love this quilt!
Well done to you and Jane – you both so deserved that win – not a hard choice for the judges 🙂
Congratulations!!!!!! It certainly looks like you’ve enjoyed QuiltCon, and having a winning quilt hanging in the exhibition must certainly feel great. Truly world famous now.
Fabulous, fantastic and freaking wonderful. So proud of you Molli. Guess you’ll be buying larger hat sizes now. lol What will you be doing with the quilt now? Does it go on some sort of tour? This couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy and you deserve it.
Congrats Molli! Such an achievement, so very pleased and happy for you. Amazing quilt, by the way!
An incognito appearance? Ha! that was never going to happen! Many, many congratulations to you and Jane – mwah!
WooHooo!!! Congratulations!!
I’ve really enjoyed the journey of this quilt and the lessons taught and learned along the way. Keep being your fabulous self and Congrats to both you and to Jane as well. A gold winning team if every there was one xx
Gotta be happy with that. Go Aussies.
Quilting makes the quilt. Big Yay to you both. Thanks for sharing your excitement.
Congrats!!! I’m over here doing a happy dance for you and Jane!
***Huge congrats!!!***
Dayyyyyyum. Congratulations
That is a gorgeous quilt.
You deserve cake and a party
Congrats to you both, well deserved…it’s gorgeous. It was fun meeting you for a split second on Friday night at QuiltCon. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your time there.
congratulations to you both on this win! It’ll makecthe long flight home that much more sparkly 🙂
Congratulations!! It’s a wonderful quilt!! I learned a lot from you while you made it, amazing work!!
Love the quilt when you first posted…now “official” confirmation of your completed vision. Congratulations to you…Congratulations to Jane!
i saw on instagram that you made an appearance, i am bummed that i didn’t get to run into you and say hi!
Congratulations. Well deserved award for both you and Jane. This piece has certainly given people cause to think so it’s an all around win.