Tidal Pool Block Tutorial

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

27 Responses

  1. Are comments working?

  2. Paula says:

    Fab tutorial, and fab new look! Loving it all. Keep on sparkling!!

    • Well, the new look wasn’t supposed to be out of the bag yet, but my host somehow transferred part of things, before all of the things … so anyway, WIP like the rest of my quilty life! Thanks!

  3. Mania says:

    Molli! I sent yesterday evening (Polish time) e-mail with attached pictures of three (3) made by me as a test blocks. But the mail came back to me with a note: 550 No Such User Here (in reply to RCPT TO command).
    I tried again today!

  4. Mania says:

    The final version I really like! Is great !

    And with my three finished blocks will be three pillows for daughter in law and granddaughter đŸ™‚

  5. sonalee says:

    Lovely tutorial Molli, will try it soon. Like the new look of the blog…just a thought, do the linky pictures from Sunday stash not appear on my screen alone or is it the same for everybody!

  6. Robyn L says:

    It sure was fun being one of your “testers”! I’ll go and put up photos on IG now and hash tag them. Thanks for such a wonderful opportunity! Sparkle on….

  7. Tina Short says:

    I enjoyed making the block but am wondering if you got my email and photo after reading about others problems.
    It didnt bounce back so I hope it reached you.

  8. Heather says:

    I love it. Especially since it includes an alternate piecing method resulting in a “drain piece”. Tidal Pool Block Variation – Drain Piece, it belongs in a gallery downtown.

  9. Katie says:

    My first email bounced back too. I hope you got the second one!

  10. Elisabeth says:

    Great tutorial Molli and I was happy to be a tester for you – thrilled to be in any army that includes an unreasonable amount of glitter!

  11. Shannon Lowe says:

    I loved testing out these blocks! I will post mine on Social media as well. Can’t wait to see everyone else’s!!!

  12. Cheryl says:

    Great tutorial and block! I enjoyed reviewing it.

  13. Jodie says:

    Great final tutorial, had fun doing the testing and feedback đŸ™‚

    (Have had to re-add you to my feedly list because of the change to your website, just a heads up in case you want to remind everyone to check so we don’t miss your posts x)

  14. Nelly Holmes says:

    Found your tutorial really a pleasure to work with very professional…had trouble loading the page but that could just be me out in the bush and the bad weather sometimes mucks up the satellite…..love your new look thanks again for the opportunity …photo coming when weather improves

  15. Bern Johnson says:

    Love this block! Thanks for sharing!

  1. October 30, 2015

    […] i had the pleasure of testing molli’s newest block called “tidal pool.” the tutorial for making it can be found here […]

  2. October 30, 2015

    […] is the Tidal Pool block by Molli Sparkles. It was a quick block to put together – I’m notoriously slow at sewing (or more […]

  3. October 31, 2015

    […] my finished block. And if you are keen, here’s Molli’s pattern published today, including a variation for people who like to make things that little bit more […]

  4. November 2, 2015

    […] was selected as a pattern tester for the glitterific Molli Sparkles.  The first test was for his Tidal Pool block and variation.  I chose to make the […]

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