The Return of the NGAQB!
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. The amazing success of the No Girls Allowed Quilt Bee has spawned a sequel: NGAQB-2. Yes, mama, yes, the band is back together and we are about to rock the bee world. Good ole John “Quilt Dad” Adams is leading the charge this time, and has coerced seven of us into a medallion style bee. Our centre blocks are due to our fellow bee mates by 01 August, and guess what, I already had mine ready to go. Eager, much? Uh, yeah.

This paper-pieced unicorn comes courtesy of a pattern by Kristy “Quiet Play“. I asked her ages ago if I could pattern test it for her (and by “asking” I mean grovelling) and I finally have the perfect use for it! I told my bee mates that I want this quilt to be spontaneous, magical, shiny, and frivolous. This centre-block captures it all! I’ve included lots of that navy background, along with scraps of pinks and Jennifer Sampou’s Shimmer fabric to send along with my block. Our bee mates don’t have to use these, but I’m hoping some scattered throughout will create some continuity.

I’ll be shipping it off to Nicholas “Quilts From the Attic” Ball this week for him to work what will undoubtedly be the most amazing improv magic. (Have you seen his work? Seriously, his quilts made me start eating vegetables). Plus, I’ll be completing the first round on John “Quilt Dad” Adams‘s centre block, which is already on its way to me. These quilts are going to be unreal, and I promise to share all the action along the way! Sorry ladies, this ones for the boys!
Well, maybe the girls need a no boys allowed bee. Hmpm (is that how it's spelled?)
You're gonna love this process and watching your quilt grow!
That is a fierce unicorn and I am looking forward to seeing what you rock with this newest incarnation of the NGAQB!
cannot WAIT to see these develop. PS if you have any Nashville area guys in your FB group, let me know to check out the Music City MQG.
Awesome starter! Mollie leading the way…..CHARGE,
Sew pretty, sew crisp! I love unicorns!
That's the prettiest, most glamorous unicorn I've ever seen!
Love that unicorn!!
Paper piecing is awesome isn't it. Your piecing is looking pretty perfect. Boys and Unicorns! What could be better
My 16 yr old son just saw it on my screen and commented, "I must say that's a pretty awesome Unicorn" .
Oh my. What rainbow-y shimmer glitter madness could be spawned by a centre medallion of this kind? I look forward to finding out!
Love your block and cannot wait to see the end results from your bee mates! Will be watching for the progress posts.
Oh my gaaawd I need that pattern in my life! Love, love, love the fabrics you chose for the unicorn block. And I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm a little jealous it's a No Girls Allowed bee, but then again I am far too lazy to be in a bee, girls allowed or not.
Oh my gaaawd I need that pattern in my life! Love, love, love the fabrics you chose for the unicorn block. And I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm a little jealous it's a No Girls Allowed bee, but then again I am far too lazy to be in a bee, girls allowed or not.
Everyone needs a sparkly unicorn medallion centre, it should be a rule or something!
I love seeing the progress of round robin quilts
Ha!! His quilts made you start eating vegetables. Best one liner I've seen in a while :o) Love the vibe so far!