Sparkling Advice for New Bloggers – Now With More Sparkles

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

20 Responses

  1. DianeY says:

    I have no desire to blog, but if I did, I would totally follow your guidelines (as opposed to rules)

  2. It's because of you that I always hit extra large when I size my photos. Loved it last year when I was a sad little new quilt blogger who didn't make the hop. I'm in the hop this year and I did a Kramer move when I got to #14. You're going to revolutionize my blog again! Thanks a bunch

  3. Debbie says:

    Excellent list – thank you.

  4. Peaches1003 says:

    Thank you!! Love your posts and very wise advice

  5. Paula says:

    Lots of great points but I have to say: #14 – shout it to the world. Apart from a few favourites whose blog posts I will always read, most I pick because of that first photo on Bloglovin so it had better be a good one. And I have to admit that when I see blog hop logos I often skip right past. My time is limited and I follow way too many blogs so if I can't see what you're posting about then I don't generally take the time to go check it out because I'll have already gone to visit that blog three posts down in my feed with the picture that has caught my eye.

  6. memmens says:

    Great advice for not so new bloggers too!

  7. sonia says:

    I got to your blog through the bloggers quilt festival and then you got me hooked with your sparkly answers to my comments and your witty words! Thanks. I think interacting with your readers, which you do wonderfully, is also important.

  8. charlotte says:

    Thank you especially for the photo advice. Small pictures turn me away and many times what I choose to stop and look at through my feed is based on pictures so they need to be good.

  9. Jayne says:

    All great points! I keep my pictures large only because XL ends up in the side bar. I need to fix that! I love #3 and I hope I don't do that, but if I do…I'm done! Thank you so much!

  10. Great additions to the list this year, Molli. I am firm believer in saying no and figuring out what actually works for me. Thanks for the link love; I'll be sure to reciprocate soon. šŸ™‚

  11. Sue says:

    Great list Molli. I can especially relate to #14. Mostly I won't visit a buttoned post either.

    • Sue says:

      Oh, and for #10 I would add (in a polite and respectful way) – stop using a pale grey font, it's unreadable on a mobile device!

  12. Deb Chimes says:

    Awesome advice, thanks. #17 hits home – not just pretty pictures…need to write more…

  13. crossquilt says:

    #17 is my favorite. I will stop following a blog if you just post one or two photos with no story to tell.

    Crystoll at aol dot com (sorry – WordPress user. :-))

  14. Terri Ann says:

    Yes, yes, yes to all of these! As I was deciding which ones resonate most with me to comment on about I realized I was listing all of the numbers but in a different order. I have mixed feelings about no-reply bloggers topic though; I dislike the stance that Blogger has taken where either your email address will be publicly available or you are a no reply blogger, there seems to be no grey area. But in the end I'd rather have Gmail filter out some spam than prevent someone from sending me a response. Along with #14 is **do not post sub-par photos** just cause you have them deosn't mean you need to use them, pick the best and kill the rest!

  15. I'm so glad I read this. I'm printing this list and keeping it by my computer because I know I will need the reminder frequently. Thank you!

  16. 8 and 9 are exactly what I needed to hear. I always have a problem with just letting stuff go.

  17. Lisa J. says:

    Thanks Mollie: This is a great list and I aim to get better and better at following it. See you on Sunday!

  18. Danielle says:

    number 18 is hilarious – you do have a way with words Molli! Danielle

  19. no. 11 drives me batcrap bonkers. BONKERS.
    This is an awesome list.

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