Sunday Stash #128 – First Prize
Well, colour me happy! There’s a sofa quilt in here for two! This weekend was the Modern Quilt Show Australia ran by the Wollongong Modern Quilt Guild. As previously mentioned, I entered my No Value Does Not Equal Free quilt as a way to publicly display the cost of quilting conversation. My simple hope was that people would see this quilt and create their own discussions around the monetary value of quilt making.
However, I arrived at the show on Saturday, turned the corner into the exhibition hall, and not only was my quilt first in line, it had also won First Prize in the Minimalistic Design category! This is the show that I entered last year and won Best in Show, so I was completely and utterly not expecting to win anything this year. (Not that awards is what we do this for, but it does play on your mind when you are entering judged shows). I thought I surely would have used up all my quilt show karma last year, and I was completely fine with that. Seeing that handcrafted ribbon attached to my quilt exclaiming a First Prize left me speechless! Because it is made out of fabric, I’m totally claiming it as my Sunday Stash #128 contribution. Since I kind of own the link-up I can bend the rules to suit my needs, right? Yeah, thought so. So all of that: incredible.

As an aside, I thought the Modern Quilt Show Australia was so wonderfully curated! All modern quilt styles were represented, and there was a breadth of fabric choices, creators and guests in attendance. It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of such quilt brilliance! (Check out the IG hashtag: modernquiltshowau for heaps of photos!) Also, a giant thank you and applause for the Wollongong Modern Quilt Guild for taking on the enormous effort to put on this show. The hard work and dedication does not go unappreciated. Maybe next year I go for the hat trick?
Yay, congrats to you! A much deserved win.
Congratulations!!! Your quilt looks amazing!
Greetings from Germany,
Congratulations Molli! How exciting! I love that your sweater matches your new ribbon. Coincidence?
Bravo! What a positive affirmation!
Julie @ Pink Doxies
Congratulations, that quilt is wonderful!
Rules, shmules! As we say in my family, "my bar, my boat" (I don't know why… it's just something we say). So of course, you can set/change/randomly enforce the rules for your own link-up! Congrats on the win…and for publicizing the real cost of quilts. I've been using your Excel spreadsheet to work out the costing on a recent creation – putting it through the Sparkleator.
Congrats…well deserved! It's a beautiful quilt in every way!
Brilliant… Way to go. Keep having fun
The first thing I noticed in the photo is that you dressed to match the handcrafted ribbon! 🙂 Congratulations – well deserved and super exciting!!!
Congratulations, I can see why you won. That quilt really draws the viewer in.
Colleen @ PieceMakerQuilts
Congrats! That's awesome!!
Brilliant news, a well deserved win I'm sure, I'm assuming there were lots of other stunning quilts competing.
Congratulations! (Also, look how adorable you are!)
Yay! Congratulations! Great picture too!
well deserved on so many levels. You'e looking pretty trim too I might add! Love your work!
Yaayyyyy! The judges knew their stuff the past couple of years, eh? Congratulations on a very well deserved win. 🙂
Well done and big congrats! It was great fun to meet you on Saturday x
Congrats Molli! Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke.
Congratulations! I was lucky to see your quilt at the show on Saturday. Loved the handcrafted ribbons. Wollongong Modern Quilt Guild put on a good show. Thank you to all participants.
Congratulations to you! It's truly fantastic!
Congratulations!!! Well done and of course you enter next year and go for the hat trick!!!
Molli Sparkles rules!!!! Lol!!
Way to go, Molli!!! Cool sweater too 🙂
Congratulations, there were some really cool quilts in this competition it appears- I've seen a few on blogland 🙂
Oh yay! That's my fav Pretty Women quote ever! Many, many congratulations to you for the win … I love that your jumper matches the prize ribbon too 🙂
Awesome and congrats! That totally counts as a Sunday stash addition, and a wonderful one at that. Here's to many more to come!
Well deserved recognition, my friend. You truly earned it. This one is the best I've seen.
You co-ordinated your sweater to the award, you saucy minx! Are you sure you didn't have a tip off before hand? Congrats on the recognition.
Oh my goodness!! Thrilling!!! You go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great to see you as always, and to have you as part of the show! Congratulations again, and thank you for your kind words (: