Weave Snatchin’ Block Tutorial

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

14 Responses

  1. Dawn says:

    Awesome block and thanks for the tute!

  2. Peaches1003 says:

    Awesome wordless tutorial! I love it. So often I read a pattern the same way I read a book – and I end up skipping critical things. This seems like a great way to reduce the risk of unsewing

  3. sonia says:

    Wow! Love it! Thanks! So much inspiration, so little time!

  4. Jo says:

    Great job

  5. Sooli says:

    Noice! Thanks for sharing. I'm in a no sew period while we get our house ready for sale and its really doing my head in. The only positive will be that when we move it will be (or there'll be trouble) to a house with a dedicated sewing room. That thought alone is keeping me going!

  6. kitty says:

    Love your "Intersections"! Thanks for the tutorial!!

  7. Kitty says:

    The wordless directions are awesome! I tend to be SO wordy when trying to explain steps and you managed to do it without a single word!! Awesome. 🙂

  8. SewPsyched! says:

    Such great illustrations!! Holy hallelujah is right!! 😉

  9. Thanks for a fantastic tutorial on a fabulous block! I love all your variation options, too.

  10. Pat says:

    Endless possibilites. Thanks!!

  11. Aivosolu says:

    How is the # project going?

  12. Now I want to see a whole top made with these blocks to see if the overs and unders continue!

  13. Neat!!! Thank you for sharing.

  14. Debbie says:

    Nice! Do you have a picture of a couple of blocks sewn together?

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