Sunday Stash #122 – The Strawberry Thief

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

9 Responses

  1. SewPsyched! says:

    You know how it goes… Give me Liberty or Give me Death!! X!

  2. kiwikid says:

    Beautiful fabric!!!

  3. Sheryl says:

    Liberty prints that I can get behind. Usually all I see with Liberty are those itsy bitsy floral which do not so it for me. I've seen glimpses of more modern prints before but never so many all at the same time!

  4. Wow, I had to go take a look. I really like the 'Morris A' print. Very nice.

  5. WoW, you showed a lot of restraint ! The 2 in the last picture are surprisingly masculine for what I know about Liberty – but I'm not a connoisseur, lol
    Colleen @

  6. Paula says:

    Great additions to your stash. I look forward to seeing what you do with them. The Morris A has to be one of my favourite prints at the moment. I have some, but defintiely not enough. But then there never is such a thing as enough Liberty in my book! So many choices, so many lovelies!

  7. Carol Q says:

    ooh they look scrumptious. I've got a meeting in London next month and I'm treating myself to a Liberty visit as soon as the meeting finishes!

  8. deltabird says:

    The last picture and the top fabric, blue, grey & white diamonds, is that a Liberty print?

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