Handmade by Emily Kona Club

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

11 Responses

  1. Anita C says:

    I thought there were 1,147 🙂 Yummy bundle

  2. Pip says:

    I already signed up for this a couple of days ago, can't wait to get my first bundle after seeing the colours you have chosen.

  3. Carol Q says:

    if only it was in the UK but I bet the postage is gi-normous! Do you know, I would never have thought of putting that group of colours together but they absolutely work. clever Molli x

  4. The O's says:

    Ya know, seeing that collection of colours I see – a certain polo shirt paired with some loved jeans, carry all bag, converse and Mr Sparkles eyes…
    #mustnotsignup #fabricdiet #fourmonthsdone8togo #unlesssomeonegiftdmesome #thatwouldbeokay

  5. Have already signed up for this. Can't wait!!!

  6. greeneggs says:

    Holy guacamole, I love your bundle… So to speak. I'm signing up now! I also need help wading through the millions of choices. You are now my official Kona spirit guide.

  7. I currently part of a Kona Stash Club which sends me 25 or so fat quarters a month. Come December I'll have all the colours and no indecision!

  8. So glad you've finally been ushered into the world of 972 different Kona selections… for once, I'm ahead of you on a curve! So nice that you Aussies have your own Kona club now… more ways to share the love.

    P.S. So glad you finally got some Wasabi. I was seriously considering sending you some!

  9. Ali W says:

    trying to sign up but what is your Glitterati code for the discount please?

  10. Hi guys! Emily here. There's an issue with the discount code field in the sign up form, but please just leave it blank and I'll apply it on my end. My IT guy's wife just had a baby (how rude!) so can't fix it for me just yet. Thanks for your support! Carol Q, if you'd like me to look at international postage please let me know. X

  11. My bundle has arrived and it is just divine, love all the colours. Thanks for choosing such fun colours

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