Mood Ring Moodiness

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

18 Responses

  1. Paula says:

    Stunning. So not surprised that the bride loved it. Loving all those purples and teals and how thew really shine through and the quilting suits it perfectly. The back is perfection too, not easy for many to achieve with such a geometric pattern.

  2. JB says:

    Love it! What a great gift. The floor saga sounds frustrating, hope the threats of lawyers work!

  3. We had a similar battle (but involving our new pool) with a builder … arbitration is the only way to go unfortunately. It took us 3 years for the result we were after … you may need to make yourself one of these quilts to get you through! That is one lucky friend you have there. Such a gorgeous quilt and gift 🙂

  4. Thanks for sharing this stunning quilt! Love that backing – going to get me some of that. I would be totally pissed about the floor. I would be seeking legal advice too. Good luck!!

  5. memmens says:

    Love the front and the backing is awesome, I would have been tempted to keep it too! Good luck with your flooring issues, so frustrating and such a time suck too.

  6. charlotte says:

    Beautiful quilt. Lucky bride. Hang in there with the floor thing. I am on the side of right in these matters. I hate that people don't care about the quality of work they get paid to do. Boo!

  7. Hang in there with the flooring; that definitely sounds frustrating. The quilt is wonderful and I love how well the backing fabric coordinates with the front! Perfection! Gemma did an amazing job on the quilting, and I am so glad your friend is in love with it, too. 🙂

  8. Awesome!!! I think you & Mr Sparkles need one too, to calm & soothe feathers ruffled by bad business development people. Lovely, lovely, lovely prezzie for your friend. I'm sure she almost loves her new hubby as much… 🙂 You'll go to China but not come to Switzerland? Oh wait, they will pay you. I wish I could! 🙂 xx

  9. Anne says:

    The quilt is beautiful, I love how dynamic it is with all that gorgeous color!
    As for the flooring, WHAT THE …?!?! A) how is that shiznit still going on and b) WHAT THE ?!?!?!
    UGH. Good luck with the lawyer. That is just unreal. I am angry on your behalf.

  10. Stunning! That solids combo certainly has created wonderful graphic energy, and the quilting adds texture without being overpowering. I must check out this 'super easy' block sometime! Linda

  11. SewPsyched! says:

    GAHHHHHH!!! I am SO sorry to hear that the floor is going to need lawyering!!
    Lucky lucky recipient of this marvelous quilt!! I adore the quilting!! And those flecks of lilac just make it (aside from the binding, that is!) XX!

  12. Farm Quilter says:

    Gorgeous quilt! GRRR, go get'em, tiger! I HATE it when "professionals" are not professional! Kick'em in the…wallet!!!

  13. Leanne says:

    I love the quilt, a great present for your friend. Good luck with the floor battle.

  14. Katy Cameron says:

    Sweary words! I'm currently trying to get the plumber to come back and fill in the hole in the wall next to the shower he just fitted (you know, because I think the guy downstairs probably doesn't want to share it!)

    Loving the quilt though

  15. NHMQG says:

    That so stinks! Could you get anything written from the manufacture saying the warranty is voided because of what they did, that would verify they are not "new" condition? Hope everything works out sending you happy thoughts! On a good note, I STILL LOVE THIS QUILT, your friend is one lucky lady (oh, congrats on her marriage, but the quilt is better! )

  16. Laurelle says:

    I love what you do with solids 🙂 Looks awesome.
    I have dealt with way too many" Prima donnas" disguised as tradies renovating our house for the last ten years! If its too hard they won't do it. Sounds like they were lazy. I have to wait for Hubby to do anything now because he's a perfectionist and very handy at everything ! ( His day job is Solicitor by the way 😉 ) Very clever dude.

  17. Sooli says:

    You are just the gal to sort out those suckers Miss Molli, I bet they're feeling the knives already! Gorgeous, gorgeous quilt – lucky wedded couple! Are you sure China is ready for you?

  18. Tracey says:

    Love this quilt! Just catching up on your blog after meeting you at QuiltCon. Congrats to you and Jane on your win!

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