#NGAQB – October
I am finally getting settled into our new home. Despite the French Polisher showing up to attempt to fix the cabinetry and proceeding to spill paint thinner on the hard wood floors (never-ending nightmare), I am mostly keeping a smile on my face. Sometimes it’s a grimace, but that nearly counts!

I am definitely smiling about the #NGAQB blocks I have finally finished for one of my fave, pug-loving, male quilters, Nicholas Ball! Mr. Quilts From the Attic is a relative newcomer, but he has burst onto the quilt scene with gusto! Normally I like to share a little bio about the guys, however, this month you need to read Nicholas’s instructions. They really say a lot about him, his personality, and how magical this particular quilt is going to be. Nicholas is an improv master, so a special thank you to him for pulling us into his world!

“My favourite painting in the whole, wide world is Salvador Dali’s “Persistence OF Memory” which currently hands in New York’s MOMA. I have been to New York three times, and never once have I seen the painting in person. Trip one there wasn’t enough time (I was travelling with a large group of friends and some were more interested in 5 I heart NYC tees for $10!), trip two the only free day we had the museum was closed and trip three the painting was on tour. What…a…BITCH! Want to hear the real sting in the tail? My friend went to NYC this year, went to MOMA, saw the painting, face timed me and I MISSED THE CALL. I don’t think it’s in the stars for me to see this painting in anything other than my countess Dali books!

So, this is where you all come in. If I can’t see the painting then I’m just gonna have to make one of my own…from fabric. That’s right guys! I want your help to make my very own Persistence Of Memory. You want details? No problem! (Best New York accent). I would like you all to make some improve blocks. That said, I do have a few requests:
- I really want to keep to the colour palette of the original painting.
- I want it to be a representation of the painting, not a replica, so now I’d like all colours in the blocks, with the intention of creating a feeling of the work within your blocks.
- Even though I’m asking for imrov blocks, I’d like it if you could keep your piecing quite square/rectangular.
- In terms of size, I always think you’ll know best when an improv block is done. However, feel free to make any size block, which can be square or rectangular. As this is going to be quite a large quilt, I’m going to need to play around with layout, so I ask that you don’t straighten the edges of your blocks please but rather leave them ‘ragged’. That way I’ll have some room o chop and change!
- As for fabrics, I really like modern, graphic, geometric prints. I’d like a mixture of solids and prints, in the colours of the painting. I love lines, crosshatch and modern florals (think Friedlander). Please don’t use any clock or time fabric either! That’s not the look we’re going for people

There’s no pattern or pre design block for what I want so you’re gonna have to go it alone. Have fun with it and release your inner Dali.”
Find More:
Blog: Quilts from the Attic
Instagram: quiltsfromtheattic
I hope I did my inner-Dali justice!
Ooh, I really wish I could help. I also wish I'd seen this pain…I've seen others, but not this one. Wish I could help! These blocks are fab!!
I love your blocks and will be watching to see how this quilt comes together.
Crikey! I think you did an amazing job of it. Can't wait to see the final product!
I think your blocks capture the spirit of the painting perfectly. I, too, LOVE that painting. We had a print of it in my house when I was growing up, which was about 36×24. I was shocked when I visited the painting at MOMA and found out that the real painting is smaller than our print! I am not sure of the exact measurements but I remember feeling like it was the size of a standard sheet of paper! It's still so special, though. I hope that Nicholas gets to see it one day and that he isn't disappointed. In the meantime, I am very curious about how that quilt is going to come out. If your blocks are any indicator, it is going to be awesome! 🙂
This was probably the very best challenge and results I've come across in a long time. I was trying to visualize the painting as I looked at your blocks and read his instructions. Totally BRILLIANT! Can't wait to see how his quilt develops.