Sunday Stash #92 – Second Blogiversary Giveaway
Two years ago I started this blog with reckless hope and abandon. To say a lot has happened since then would be just a hair flick of an understatement. I won’t even begin to recount it all, as so many of you have been with me on this incredible journey. Thank you from the bottom of my achey-breaky heart for your continuous support! So let’s throw some glitter in the air already!

I had a spare string block hanging around that I made using my String Piecing Without a Foundation tutorial (I’ll show you some more of them on Monday). Instead of saving it for that inevitable Kitchen Sink quilt, I thought I’d whip up a cushion and give it to one of you! This is my way of saying thanks to all those that have kicked their fabulous shoes off at the door and decided to stay a while.

I bordered this string block with Yarn Dyed Essex, backed it in Heather Ross’s original Far Far Away II, and added a contrasting pink zipper. You’ll notice I even did some experimental quilting–just so I could impress you much! It finishes at 18″, and if my couch wasn’t already over run with cushions this one would have been hard to let go.

I’m calling it Indian Summer as I know most of you northern hemisphere folk are seeing the last minutes of summer before sliding into the crisp autumnal air. I’ve left this week’s Sunday Stash linky open, even though I’ll be showing off my contributions next week. (I’ll probably have even more fabric to show by then–oh dear!)

To enter to win my Indian Summer cushion, simply leave a comment naming something you would like to have two of! Me? I always like to have two bowls of cereal. This giveaway is open internationally, and I’ll announce the winner at next week’s Sunday Stash. Thank you again, to all of the Glitterati for, you know, staying sparkly!

As the song goes, Happy Anniversary baby. I never say no to 2 chocolates. Great cushion Mollie.
well, your designs are gorgeous, as always. fairly new follower
and I shouldn't even be awake right now, so I suppose would say I'd like 2 good night's sleep! ;P -val
Happy Anniversary Molli, love your blog, and your work! Your cushion is stunning.
Happy happy anniversary! Love u on IG & your blog! I have to have two of most things in the pantry…use one always have another just in case!
Happy anniversary darl, absolutely love your cushions & your blogs…….2 glasses of Jim Beam & coke please….lol
…" leave a comment naming something you would like to have two of! Me?" I misread that for a split second and thought you were suggesting two of you! LOL! Now *that* would be something! But I'll stay a little more restrained and say two cups of coffee in the morning while I read your blog post!
I'm truly impressed with that quilting! I wish I could have two hours a day just for myself, home alone, no kids allowed, lol. Two bottles of white wine would do the job as well. And congrats on all your achievements!
Congratulations on 2 years!! My first thought was too rude so I'll say two cups of coffee in the morning
Congratulations on your 2nd blogversary! Love the fabric choices for the cushion. I'd never say no to two glasses of wine. Cheers.
Mollie your pillow is adorable. And I never say no thanks to two bars of chocolate. Greetings from Sweden.
Happy blogiversary! I always look forward to reading what you have to say. I have two young children who are obscenely early risers so I would dearly love two extra hours of sleep. Failing that, two coffees will have to do
Two pina coladas, one for each hand.
Happy blogiversary, love that cushion. Wishing summer was nearly over, here in South Florida it drags on and on and on. …
Happy blogiversary to you…well, it doesn't sing well I guess. I have loved the last two years of fun and glitter. Two…hmmm…how about two extra hours each day just for quilting? That would be super. Beautiful cushion cover.
I am currently eating my second bowl of cereal LOL. Two pairs of awesome running shoes would be great
And a very happy blogiversary!
Happi Anni Molli!
A girl has gotta have 2 (bars of) chocolate(s) close to the sewing machine!!!! …..For sustainance during those marathon sewing sessions. I also like symmetry so two earrings – one each side, not necessarily matching, is a must! And 2 glasses of fizz!!!!!
Congrats on two years of sharing with all of us. I would like to have two times my current sewing space!
Congrats on your blogiversary, who knew that two years could go so fast. I would like to have two more arms, I can think of many handy uses for them
(sewing related that is)
Happy Blogiversary! I only found your blog fairly recently. It's so fabulous over here – how could I have missed it?
I'd like to have two of me – that way I could send the other one off to work and I could sew all day.
Happy Blogiversary! I would love to have 2 of me. One who goes to work and earns a living and the other who stays home and sews!
Congrats on your two year celebration!! I love the idea of having two of me: one that works and the other creates!! Love the cushion!!
Congrats!! I would love to have a second sewing space! Who doesn't need more room, right??
Congratulations I like reading what you have to say. I would have two of me – one to do the day job and the other one would stay at home and read, quilt and play. Instead I just mix and match bit of me.
I'll take two nights without being woken up by phone calls (from my husband's job)!
Love you cushion, especially the quilting…
I love to have two waffles!
Congrats on two years! Sparkle on! I have to admit, I have to have two cups of coffee
Happy anniversary, Molli! I subscribe to the "if one is good, two is better" theory of life, particularly as it pertains to chocolate and other tasty treats
Two desserts but my waistline would disagree!
Congrats – I really enjoy your blog and appreciate all the effort it takes to entertain and educate all of us! 2 of….I'd like twice the number of hours in a day so I could get all my UFOs done, only to start all over again
Congrats! Sparkle on and I would have to say 2 martini's! Not too much not too little but just right!
Happy blog birthday! Two pillows is always nice, and two coffees is mandatory.
Ooh la la, so pretty!! I like 2 cookies… Put the flat sides together for one fat cookie!
Congrats on two years and of course I love two pillows!! Winning one from you would be neat!
Congrats on 2 years and thanks for overflowing with talent and wit! such a fun read, your blog. Hmmm, how about 2 new sewing machines?
Congrats Molli! You're an inspiration to us all. I need two seam rippers. One that I'll lose, one that I'll use. No, really.
Oh dear. I typically need three of everything, because I have three boys and they fight if there aren't enough for everyone. But last year I bought a second pair of sewing scissors and it's fantastic – one for the cutting table, one for the sewing table. Now I always have a pair near me. Except when they both migrate to the same table.
Happy bloggerverserary! I like to have two drinks at the end of the day. (though I was tempted to say men!)
Two big ole belly laughs each day. Nothing sew good as laughter. Congrats on 2 years and all the inspiration you give us in a blog 2 times more fun than most!
I'm a newer follower of your blog – I've been following for a few months now & love it! I say I'd like to have twice as much free time as I have now, just to be able to spend on my knitting & sewing.
Happy 2years! I'd love to have two of my hubby :p
Two cabinets full of fabric… am I greedy? Maybe. Lying? No.
That pillow would look wonderful on my sofa, so I'm saying two cups of coffee. I might have been influenced by your suggestion, and maybe by the fact I haven't had my first cup yet. I absolutely cannot believe it's been two years already — a pleasure to follow you as always, and thanks for the chance to win the pillow cover!!
Happy anniversary and thanks for all your inspiration and good sense. I have to have two coffees to start the day. But, I wouldn't say no to two sinfully good chocolate truffles!
Two tickets to Oz. I want to come visit all my ig friends
I'd like two of those pillows! Red's my color. Happy anniversary. Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu
Two of anything! That opens up so many possibilities. I would like two retirement incomes!
Congratulations on the blogiversary. I always like to have at least 2 pieces of chocolate.
F*ck, that's nice, and I would love to have it at my house. What do I want two of? A second design wall would be super – I can't lay out anything bigger than a crib quilt! But then I'd need a bigger house to fit that, and I hate moving. So there we are.
Happy anniversary, and thanks for making the world a shinier place!
two sunday mornings one first thing and the other about midday when i awake from my nap
oh yes happy anniversary
Happy blogiversary. I can think of lots of things where two is better…2 jelly rolls for a quilt (Grunge Basics would be my first choice), 2 hours of uninterrupted time to read (want to check out some quilting magazines), 2 wonderful cups of coffee, and the list could go on and on.
Happy Anniv! I'd love two Sundays…or sundaes, I'm not picky
Two slices of pie. Pie is a good thing.
I think I'd like to have 2 of me. One to go to work and make some cash and one to stay home and sew all day!
Crystoll at aol dot com
Hi Molli. I'm a fairly recent reader of your blog and absolutely love it. Congrats on your second blogiversary! The pillow is gorgeous. I'd like to have two times the amount of quilting stash I have. Mine is just getting started.
Hi Molli, congratulations on your blogiversary! I can never just have one cup of tea, it always turns into two. And I sleep under two quilts on my bed. Lots of happy things come in twos, and I hope you have an amazing quilting and blogging year ahead.
Happy day for you! Id like two Ikea Billy Bookcases full of every Heather Ross and Denyse Schimidt fabric ever printed with two magic shelves that fill with new prints as they are released.
Congrats on your blog anniversary! I'd like to have two hours to myself to sit and fondle fabric and think of some quilt designs! (Little ones in the house make that hard most of the time!)
you sure have crammed in a lot of fun, lessons, sharing and drama in just two years….makes one think what will happen in the next two. Not sure what I would want two of, that seems a bit overindulgent to me…..
Happy Anniversary! I've been with you for one of the two years, but have gone back to the beginning and read all your posts-loved all the magic suitcase and the big D posts. You make my day! For my two of something……….I'll take hugs from my sons.
The pillow sparkles! Your fmq is impressing me, for sure.
I like being with two friends, because the conversation goes in so many fun directions!
Two lattes every morning!
Such a pretty pillow! Winning this would be like having my dream the other night come to life:-)
Happy blogiversary! (We bloggers of the world need to get this added to the dictionary so it doesn't always show up with red squiggles under it!) Hard to believe you've only been at this for 2 years… you're like a blog rock star! In terms of what I'd like two of, given that I'm pregnant with twins, I'm going to say two healthy babies born in late October. But then again, I just as easily say two very large chocolate chip cookies from my local coffee shop!
2 of any thing is great. Can't stand on one leg, me thinks. But for the purpose of the give away I'll say 2 flapjacks
Hopefully you won't have too many tantrums now that you've turned two
congrats on the unexpected rise to the stars
Happy bloggiversary!
I'm going with 2 stiff drinks if work tries to make me pull another late nighter tomorrow night after 3 last week!
Always two slices of toast… Happy blogiversary
Happy Blog Anniversary! For me it's two starbucks drinks on occasion….only because they're so expensive!
A Molli Sparkles original? For me? Two scoops of ice cream , please.
Happy Blogiversary to you! I always like to have 2 glasses of wine! at least!
Two pieces of chocolate, two sewing machines, two pin cushions, two kids, two cars, two handbags (one for with kids, one for without), two freezers, two dogs…lots of twos in this house.
I can't believe it's been 2 years already! You rock, Molli! That's a beautiful pillow, no flaps either I see.
2 glasses of champagne to celebrate, please…that wasn't actually my first choice but I'm trying to keep it clean here!
Two dogs are the best! Happy Blogversary!
Happy blogiversary!! I've love two sewing machines. Great pillow. Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy Blogiversary
If we're talking wishes, I'll take two good men, because why not? But things I never say no to two of? Chocolates… hours extra sleep…
I always need two more hours of sleep before getting up! Lol, congrats!!!
I've just got back from a weeks holiday in Wales and the sun shone brightly each and every day, it was truly wonderful. As a result of my holiday I'm going to be really greedy and say I'd love 2 houses! thanks for sharing your awesome string blocks.
woohoo 2 years…. lovely reading you these days and adding a bit of sparkle to our lives….. I cannot just have one half of a toastie… there must be two…. or even two full toasties… ham and cheese toasties are my favourite…. now that's probably too much information…..
2 chances to live a moment. redo the good ones, undo a few crappy one!
Love that pillow. The pink quilting in the sashing makes it even more special. I can think of lots of things I'd like two of and it appears most of them have already been mentioned. So how's about two Margaritas?
Congratulations on your second Blogoversary.
I'd love 2 weeks in Hawaii. Congrats on 2 years of glitterific blog posts.
My favorite time of year…Indian Summer!!! Love your pillow and your quilting is…copy-worthy!!! I would love 2 more days with my mom (gone 3.5 years) and my brother (gone 42 years)…I miss them both. Oh, you wanted sparkly, glittery thoughts…2 big bags of milk chocolate Tim Tams? Or just about any other milk chocolate!!! Happy Anniversary – I look forward to our blogchats!!
2 hot dogs! One just never seems to be enough.
Happy Blogiversary, oh great sparkly one … :)!
My life is pretty amazing as it is … but, I think I'd like two on ME, at least for two days … so that I could have time to follow up on your inspirations!
Two closets, duh! Although I still wouldn't be able to "put away" all my shoes! Oh, and if one of them could be jam-packed with fabric, that'd be great too! Thanks!
Woohoo!! Congratulations on your second blog-a-versary!! Look how far you've come.
I can't wait to see how far you'll go, too. 
Ummm I'd like 2 more days of weekend before this next week of crazy starts, please!
Congrats!!! Love reading your blog. I always have to have 2 choccies.. Yum!
I've been following your blog for quite a while now and love reading about the journey you have been travelling – and I would love 2 of your cushions, but I'd settle for just the one
Well, this may be going in twice! I don't know if the first message posted. I like two cookies, one for each hand so that I have a balanced diet.
Congrats on a great job!!! I always need two glasses of wine (at least!)
Love your cushion. Love everything about it and you ! I like to have two slices of choc cake. The first is always "just a small piece please" then the second piece is " Mmm that was yummy, I think I'll just have a little more!"
2 hours of uninterrupted sewing time every day, and I might as well throw in a maid while I'm wishing!
Happy Blogiversary! Here's to many, many more!!!
Congratulations! Two tiaras for me, please. I would offer to share one with you, but I don't think a real princess would do that.
My 10 year old niece asked me to help her redesign her bedroom for her. We visited quite a few websites so I could get a sense for what she liked. One of those sites was yours. She immediately fell in love with your designs. Her colors were pink and red so I made her two mini quilts. I know she would be thrilled to know I was able to get for her room one of your original designs. I know you asked us to name two things we wanted, but in my case just one of your pieces would be more than enough.
Happy anniversary, Molli! Two kisses is better than one, right? ; ) Love the pillow – especially the contrast color quilting on the border. Just beautiful!
Happy anniversary, love your blog. Such a cute pillow! Would love two bowls of frozen yogurt .
Woo! Congrats on two years!! I sure see alot more coming up for you and that's super exciting
But if I needed two more things, I sure think two of your cushions would rock our home!!
Im a twin, so im already cloned
I would love to have two more kids! Thanks for the opportunity! Love your creativity and passion!
Love your pillow. Happy Anniversary. I'd love to have 2 more days in a weekend!
2 shoes, always!
I'd love to have two lifetimes – the second one where I could learn from my earlier mistakes and know to relish every moment of each phase of life. Congratulations on your achievement! You have given me many moments of wonder and laughter
I'd like to have two hours to every one so I could actually get some work done around the house, study and have time for a giant quilting project! Thanks for the chance!
Happy Blogiversary! There are so many great answers above. I'll go with two cool, refreshing mojitos.
Love the cushion! I almost always have 2 cups of coffee in the morning. Thanks!
I like to buy fabric in pairs….. Especially if I am kidding myself and rationing LOL
Happy Anniversary Molli!
Two coffees for me please – black, no sugar!
Two things… 2 thermomixes would be good!
Happy blogaversary! I'm very boring and always need 2 cups of coffee in the morning just to get going. Otherwise, I'd like 2 job offers for my son, so he could have a choice and stop moping about the house!
Would love to have 2 days of uninterrupted quilting time to gear up for Holidays.
Two weekends per week?
Two cups of coffee!! At the very least.
And congrats! Love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win that lovely cushion
I'd like to have two of my favorite OXO kitchen tongs!
I have to have 2 Diet Cokes every day… If not more!
Two pina coladas=yes, please! Love this pillow, and happy blogiversary!
i always need the second glass of wine! Great pillow!
Love the quilting and the contrasting zipper! I need 2 cokes a day – they are my only source of caffeine!
I would like to have two weekends each week
I always like to have 2 pairs of thread snips! Cute cushion, for sure. Happy Anni!
Happy Anniversary!!! I always need2 cupcakes, one is never enough!
i like to have two big pans of homemade brownies, i like to have two slices of pizza, i like to have two bacon sandwiches and i always eat my M&M's in pairs. 2 by 2 until i am down to the very last one
I would like to have two of myself. The other one can do everything I do for my family so I can sew all day! I believe every wife needs a wife.
Congratulations, for everything! I would love two cups of tea and (at least) two chocolate biscuits. Two pairs of hands would also be very, ehm… handy!
Congratulations on you 2 anniversary. Have read your blog for only a short time and in that time it has become one of my faves. I would love 2 vacas. One to spend with family and one (selfishly) for me to do nothing but quilt!
Congrats!! I would love 2 chocolate bars.
Hi love your sewing n blog! Two scoops of chocolate ice cream please! Have a pinkalicious day!
Good grief, is it really 2 years already? That flew by! It takes two baby, it takes two baby……. donuts, I have one I always feel like another one (well more really but more than two is just being greedy!) Congratulations on your first two years!
Love the pillow! I think I'd like two apartments; one to live in that's tidy and another to make into a big, gorgeous quilting studio. jones50(at)purdue(dot)edu
Well, there are a lot of things I like to have 2 of. First thing that comes to mind are shoes… Just kidding! But I have to admit that I have 2 of my favorite dress…
My first thought was two of these cushions. I love it! Congratulations on two years.
You are too much fun. Happy Anniversary! I always have 2 glasses of wine. one is never enough.
Hey you!
I would love to have 2 good working legs again…the arthritis in my right knee is a bitch!
I absolutely love the quilting you have done on that great, colourful cushion!
Thanks so much for the giveaway…I am so happy I found you!!!!
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows
Happy Blogiversary! I can't ever eat one cookie (I know, bad habit).
I guess I have to vote for two G&Ts, one for each hand —
Happy blogiversary! Beautiful cushion- I love how happy those colours are! As for two, well…I like to have two of food.
Two glasses of Riesling for me please. And go ahead and make that a double! (4) LOL
Happy blogaversary. Loving the cushion – yet another stunning make! As for my favourite two, well it's got to be days free each weekend.
Love the cushion and can't believe its two years! As for what I would like two of its got to be sewing machines….. I'm terrified mine will break down!!!
Happy Second Blogiversary! I have to have two cups of joe in the morning! Love your cushions!
Well, I would like to have two days with my best friend — but what I imediately thought of was my children, who always want to be hugged and kissed goodnight twice!
I love this pillow and it would look oh so perfect in my home
There are many things I would like two of, many of them already listed here, but what is striking my mood right now is two of me, one that could be stuck here at work doing all the mundane things one has to do at work, and the other could be home actually finishing up a quilt top I have on the go right now, which has taken over my dining room table at the moment and threatens to be a long enduring mess…. A mess with a beautiful result at the end I'm sure, but a mess nonetheless. That being said maybe I just need two houses? One to live in and one to craft in….
Love your pillow and I love making pillows:) 2 pieces of candy is always a must!!
Too many things to pick from . . . how about two vegan, gluten free cookbooks.
Two weekend days in a row with nothing to do but see and quilt!
Congrats on the anniverary! I'd like 2 ipads so my daughter can leave me alone about Doc McStuffins when I'm surfing the web!
Happy 2nd Blogaversary.
Sparkle on..
I would love to have my 2 grandkids here with me at the same time.