I have about thirty-seven things on the go: patterns, articles, tours, projects, fan mail, commissions, logos, not to mention the quilts! With all this activity happening, I knew it was time to put on my gold chainz and be a BO$$! Dollas? Nah, $parkles!

Tonight I’m making the backing for what I’m currently calling my Fully Sick Quilt. You know, because I was fully sick when I started making it. I’ve got the quilt top sewn together (not pictured), and I’m using yardage of Salt Air Blooms in Coral, combined with Art Gallery Pure Elements stripes, for the back. I know it sounds cray-cray, but I’m contemplating some matchstick quilting. Fully sick in the head, I know!
“Hanging on your every word…” – Sia
You da boss! Bend and snap… flick away baby. Can't wait to see what's up those sleeves of yours…
I guess the next post shouldn't be a pattern – but an explanation for the others how to draft your pattern from a block you like … that would have two wonderful effects.
1. we wouldn't get swamped in tutorials (I don't know how many tutorials I have seen pop up about binding and really there are not that many ways to actually do them) and those star blocks – there are only that many varieties to arrange HSTs to form a star and no if you just use some different colours it's not a new pattern argh — sorry nothing personal
2. they wouldn't have to wait until all those majorly busy people are done writing the turorials ….
Laugh away, but the first thing I see is a trellis. Where are the blooms?
Definitely da boss!
As a matchstick quilter, I highly recommend it but don't be in a hurry when you do it. It's great that you are having so much fun with all the quilting homework and commitments.
very strange on the eye – one minute you focus on the horizontal and the next on the vertical. love it! dont' know matchstick… off to google.
Okay, that chain is some serious sparkle! Love the quilt! And yes, matchstick quilting might be up there in the category of, hmmmmm, well, are you sure?!? It will look awesome though!
I've been doing matchstick quilting on the edges of a 25" square quilt and the hand cramps/sore elbow from holding the ruler steady while I guide my longarm where I want it to go….argh!!! I'm thinking it would be much easier on a DSM!! Can't wait to find out how to make this block and see yours finished!! Going to love the quilting and the backing!!!
Love the top and that chain is seriously becoming 🙂 (hope, that is the right word)
Just a hello from a new friend! Enjoying your blog & quilt activities.
Stitch (and sparkle) on!