A few weeks ago I teased you with some paper pieced letters a la Wheel of Fortune. (Seriously, where is Vanna White these days?! Hold on, total sidebar, but I just read her Wiki, and she is apparently still turning letters on Wheel of Fortune at the age of 57! But wait, there’s more! She is a crochet and knitting enthusiast with her own range of yarns called Vanna’s Choice! God, I love Wikipedia.)
Well, now that that unplanned digression is done, let me officially present to you my #SELFIEWITHSPARKLE quilt! I’ve never been one for mini quilts, but I can’t help but totally adore this one. I used a paper piecing font pattern I purchased from From Blank Pages. It’s called My First Alphabet and you can get it from her Craftsy pattern store for $9.00. (Just so you know, I paid full price, and I am receiving no revenue from this; just want to give you all the info). The letters are made from homespun and white scraps, surrounded by Mirror Ball Dot in Snow. Yep, my glitter-flecked binding is there, too!

The patterns were super easy to follow, and if I can do this for my second paper piecing attempt, I’m sure you can too! Now, why oh why, did I need to make this? Well, you probably saw me wearing it on my little spot on The Today Show, but I actually made it originally to bring to the Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair. I was going to hang it in the corner and let people take their own #SELFIEWITHSPARKLE standing in front of it. Then some good friends of mine suggested I turn it into a sash (<–Rodney and Vern, you are brilliant!), so I attached a blue sequinned harness to the back (of course, it was sequinned), and viola the #SELFIEWITHSPARKLE sash was born!

Well, lady boy, was it ever popular! You can search on Instagram for some of the photos, but I’ve seen them floating around other parts of the Internet as well. Two of my favourite members of the Glitterati, Cassie and her mum, Carolynne stopped by my booth to grab their own version. You know why I love them so? They started this whole trend at last year’s Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair when they messaged me the week before asking if we could meet up for a selfie. Two years in a row: I think it’s now a tradition! See you in 2015, ladies?

Let me remind you though: You don’t need to be wearing this quilted sash to take a #SELFIEWITHSPARKLE. All you need is your fabulous self, being the best version of you, for all of the world to see. We all have our ups, we all have our downs, we even have in-betweens, but no matter what, never forget to …

only recently found your blog … you do brighten my day with your sparkle!
Ahh what would like be without a touch of sparkle!
Your "Reminder" says it all. What a wonderful way to spread the sparkle.
What a great idea, glad I found you
I love your attitude!
Pretty awesome perspective, Molli Sparles. Love it!
Wouldn't this even more fabulous made with some of the metallic accent fabrics coming out. ..
We all need sparkle in our lives! So glad I get some sparkle every time I check in here! Best, Kate
You encourage us all to sparkle. Thanks for it.
Fun! I love working with the alphabet and am planning something now that has lots of letters. lol I love this! Thanks for sparkling so brightly!
Only you could get away with making a mini quilt into a wearable sash! And I'm sure it's no mistake that it matches your blog colours perfectly. I'm plotting a little project of my own using those letters.. top secret for the moment. Gotta love paper piecing for it's precision.
Hi Molli, I just posted on Sunday Stash and thought I should say hello, and thanks for hosting, it seems to be encouraging my mum to give me all sorts of stuff! More wearable quilt stuff, especially shiny quilt stuff, sounds like a top idea.
Lol, you nut!
This is what I love most about you—beyond all the fabulousness of your quilts, there is an underlying message and encouragement–your last paragraph says it all.