Blogger Bundle at Fluffy Sheep Quilting
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m not one to wait around for things to happen. I like to get out there, shake my tail-feathers, and get the party started! There’s no time to waste, and the right now, is all you’ve got. Which is why, a few weeks ago, I marched right up to Cindy at Fluffy Sheep Quilting and said something of the sort, “I’m fabulous, you’re fabulous, let’s be fabulous together and do a Blogger Bundle!” How could she say no to that? Well guess what, she didn’t!

So I present to you, the Molli Sparkles Blogger Bundle, available only at Fluffy Sheep Quilting. I will tell you now this is a limited edition bundle, so if you want a piece of this, you’d better head over there now! Don’t think just because I live in Australia, I will fall for your crocodile tears! I’m getting one of these bundles, and I plan on using it hard.

This collection features an icy palette I’m totally into right now: tonal teals, cool greys and varying values of each. There are nine fat quarters that would make a chilling project on their own, or throw in one contrast colour (a red-orange would vibrate this palette off the chain!) to put your own spin on it. Cindy has all sorts of coordinating fabrics for this bundle, too, so I encourage you to go wild with colour. It’s a party up in here, y’all, because I gots me my own bundle!

I’m not even gonna lie, I almost threw in some navy linen, but I thought a lot of you would freak out about A. using the linen, or B. mixing it with the black. Now let me tell you something, and this is truth. You don’t have to be scared of fabric. What? I know. The worst it can do to you is make you sneeze. Not so bad, right? Secondly, navy and black: mix it up, baby! Five words for you: So. Phis. Ta. Cay. Shun.
Love it! Is navy and black supposed to be a no-no? I must have missed that memo. You picked some of my favorites. : )
You're hilarious! I had such fun with this. Let's be fabulous together again some time 🙂
Great choices!
Mmm, Right up my alley. When a recent Blogger asked which two colors we like to combine I said aqua and darker aqua. Also just this evening I used black and navy in the same block. Well played Molli, well played.
Not use navy and black together? That's never going to happen in this house. Loving the bundle – I'm thinking grey sashing, and maybe a pop of colour.
Oh now there's color police?
Alright fine, I'll get them 😉
I think you must be the only quilt blogger that makes me regularly laugh out loud. <3
Mollie, I love your special bundle and think some orange added to the mix would be perfect. Bang!!!!! Can't wait to see what you do with it! Do you celebrate 4th. of July in Austrailia, probably not, since it's an American holiday. Forget I asked….stupid!
Your posts always make me smile…just like the Bitchy Stitcher…irreverent and totally fun!!! Stupid auto-correct…it wanted to make "irreverent" into "irrelevant" and that would so totally be WRONG!!! Off to check out that sparkly sheep!!!
Molli you international woman of mystery, taking over the globe one nation at a time. I see what you're doing you floozy! My biggest problem with black and navy is figuring out which is which! (The eyesight aint what it used to be!)
Stunning! I love it all! But keeping a promise to myself (I'm famous to my grandbabies for keeping my promises) I can NOT buy any more fabric until I make 2 more quilts from what I have 🙁
I'm having visions of Cindy hiding under the table here, as you came marching on up :oD
Hi Molli, loving your quilts, blog, instagramming & recent spotlight on Aussie morning TV! Can't wait to see you at the Sydney Quilt show, but I do have a question for you now… As much a I love the American and European online shops you've shared, I'd love to know what Aussie online shops you recommend for quitting fabric? Thanks & have a sparkly day!
Hey Ang – You're a no reply blogger so I couldn't email you back. Aussie shops… usually my LQS The Remnant Warehouse in Alexandria, Sydney. I also like Kate Quilts, Patchwork on Pittwater, Fifi's Fabricology … I should make a real list!
Lovely bundle and you should have used the navy linen too. Linen is one of my favourites for quilting.