Colour Me Happy: A Journey with Colour & Design
Oh hey there! One second, I’ll be right with you, let me just finish making this martini. ::shake::shake::shimmy::shimmy::shake::shake::
Pour it up, deliciousness is served. Who needs dinner when you have vodka? When you’re right, you’re right, right?
If you live in the Sydney area and want to come hang out with me, I’ll be serving up a course called Colour Me Happy: A Journey with Colour & Design this Saturday, May 24 from 1:30pm at Patchwork on Pittwater in Mona Vale, Sydney. I’ve taught university courses before, but this is the first time I’ve taught a quilting audience. I am thrilled to know that you (most likely) won’t be hung over, and/or stoned!

I promise to share with you all I know about colour, and how I design with it. Oh, it’s a journey alright! If you’re interested please give Patchwork on Pittwater a call on +61 2 9999 6159 so they can make sure there’s a chair for you. I’m bringing all of the quilts I still have, so you’re welcome to sit on those too. There will also be a Mr. Sparkles fan club meet & greet!

I like hands on learning, so I’ll be showing a whole heap of colourful fabric bundles, how they relate to the colour wheel, their colour scheme names, and why they work. I will then let you loose in the fabric shop and help you make your own bundles! It’s time to retire that French General, because I’m about to colour you happy!
Reckon I can learn apparition a la Harry Potter by Saturday?
I can not WAIT! Little Miss A wants to come but she will take the talk over with her comments and 'intelligent' questions… another time perhaps! See you Saturday!
Oh I wish I could come to meet you…….French General blaaahhhh !! Bright = excite !! Have a great day
Yay! Sound like it's going to be a great session!
Forget that I *dream* of going to Australia anyway…but to be in your presence…I don't know if my heart could handle it! 🙂 Someday, Moll's, someday!
Oh, there is going to be a lot of drama look 🙂 Have fun!
Can't wait to hear about this when it's done. Wish I could be there.
Wish I was there…now where's my vodka so I can join the party!
Ooooh dayamn!!! I wanna go. 🙂 Can you just do another one when you're here in California next time? 😀
I second the California class. Perhaps at Intrepid Thread?? (not so subtle hint, hint!)
Oh honey, it's so sad Texas is so far away! I would love to take a class you taught in anything quilty!
How did it go? I'd love to hear!