Kimonos Ablaze
Well, here goes nothin’ y’all! I asked for a big dose of truth tea, and I’m expecting nothing less. I’m actually a bit scurred of what your comments are going to say, so I made sure I put on my big girl panties. Remember, truth tea is all about being constructive, and lifting people up. In the famous words of Rick Astley (LR):
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
So if you love Kimonos Ablaze, feel free to say so, but not just because someone else does. If you think it would have worked better with some yellow thrown in, or as squares, or with red binding, pour yourself a mug of truth tea and let it spill.
Kimonos Ablaze started with this scrap bag of fabric that I received from my good friends Bob and Chris after they visited a kimono shop in Byron Bay, NSW. I was immediately taken by the geometric designs, and masculine shades of blues, taupes, and greys, peppered with pops of red and orange. As I discussed during Sunday Stash #71, I couldn’t resist cutting into them for The Sassy Quilter’s Triangle Quilt Along. While my Sparkleworks quilt utilised triangle construction methods, this was my first time making a pure triangle quilt.

Well, y’all know I’ve gotta put my own sparkle on everything right? So after I had cut these scraps into five inch triangles, and realised I had enough to make–well, not a very big quilt–I knew I had to add in some solids. I started with just throwing in one shade of red, and one shade of orange to coordinate. I littered them throughout the other fabrics, and it was nice, but just nice. It felt a bit too forced, and predictable for my taste. “That’s the way you make a triangle quilt though: feature fabrics, add some solids, sew into a square… done!” I ruminated to myself.

That’s when I said to myself, “Molli, why you tryin’ to be all like everyone else? It’s your quilt, make it however the hell you feel like it.” And while I was having a deep and meaningful internally, Mr. Sparkles came home and asked what I was up to? “Oh, I’m making a triangle quilt!” To which he responded with a quizzical look and his own truth tea: “Well that’s stupid, how you gonna keep your hands and feet warm with a quilt shaped like a triangle?” Oh dear. After my own quizzical look back, we eventually got on the same page.

Immediately, I knew where this quilt design was headed. I scribbled a few colour blocking ideas in my sketch book, cut several more shades of red and orange triangles, and began to sew. While on the thinner side, the kimono fabrics worked wonderfully with some starch. I used 50wt Aurifil, which made piecing a breeze, especially with these somewhat fragile fabrics. For the back I used some DS Quilts yardage I’d been saving, and while it looks like a grey solid in the photo, it’s actually a very sophisticated grey and navy houndstooth style check. I threw in some larger triangles to echo the front design. I’m extremely happy with the finished product because of these design elements, and this has given me inspiration to continue working in this direction.

I finished this quilt in less than a week, which has proven to me how fast I can work. (I had to catch up with the rest of the Sassy QAL-ers!) I intend on giving it to Bob and Chris as a thank you, and I imagine it will mostly live on the daybed on their balcony, somewhat exposed to the elements. They have a few other quilts there already to keep it company. Despite some of its technical flaws, and cheaper quality fabrics, I know it will be loved to life! But in the tradition of truth tea, I want to share some of my mistakes and learnings with you, because this quilt is far from perfect.

Some things I learned (comments especially welcome concerning): - The red and orange fabrics are Spotlight (Jo-Ann's) homespun, and the navy is homespun from my LQS. They both washed up surprisingly well, with minimal fading, and a remaining softness. - Warp and weft matters, even for your homespun. One section of navy, I turned differently than the other two, and you can now see a slight tonal variation. - I want to do more of my own designs. - Don't be afraid of triangles, just keep a can of starch handy (I used the supermarket home brand). - When joining my binding, I always overlap a little bit too much and get a small pleat. - I now prefer 2.25" binding. Machine sewing it down serves a speedy purpose, but I still don't love it. - Don't be afraid of non-traditional fabrics. - The quilting is not as tight as when long-arm quilted. - Since I'm taller, I held the quilt in the rain, while Mr. Sparkles operated the camera. Being a quilt holder is hard work and I need longer arms!
Title: Kimonos Ablaze
Size: 63″ x 82″
Quilt Design: Molli B. Sparkles original
Quilting: straight line quilting by me with Aurifil 50wt, Colour 4655 Storm at Sea, Variegated
Binding: machine stitched with Aurifil 50wt, Colour 2692 Black
Backing: DS Quilts yardage combined with oversized triangle stripe
Label: hand-written, sewn into binding
Favourite Part: That I’ve never seen anything like it.
I think it's a pretty sexy quilt.
I like it. I think t
I think the red and orange make the blues pop. One day you may get a longarm. Watch out then!
I adore the front and back of this beautiful quilt! I love designs that are not from patterns, but from our artistic instincts. I am not a pattern follower, love liberated improvisational work.
IF I were to change anything about your quilt it is possibly to add 3-5 orange and red triangles in the large black triangle. But I don't think the quilt needs it either. Love it!
Hey Liz – You're a no-reply blogger, so I couldn't email you back. (Check this link out:
Regarding, the orange and red triangles continuing into the navy negative space, I totally get that thought process. It is something I considered, and decided against because I wanted the kimono fabric to be on fire, and the negative space to act as a background. I didn't want it to seem like the red/orange triangles were just going across the quilt, but instead weighted and contained to the bottom of the kimono. I really appreciate your comment!!!
I think it is sensational!!! I love the layout… It is perfect! And the back is lovely too! Since you ask for honesty… then I must agree with Liz before me, that a few scattered red and orange triangles in the navy section would give it an interesting touch.
I agree with Michelle and Liz! If you were to do it again, maybe bleed /scatter some triangles into the solid. Of course that'd make the piecing of that section harder, but you're up for it :-). I hope your friends enjoy the quilt!
but she could just applique some triangles to avoid cutting into the negative space.
You Rick Rolled us in a blog post, good for you. The quilt is lovely, I like the fabrics.
I like it! I want to dig my hands into those scraps of kimono fabrics!
You finished it in a week? A week??? Truth – you suck! 😉 OK, green jealous monster coming out over here because I chose an over zealous quilting design. I really like this and agree – it might have been interesting and not too difficult to sprinkle some triangles in the solid portion of the quilt. . . Orange and red triangles to be specific 🙂
Very nice quilt and made in record time. I like how the kimono fabrics transition into the orange prints.
I love it! Honest to goodness I do. Great design and colors!
I think you did a fab job making the quilt bigger. I use this binding tutorial that has never failed me. It has worked perfectly every time (even when you throw in my human brain). Its from Rita of Red Pepper Quilts. There are lots of others out there but in case you don't want to check them all out. She makes joining the ends once you have sewn it on a cinch.
I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT IN A WEEK. I love the back. Nearly as much as the front. What I love most is that it doesn't look like any triangle quilt I have seen so far. And that is a compliment, darlin'. Because (leans in close) I don't really like triangle quilts but this one is fabulous because it stands on its own.
I love how you posted the lessons learned. I do that on my blog after each project. It helps me as a quilter and I hope it helps others.
I like the triangles for this scrappy quilt. It works well. I also like the suggestion of the triangle in the movement, but slightly off-center. Makes it more visually appealing. And I love the red/orange with the blue, and how you varied the colors within the solids.
It just sparkles! Wouldn't change a thing! I especially love the back and how you made big triangles through color way! You just keep spreading the pixie dust and I hope some lands by me…
Bravo… those bias babies can be buggers.
More triangles???…weeeell OKay, but not Orange / Red ones… too predictable… applique a few indigo ones on the solid side as though they are fallin' into molli's fire pit.
Love it. I love it just the way you did it, but if I were to see, say, Part II in a Blazing Kimono series, I'd be curious to see a fade into the navy in the same manner as the fade from the reds.
Wish there was like a reverse Magic Suitcase, cause I been after that navy DS houndstooth.
show off – I will be working this weekend to hand stitch my binding down (I just cannot do a proper machine stitched binding w/o getting messy) so I can get my triangle quilt along entry on time. I envy you the gift of the kimono fabrics…what a fun thing to do with them.
Love the back, love the orange and red solids with the prints, but not 100% sold on the navy half of the front. It just feels I little plain compared to other side but it also kind of seems like something that would grow on me with time. I think I would like it better if it was a wide navy stripe and you brought the triangles back in a small section of the upper corner. Just a thought!
Oh – and I was totally singing along to your lyrics at the top! 🙂
I've been wanting to make a triangle quilt for some time but inspiration hasn't hit me yet for it. I do like the left side of your quilt more than the solid side, especially the pops of orange with the prints. I've been drawn to orange lately. Regarding binding, I cut mine at 2.5" and press in half. I machine sew it down to the front, flip it over and hand finish it on the back.
Omg love it!! But I'm addicted to ombre. As in, my husband thinks I have a problem, lol. I recently did a quilt with a large area of negative space with straight line quilting pretty much the same way you did – curious to know your marking technique and if you liked it? And regarding pleats in binding -. I always used to give a little extra room in the binding when making the last join, thinking that would be better, but oh the pleats! Then I read someone suggesting to actually do the final join so the binding was a hair shirt because it tends to stretch a bit naturally when sewing it to the quilt top – if that makes sense!!
It's fabulous exactly as is…and no one has a gun to my head making me say this. I, too, am a believer in truth tea : )
Looks lovely 🙂
When you posted the kimono fabric I wanted to see what you did with it. It is so intrinsically "Asian" and could have ended up a cliche, but I think you have made your quilt anything but a cliche!
I think the equilateral triangles really bring out each fabric and give a subtle nod to the Asian nature of the prints. The reds and oranges are within the same tonal family (Gawd, I sound like an art professor) and so you get texture and depth and I really do get a sense of flames, with spitting bits of fire as the triangles twirling off the main flames. The reds and oranges are so complementary to the indigo blues.
The bit that I think could be improved is the harshness of the sudden change to solid blue. I wonder if a few (no more than 4 of each) triangles of the red/orange and the kimono fabrics randomly within the solid blue would break it up? Sort of like the kimono is the bonfire, the flames are stating and spitting and bits of bonfire and flames are floating into the night sky? Is that too arty-farty?!!
I really do like the quilt overall. I can see it inspiring me in terms of equilateral triangles and the kimono indigos with those oranges.
By the way, Rachel at had a recent post how her husband made her a T shaped metal frame and she sewed two fabric sleeves that she pins to her quilt back and then is able to stand up the frame and take photos. I thought it was a great idea!
Oh, and Mr Rick Astley? Well we just happened to go to the same high school, except he was a few years ahead of me. Just (cos I don't want you thinking I am THAT old!!). I should go back to my alumni and find out what he is doing now, though no doubt he is either a plumber, a bingo caller or singing working men's clubs if the stereotypes of late 80s British one-hit-wonders is to go by!!
I definitely like this one, but then I'm a sucker for a nice bit of orange! I like the large area of unsullied solid blue, it lets the quilting shine in that area and really gives you the contrast you need. I have yet to try using triangular blocks so it was useful to read about using starch, good to know. With your binding issues I can only suggest getting 'The Binding Tool' (see link for tutorial Since I started using mine I haven't had any joining issues with my binding at all.
Very creative quilt you made. Your posts are fun and full of fun stuff n tips. My only suggestion may be is to sprinkle a tiny bit of color in or near the top corner where the hand is peeking out. Well have a sparkles of a day. Oh how do you find time to make that size of a quilt in one week? Your amazing!
Okay, expect the unexpected from you is my motto. I really, really do love this quilt. I actually plan to pin it, and yes, if I ever decide to suffer through another triangle quilt, I will not copy it, but use it as inspiration. I love that half is black, are those triangles too? It's hard to tell, sorry.
First I had to smile trying to imagine how you sleep under triangle shape quilt, lol. I like combo of solids and prints and the colors you picked but the cut is a bit too sharp for me. I would like it better if you used few of the prints to make is smoother. Knowing that you are drama queen I'm sure you made that sharp cut on purpose.
dammit – I was really looking forward to being able to say something other than "damn, this is fantastic", but you went and ruined it for me! I love the bright red corner and the way it kind of melts into monochrome. Really gorgeous!
I love the reds and oranges and the way they punch it up with bright color. I am a bit unsure about the big expanse of dark on the right side. I think I would like it more if there were a few scattered small triangles over there for balance. But, all in all, a great job!
For my eye the solid navy section is too large – I think you could still have achieved the contained fire look you refer to in one of the comments above with a smaller chunk of negative space, for example if the bottom of the navy negative space started about a third of the way from the bottom corner of the quilt. The remainder of the quilt I really like.
Okay, I do love it, but the red/orange corner could do with a little more texture, the solids are a tad heavy after the patterned navy fabrics
It's noice, it's different, it's unusual… I loike it! You always do, not quite the unexpected, but the different and that's what makes you you and your work wonderful. Could you have quilted the negative space in orange/red variegated? That would be perhaps my only suggestion?
I love the masculinity of this quilt. The colours are striking and the backing is so good it's a totally reversible quilt!
I like the idea and the effect and the blue section makes me think of a kimono sleeve. I would love it it there was a little less of the blue or it was a completely even split from corner to corner. That being said you had explained about running out of the kimono fabric and it is visually very effective and will be used and loved on the balcony. I'm not sure how I feel about offering this comment as you are much further ahead of me in learning the quilting process and it does feel a little cheeky but I'm trying to do,the truth tea thing here.
I like it. But tell me – why do you use starch on the triangles?? I've never used starch, let alone on triangles?!?!
I like the quilt, love the back with those large fiery triangles! And I like that small flash of red in the binding. I started off thinking I also would have liked to see other red and orange triangles in the navy section, 'falling' into the others, but having gone back and looked again, I think that tiny bit of red binding gives just enough of a flash.
Very interesting…
I like the orangey fire effect, but the solid side is kind of too much of one color. I agree with a few comments i have seen here, that a little orange in the solid blue would have looked good. To break it up.
A red binding would not have looked good against the solid section, although maybe one of the lighter oranges would have pulled color to the other side of the quilt, making the dark blue less of 'i'm the only color over here'.
The back works, I will say I don't really care for the color in the picture. Grey is not my thing, but the orange and blue belt does break up that solid very nicely.
I love everything about your quilt. I think it is very creative and definitely the most unique triangle quilt I have seen too.
I've really been enjoying your blog – love your humor! And in the spirit of truth tea, I have to say that I really like the combination of fabrics – the bright oranges really pop amid the blues. That having been said, I feel as if something is missing in the big blue triangle. Perhaps some sort of transition from the print half to the solid half, or a few print triangles thrown on to the solid half, not necessarily the orange fabric, though. I'd really like to soften the line between the two halves too! But of course, that's just my opinion, and, as I said before, I really like the fabrics together! Keep on posting – your take does us all good!
And I forgot to say that I adore the back! 🙂
This was my first time using starch and I definitely noticed a difference. It won't be my last time. I will say that at first I agreed with the others who suggested sprinkling some orange through the navy but in the end I think that would take away from the originality of this design (I've seen similar effects often in the last little while) and your signature orange in the binding has the same effect, although more subtly.
And I was curious about your quilting choice. Why in only one direction? I'm concerned about pulling along the resulting rows because of the fabric bias.
While I haven't had time to comment on your previous post, please know that I am always open to negative comments. I would much rather hear a balance of opinions on my work than only half of the comments because people don't want to criticize. I don't even have a problem with people simply saying "I don't like this" or "not my style". Guess I've come a long way with age as those comments would have gutted me 5 years ago 🙂
I love love love it! I spent 3 years in Japan, and love the use of all the blues and kimono fabrics! It's definitely a modern twist on origami. 🙂 great job adding in the oranges and reds!
I think it is terrific. Does not need criticism. 😀
This quilt is so striking! I was quickly scrolling through all the posts in my reader and this quilt stopped me in my tracks!
The arrangement of the orange and red triangles is really dynamic. I really get the sense that flames are jumping off the quilt top! Beautiful fabric choices. One of my immediate thoughts was that the change from the print area to the solid area was a bit harsh. I immediately imagined a few of the lighter triangles scattered into the solid area, in the same way there appears to be some bits of the background solid in the lighter area. However, I do understand your design choice after reading your response to Liz! I love the orange-red stripe on the backing. The black binding was a great choice. I think anything else would have been too distracting from the beautiful design of the top.
Binding Pleats! I had the same problem for the longest time, until I switched to the Red Pepper Quilts method. I don't know if it is the method or experience, but I haven't seen any binding pleats in three quilts. Of course now that I said that, they will probably reappear. 😀
Beautiful work and thanks for the discussion. I really enjoyed reading all the comments!
I like it. I like the pieced back, too. I also enjoyed the interesting read. I do not really have any critical comments. Did you consider doing a two color binding with red along the navy sides? Just wondering. I am not suggesting that it would improve your quilt, which is a striking original work. I am looking forward to seeing more of your own designs … 🙂 Pat
Love your triangle combo! Very effective. 🙂 I also was not sure about the harsh division between them and the solid. I think it is just different to what is out there and that's a good thing because it's your style. I still really like the quilt 🙂 I just like the triangle part the best !
The first thing I liked was your uniqueness of design and color! I can see it being well used in it's new home on a balcony!
PS: Stop by on Tuesdays for my new linky: Tuesday Archives…the linky party where you get to rejuvenate your OLD quilting posts. So far it's been a lot of fun!
I totally get your negative space … Balances the positive, but my first instinct is to have the very last triangle red in the corner and maybe black in the first triangle in the positive space. But love the concept and fabric choices anyway!!
Truthfully, I really like what you've done with the kimono indigos and the red-orange accent. The solid side looks like it's just filling in the empty space. Maybe it's time to try out some FMQ! Fill in a few triangle shapes on the solid side with some thread to get a hint of white, gray, or orange, and a little more texture.
what one could think a bit about are the tow black/dark blue triangles lining up with the dark half .. thy sort of break up the border between the solid and the patterned halfs yet it doesn't look like they are "growing into each other" like with the reds and the kimono fabrics ..
Do you have any reasons for always (usually, mostly) quilting just beside the ditch/seam line .. ?
I love it!! I may be a bit biased as orange is my favourite colour. This makes me want to make a triangle quilt.
Definitely a fire… I really love it and I have a box full of kimono silk… only mine is all girlee 🙂
Your quilts always look fabulous and this one is no different. Congrats on yet another beautiful finish.
I'm scared to be nice rather than constructive! I do love the bright solids mixed with the kimono fabrics though! As a suggestion it would look fabulous with some flaming fmq!
I like it. The asymmetry works well, and I like the solid section being left alone. Your use of reds & oranges provides interest without going overboard. If I were to offer any critique, it would be about the back of the quilt. Personally, I would not have that stripe in the center. I would have it in the top or bottom third. It doesn't make or break the quilt, and when it is on your lap, or folded across a bed or couch, it doesn't make any difference.
Love it – stunning colours and classy, simple quilting in a quilting world dominated by longarms! Have shared on FB 'West Manse Quilt Retreat' as a glowing example to the Quilting Terrified – hope you don't mind x
My favorite part…you quilted it yourself on your domestic machine! Bravo! And you were daring and different! Excellent! Yes…I, too, thought the navy side was a bit "On the Dark Side". I like the scattered triangles idea as other's have suggested. I did the Triangle QAL too. Yep…the boring one. It was a fun QAL though. You win for MOST ORIGINAL! And…I love your refreshing honesty!
Love, love, love the back! I would maybe have done a little more with the quilting – change the direction, go in both directions to make a hatch design, but the straight lines complement the triangles much better than dense long arm FMQ would have. It definitely reads as you though 😀
I absolutely love it. The solids you added really give it a lift. Fantastic job!
It is really great!
Such a stunning quilt and I love how you have used the beautiful kimono fabrics! Will have to pop over to Byron Bay soon and visit the shop your friend got the fabrics from – do you know what it was called?
I love it! I do think that it would have been cool with a few triangle spreading into the solid. Maybe like bits of ash floating away?
no one mentioned the bit of red in the right binding. Ads some fun.
I have to agree some red and kimono ashes flying across the blue might add a bit more interest.
Have to say "Thanks Molli" I don't usually read blog comments because they are all the same sentiment. You have stirred the pot and I have learned from the comments here.
Oh, I think it's wonderful! I love how you concentrated the orange on one side then moved to the blue, finishing with the solid. It's so bright and interesting to look at. Triangles were definitely the right shape (and probably more fun to piece than squares, right?)
Definitely a design not seen anywhere else and I love it! Great quilt!!
Gorgeous, very pleasing to look at, appreciated your details on the fabric and construction. Love the quilting, simple yet perfect!
I like it. Honestly, initially I thought the big block of orange/red in the corner was a bit too over bearing, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. I think it would have been kind of cool if the fire effect had been carried over to the solid side as well, but that seems like a little too much effort to go to considering it already looks cool. Also, I think a little more red in the binding would have added extra pop, but there is plenty enough pop as is 🙂 The back looks awesome, too. I love it when the back of a quilt could just as easily be used as the top.
Looks to me like icy snow on the side of a glowing mountain at nighttime…..truth tea…I would've done the red triangle thingy into the night sky but I see lots of others have said the same thing so maybe that's far too predictable which you are not….so it's complete the way it is.
I'd better get buying,you're getting faster than me at sewing 😉
I love it! The red totally reads as fire and is a fun unexpected pop! Great work.
It's a fantastic piece of art. Really eye catching. Pinworthy! And I love the back. I'm trying to get inspired to piece interesting backs for every quilt. This is sharp, clean and masculine. I'm making a quilt for my Dad and it gives me great inspiration.
Big blue corner! So daring! See how so many people are a little disconcerted by that large blank space? That is the touch of an artist who can provoke strong reactions. Kudos!
I. Love. This. Quilt. Also love how you decided to make it your own and change it up to suit you!
I love the placement of the orange against the blue triangles – totally cool. Only thing I would change is the quilting in the solid blue – I would have quilted it to look like the triangles! I love all the negative space!
I really love how you have taken the triangle design put your own spin on it. I can honestly say that I love your design as it is but that I also agree with some of the other commenters that it could look great with the darker fabrics "bleeding" into the solid triangle – an idea for another triangle quilt some time perhaps? The back is every bit as beautiful as the front. I made my first reversible quilt at the weekend and I will definitely be using a lot more designs in my quilts backs from now on, they add so much more interest to the finished quilt. I think that no matter how accomplished you are every quilt is a learning experience and you have most definitely learnt a lot from this one. Keep on sparkling and sharing.
I'm sorry, but I don't like it. I find the half that is navy just takes away from the rest of it and brings it down. I like the idea of it, the reds and oranges look great. I love the strip of red and orange on the back. I also like the way you quilted it after. I think since you went with the navy half, perhaps if a bright binding had been used, it would have tied it together a bit better. Just my opinion, but hey, I can't even get a binding on correctly yet! I wouldn't say no to this quilt if someone gave it to me, but for my personal taste I find it a bit flat.
Hey look at this: Truth tea that isn't positive! And guess what? I survived! Love your feedback Kirsten, and even though I don't agree with it, that's totally fine! Keep that truth tea pouring, baby!
I would have tried more quilting in the navy block, making faux triangles with the quilting, and using a lighter colored thread to stand out more and contrast with the navy. Maybe even cross-hatch or zig zag a few of the navy quilted triangles to give the illusion of pieced blocks of a lighter shade of navy. I don't think the orange in the navy would work for me, but using a pale blue, or maybe white, quilting thread to mimic the other fabrics that had dark lines with white lines, or dark grid with white centers. Or to be really out there, use a sparkle thread to give the navy part some real lovely sparkle. (and if I reverted back to no-reply – paulburega at gmail dot com).
or to be really Asian, white sashiko thread – hand sewn in big stiches, to give it more of an Asian flair.
I love the hand sewn white sashimi thread idea.
I would have put a line of triangles around the two blue navy edges and more quilting in that solid expanse of Navy , but I do like your design. I like your saying – loved to life. That is so true. Thanks for linking to TGIFF!
I love the colors and the pattern. I think the overall pattern looks amazing. The funny thing is my favorite part is the little red on the binding over on the navy side. That creates a visual marker to make the eye travel over the whole quilt as opposed to ignoring the navy space. Also that little red makes the red and orange pop even more.
I really like it, but I agree that it would look great if there were some triangles in the navy solid piece. I don't think they should be red/orange though as they had "faded out" before that point, but a few of the kimono fabric triangles maybe. Although now that I think about it more, quilted triangles might look even better.
I tried to come up with some constructive comments but I don't have any, because this quilt is pretty great. I am a total fan of this design because it's modern but not sparse. I'm ready to see more Molli originals!
Love love love, love, love love love, it. I hope that's not too much truth 🙂
I think using a range of red/oranges was a great choice and I love the stripe in the back. For me the transition to navy is too harsh, I find it a bit jarring and I would have loved to see a transition area between the navy and kimono fabrics (not the flames, they belong right where they are). If you're going for bold effect you got it bang on.
I had a similar discussion with Anne @ Play Crafts about my Riley Blake challange bag lining/binding. The solid navy and orange together hurt my eyes and through her awesome colour theory explanation skills Anne pointed out that the strong contrast was creating a jumpy movement. I wish I had enough of the orange and white print for the lining as I would have preferred that but oh well. At least from that I learnt that harsh, bold transitions aren't really for me, I need a bit more flow.
Like a good Chai tea, truth tea is yummiest with a good balance of sweet and spice (:
I love black & red 🙂
I also love triangles (even though I'm scared of them; I keep hearing about the starch thing, I even bought some, but I haven't tried it yet).
So I do think your quilt is lovely 🙂