Sunday Stash #69 – Blue & Burgundy

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

14 Responses

  1. The O's says:

    I suggested many people like the PoP page, you just got lucky girlfriend!

  2. One Wee Bird says:

    Too tinny for words….but the fabrics are oh so gorgeous!
    If my SS link appears twice please feel free to delete one….computer gremlins!

  3. Love the aeroplane fabric!

  4. Leigh Anne says:

    Well you are the reason I broke my fabric fast big time LOL. And as far as I'm concerned, if you have the money to spare and a stash filled with fabrics you love then go shopping 😉

  5. Congrats on your lucky win, Molli! Better invest some of what you have set aside for stash, in the kayak, for sure!

  6. Katy Cameron says:

    Ha ha, I love that you've shifted the goalposts to 'contained in the same boxes' :oD

  7. MsMidge says:

    I have become rather obsessive about Ms AMH. My collection is growing by the month and I will be damned if I don't have some Dowry soon! Great score!

  8. Congrats on the win! And especially love the airplanes : )

  9. Fun prints! I can't deny my love for all things AMH I would buy it all and the t-shirt if I could 😉

  10. Jenny says:

    I've gone totally, completely, batshit insane with fabric over the last quarter (charitable time frame), and I'm getting ready to try to destash some stuff. I wish I could part with more. Thank god I'm not an AMH, TP, or HR devotee. (Though I do have my fair share . . . .)

  11. I love the mushroom fabric! Great movement in it! I haven't been able to get into the AMH fabrics yet. I see them and can't picture how or where I'd use them. Then I see other people's completed projects with her fabric and I'm in love with how it looks. I can't wait to see what you create with them!

  12. Those airplanes and mushrooms are pretty awesome. I haven't made my Mr. a quilt yet either. Someday soon! Nice stashin'!

  13. Stop resisting AMH– she's just too talented. And it's not all floral!

  14. Sharon says:

    oooo, i particularly like that oval elements in the dark burgundy! those are my favorite basic, but I haven't seen that color.

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