Way back in August of 2013, I decided it would be a grand idea to host my own quilt along. This is after I had only been sewing for all of like a year, and blogging for less than that. I certainly don’t mind jumping in head-first, that’s for sure! I had recently discovered Anne at Play-Craft’s broken herringbone block tutorial and used it for a few bees I was participating in to make some baby quilts. I thought this block was a versatile, scrap-busting block that would be easy for others to do in stages. Plus, it seemed very different to what everyone else was doing at the time.

I reached out to Anne–scared to death because I thought she was a blog-Queen–to see if she would let me use her block for the QAL. Not only did she say yes, but she asked if she could be a quilting mentor and even do some referenced posts of her own. She had suddenly turned into Glenda the Good Witch!

So without knowing pretty much else, I somehow roped in Aurifil and Julie at Intrepid Thread to offer some fabric bundles and prizes, and then threw the invitation out into the world. I expected maybe five people to join–which I was totally happy with–but instead fifty people signed up! Molli knows how to throw a party, y’all! And like that, the world-famous #MSBHQAL was born. (<–Molli Sparkles Broken Herringbone Quilt Along).

The QAL ran over three months, with design ideas, fabric needs, cutting instructions, and block assignments based on colour each week. My goal was to make a rainbow version to brighten up the kids’ room. A lot of people did their own thing though! At the end of the party there were not only rainbow versions, but jewel-tones, Christmas colours, pastels, over and undersized herringbones, baby quilts, large quilts, table runners, inverted patterns, and everything in-between. People really got creatively into it, and that’s what I loved most about the QAL. (All of the posts are still up if you want to dive into your own glitter-filled pool of awesomeness).

At the end of it all, thirty people submitted completed projects (I’ve seen a few others finished since then), and Lee from Freshly Pieced performed judging duties to declare some winners. One of which was a guy! (NGAQB foreshadowing? I think so!) Then Grandma Sparkles came for a visit from Oklahoma, and she wanted to make her one too! So I put mine aside for finishing later, and we went to work on a rainbow version for her. My house has seen a lot of broken herringbones, for realz.

Funnily enough, one of the Glitterati was just telling me how she was talking to another customer this week at the Intrepid Thread bricks and mortar, and lo and behold they had both participated in the #MSBHQAL. Uniting people from around the world; it’s what I do!

So now, finally, it is MY turn. Gurrrrl, it only took six months, but this beauty is ready for her debut! My version has twenty-four, completely scrappy blocks. I sourced some fabric from stash, bought some from the LQS, some at a fabric swap-meet, used one of the Intrepid Thread #MSBHQAL bundles, and even did a few international fabric swaps with other participants. No fabric is used in more than one block which makes it a world of discovery.

After the quilt top was complete, I cut up all the block scraps to create a border, again featuring the same fabrics. I used Moda’s Bella, Bleached White for the white strips throughout. I pieced it all with Aurifil 50wt, 2024 white thread, bound the quilt with the same, and included my signature glitter-flecked binding in two of my favourite fabrics. Despite all of the seams, the Aurfil made the piecing seamless. (See what I did there?!)

My go-to long-armer, Jane Davidson werked her quilting magic, as per the usual! We collaborated on this Baptist Fan–otherwise known as the Non-Denominational Rainbow pattern–for the quilting. It mimics the herringbone shapes, while also giving a sly nod to the rainbow colours. Jane used Aurifil 50wt, 2024 white for the quilting, and I couldn’t love it any more!

I’ve sewn in a label, but I hadn’t quite decided on what to title the quilt when the photos were taken (sidebar: big thanks to Mr. Sparkles for being the best quilt holder ever!) After some more thought since then, I could’t imagine anything more appropriate to commemorate all of these events than simply: #MSBHQAL. Thank you to all of the participants of the #MSBHQAL, you made the journey worthwhile, and this quilt will forever remind me of us.

wow totally in love with your scrappy broken herringbone quilt, also love the baptist fan quilting and your tiny square border
great quilt!!
What a stunning quilt!
I've been wanting to make this quilt for a while but came along after the QAL. Your colorful version is exactly what I would want. Maybe I'll finally just start my own already!
We love you Molli!
It is superb, fantastic to see it in all it's glory – thanks for a wonderful QAL!
Looks great! Love the name. I haven't finished mine, but it was my first QAL and I had fun! P.S. Anne is a blog Queen.
Gorgeous! Haven't made one of these… yet! 🙂
Glad you finished yours but mine is still languishing in its zip lock bag awaiting its turn this year! Rest assured I will certainly share a photo with you sometime in the future!
Oh my goodness! This is so beautiful! I've got my fabric. Sort of. Maybe I'll get it done by round two?
I absolutely love your rainbow broken herringbone! I really enjoyed the QAL and am happy some of my strips made their way into your quilts 🙂 My rainbow quilt was gifted to a special teacher and I just am so happy it's brightening up her day since she brightens up my son's each day. I hope yours brings joy to its intended recipient, as well.
Stunning quilt!!! Love the way you've used scraps from the blocks for the border… very effective. Hope you don't mind, but I'm pinning this.
It is a great quilt. I am still back at the part where you made Anne into a scary blogger, too funny.
Such awesomeness! Great job!
Non-Denominational Rainbow ROFLMAO
le sigh. still the biggest regret of 2012 is buying my fabric, and never making mine. lord, this girl knows how to show up late. stunning. and thank you for renaming the baptist fan, i am rolling.
Wow! What a beautiful quilt! I may have to make an attempt at this block! 🙂
Just gorgeous! Well done! Bravo!
Fabulous! I knew it would be. Love the quilting, a bit cheeky too! I think I may try to quilt mine this month. Just getting my Juki back after having it serviced after finishing 6 quilts on it. Now it's time to make her work some more!
Ha! Love it!!
It's absolutely gorgeous! I joined the Flckr group for inspiration but have yet to start on a single block. Love that scrappy border as well.
Uniting quilters across the world is right! Thank you again for hosting he MSBHBQAL, even if my quilt is still only 60% done, I had fun. It's on my short list to finish!
it's fab! So bright, happy and colourful 😀
Molli, just seeing it again makes me want to make another one! I need a rainbow one in my life, right? I just got mine back from the quilter Monday and it is bound now. I will post later today since my Friday morning post is for a Madam Samm blog hop. Plus, I am waiting for dry weather to photograph it. Hope that happens this afternoon. Thanks for showing yours and giving me another reason to start another one. Love the Non Denominational Rainbow quilting too.
Awesome finish! Even though I didn't make one, I certainly did enjoy watching everyone elses come together. Love all the fabrics you have in there! Beautiful:)
Gorgeousness! Love that scrappy border and glitter flecked binding! Well done!
Just beautiful! I love all the of colors especially since up here lately the only thing we get to see is white and gray. It is -3F this morning. I needed a little rainbow and sunshine. 🙂
A fabulous finish. I love the scrappy border, what a great use for the leftovers.
Yay! It's finished, and it looks amazing! I love the border and all of its fabulousness! And I echo LissaK. With a -25F wind chill today, I definitely need this kind of cheer.
The rainbow quilt is beautiful! And that boarder is awesome. I love a scrappy boarder! I am throwing together my own first QAL and I have butterflies about it, but my motto is that if it's scares me then I'm on the right track! Best!
Perfect title 🙂
Rainbows fix everything…don't ya think?
Hahaahah Glenda the good witch, I love it! 😀 I adore this, and love how scrappy it is! I could spend a lot of time staring at it and picking out the various fabric lines. 🙂
Molli, I think your rainbow herringbone quilt positively sings! I always enjoy seeing how people border their quilt, and this one really appeals to me. I'm slack when it comes to the border! This really finishes it off. 🙂
Oh, and the rainbow shaped quilting is inspired!
love it! Sorry that I wasn't around for this QAL…it is one that I would have joined in on!! Great job.
Very happy rainbow, love it.
Perfect title! I chickened out on this one … (hangs head in shame).
She became your fairy blogmother? 🙂 It looks great and I'm glad you get to enjoy it all finished. The bit of sparkle is great.
Haha.. love the non-denom rainbow. (The quilt looks great too!)