Sunday Stash #59 – On Fiyah
I love going to Fat Quarter Fridays at The Remnant Warehouse! (Two for one, y’all!) I always mix and match little bundles like this to keep my colour skills hot. Sometimes I buy, sometimes it’s just a practice run. This was definitely a buy, buy, buy (LR!) scenario. One fat quarter of Little Kukla, Meadow in Yellow by Suzy Ultman for Robert Kaufman, two fat quarters of Noteworthy, Sing Out Loud in Vanilla by Sweetwater for Moda, and Basket Weave in Grass by Dear Stella. (Thank you Caryn and Lucy for your help!)

So in an effort to maintain fabric neutrality this week, I started a new project using Pat Bravo’s Carnaby Street for Art Gallery Fabrics! I’ve got all sorts of cuttings-on going on on my cutting mat. (Wow, that was a Julia Roberts mouthful!) I’ll try to have something to show you soon, but I ran into a little … some might say problem, I say, opportunity…
You see, I just happened to be using my iron yesterday, as any quilter must, and it literally caught fire in my hands. I. KNOW. I knew I was on fiyah, but gurrrl, have you ever heard? Mr. Sparkles rushed it to the balcony and doused it with water. So today is iron shopping day! Check out my Instagram feed (@molli_sparkles) for some wonderful iron suggestions in the comments.
I’ll tell you all about whatever I get next week, when this house party migrates next door to! Until then, turn up the disco inferno and keep your booty poppin’!
Faaaaaaar out! (use best bogan australian accent). Thank goodness for Mr. Sparkles! (I'm using my normal voice now) Do you use one iron for your quilting and a separate one for your 'boring' ironing? I use the same iron for both but seem to be breaking them every 3 months or so …
Pretty stash additions, but eeeek on the iron on fire. Can't wait to see what you get to replace it.
Hmmmm, I've had iron issues in the past, and have tried expensive ($100) and cheap ($15 kmart) and really, not much of a difference lol. The husband bought me a new one for mothers day (and other stuff otherwise he would have been slapped) and i have no idea what brand it is cos I'm at work ssshhhh, but it's good!
Well at least your sex wasn't on fire ;o)
I recognise that green, but I just can't put my finger on where it's from, sorry!
I'm pretty sure the green is a Dear Stella blender. Great picks!
Boy you must be have worked up quite a speed to get an iron so hot it catches fire! Slow down, we don't want you to self-combust and go up in a puff of sparkly smoke!
I like to think I'm maintaining fabric neutrality, but one look at my chock-a-block shelves tells me I'm not. Scary thought that your iron caught on fire.
nice picks! The green is Dear Stella, Basketweave in grass – you're welcome 😉 I do love Dear Stella prints. Glad the fire got put out and you're ok!
Nice fabric! And if you must be on fiyuh, at least you're in good company with the lovely Ms. Keys and they always phenomenal J-Law. Cheers!
I never had an iron give up on me .. still using my first one, but then it's not really old 3 years maybe, but so far it's doing really good, not complaining to be left on for hours on a sewing day … choosing it was a nightmare though … so instead of good luck I will wish you strong nerves for the picking process…
Too bad about the iron. I love this cordless iron with case that I've had for about a year.
Love the noteworthy bird print especially.
Haha, thanks for the comment! Those crazy chickens are most likely US Americans at a Skrillex concert. And yeah, both him and they scare me, but at the same time I'm also kind of … stunned. You simply HAVE to love the way they .. uhm, express their feelings. 🙂
Two for one!? I don't know how you hope to maintain fabric neutrality with that deal 🙂 I'll be very interested to see what iron you select. I need a new one as well, and just can't decide.
I really like that yellow print – very interesting. I don't know why, but I find yellows so hard to find (or maybe just hard to love – I like yellow, but don't seem to do well with yellow fabric).
I need to get a new iron too — I bought a nice Rowenta one a little while ago and then naturally forgot all about the warranty card and recycled my receipt like a good little recycler, and then promptly dropped the thing on the floor, cracked the base, and now it leaks water. Yay. And of course it doesn't work half as well when it's empty – all that water weight does half the work of pressing, I think, forget the heat – so now it's a fairly expensive, stylish (it's black and green with plants drawn on it – certainly more styling than any of my previous grey and white or black and white irons) space-taker-upper. Awesome. I'm wishing that I hadn't got rid of the one I bought when I first started sewing, which beeped when it was going to turn off, so I'd always know when I had to shake it and get it cooking again. The beeping drove me ape-shit, but I've missed it ever since because I never know my irons have turned themselves off and that I'm going to have to wait a moment for it to heat back up again.
Molli, I just want you to know that I recently started reading your blog – LOVE it!! Don't change a thing! When reading your blog, there have been times I almost snorted coffee through my nose and onto my computer! Shame on you 😉 Keep on blogging Molli, my day is made every time you do!! Thanks for the smile and the laugh!
Oh and your quilts – stunning!! You are a true arteeest 🙂