Fugly Did It
I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, although, it does sting a bit when diatribes are hurled at you. But in the interest of fairness, I think everyone should read Gwendellyn’s commentary that I’ve excerpted below. I’ve placed my responses in bold, because I’m certainly not one to roll over and take it. Well, sometimes.
I’ve seen some comments floating through cyberspace about my tone, and well, me! That I am condescending, obnoxious, arrogant, egotistical, over-valued, and unoriginal. Don’t hold back! I don’t feel I am any of these things, and I’m not sorry for anything I’ve said. My opinions are just that, opinions, with a little bit of humour (that maybe you aren’t getting?) thrown in on the side.
I’ve interspersed photographs of a quilt I had the absolute joy of sleeping under in Amsterdam in April 2012, while staying on a house boat. The owner said he paid $3,000 for it, and just had to have it. At the time, I remember thinking, “Wow, that’s a lot of money.” Now I think, “Wow, that’s not nearly enough.”
So now, if you’d like to grab a cup of tea, and read on, enjoy.
Gwendellyn26 November 2013 09:17
I think you’ve [commenter, mumasu] said one of the major things that’s been bothering me, here. There are a lot of gender issues at play, and as a male voice in a predominantly female world, I don’t know that’s it’s fair that you say this with an air of confidence, as if we are in your position.
Agreed. I am a man. I am also a gay man. I am fully aware of the unfair gender issues in our society. I can only speak from my position, but I do think there are some psychological and sociological gender issues at play as to why some people (women, but also men) do not value their work as much as others.

A lot of quilters who sell their quilts do it to support their family, as an additional income; they’re not looking to build a standalone business and can’t afford sit on a high horse of advanced art education because what they created was “three dimensional art” (there are so many reasons that statement is completely false but I can’t even go into that here) …
My grandmother made quilts for additional income, and I watched as she barely broke even. I certainly don’t have a high horse about having an education. I’m proud of my education, and every month when I repay my student loan for the next twenty years, I’ll remember it. As for what you qualify as art, I’m not sure. There are obviously varying levels of artistry, and what people consider to be art. We are all allowed to have our own opinions here.

… Or maybe people say things like “to all of the scrap-vomit, (and let’s just be perfectly honest, fugly) versions of the Trip Around the World quilts that hit the Interwebs last year. Whoa! […] I’m just saying, some of them kind of hurt my eyes”; and then some quilters out there feel that what they’re creating is no longer worth your $30/hour idealistic fee.
This really hit a nerve with a lot of you, didn’t it? Let me clear this up. I was not implying that all scrap vomit Trip Around the World quilts are fugly. Yes, I thought some of them were. So what? I don’t like every single painting hanging in a museum that the gallery institution has told me I am supposed to like. I don’t expect you to either. That does not mean in the slightest that I didn’t appreciate the amount of work that went into each of those quilts. Hell, I just made one, I know! There are many of these quilts that I thought were pleasant surprises, and fantastic creations of people sharing fabrics from around the world. I also notice you deleted my line of that paragraph that read, “No need to write the hate mail!” Convenient.
Or, like mumasu correctly comments below: you can label yourself an artist. A woman doing the same job, I will tell you 90%+ part of the time, will be called a seamstress no matter how she chooses to label herself.
Whether I agree or not, WE must revolt against this attitude. I am on your side!
I feel so uncomfortable with you making a massive profit off of a lifetime of work done by these seamstresses. Why do you look down on that word as a label? You say that sewing is a skill, but then look down on someone saying “just” sewing. Yes, you are just sewing. You are solely doing the action of sewing. That commenter wasn’t saying that the act of sewing wasn’t skillful (as a person who sews themselves, why would they?) but rather than you are only utilizing a single skill when you are sitting a sewing machine, and sewing a seam. Yes, in that instance, you are “just” sewing. You’re not an artist when you’re at your machine, you’re a seamstress. Deal with it.
Is this all because I am a man entering a traditionally women’s space? If I was a woman asking to be paid this amount, would you even be chastising me in this way? Massive profit? Seriously? I’d still have to make like a bazillion quilts a year (and sell them all!) to make a massive profit.Now, I fully admit I have been sewing for all of 18 months. So I would not begin to call my sewing capabilities “artistry,” although they are much better than I’ve seen from people who have been sewing much longer than me. However, my point here was that your pay rate should be scalable to the experience you have, accounting for local wage rates. Anyone know what the masculine version of seamstress is? Oh, and my great-grandmother was a seamstress.

And, to keep going on your profiting off of the years of woman’s work, I find it so insulting your comments on the “scrap vomit” trip alongs (and, honestly, I’d feel this way regardless of whether or not I just started one that is quickly becoming my favorite thing I’ve ever created: http://instagram.com/p/hHvJRXPk4S/ here, feel free to burn your eyes!);
Everyone should check this out, because, hey, it’s not fugly.
… because if you appreciated anything about the tradition of quilting and the seamstresses that handed this tradition down and made it into the trade that you are able to enjoy today, you would be able to at least appreciate a scrap quilt for what it is, if not what it looks like.
I was only implying they weren’t my aesthetic. Calm down.
Traditional quilts were so scrappy because of the amount of money fabric cost – they’d use clothing scraps, or save up for fabric and use it as sparingly as possible because it was precious. Vintage quilts that you see using only one or two colors are first off, more rare the older they are, and secondly, a sign that it was a prized possession. Being able to buy and use that much fabric for a single item was a luxury!

By saying that only perfectly coordinated quilts suit your delicate sensibility, you’re basically eschewing the traditions of quilting, and flaunting your priviledge like that is really embarrassing.
You have implied that about me, I never said that. I think scrappy quilts are the absolute business! My favourite quilt ever, that I made with my grandmother, that is currently on my bed, is a Trip Around the World quilt made of 44 different fabrics of cotton and batik. What is aesthetically pleasing to me, may not be aesthetically pleasing to the rest of the world, or vice versa. We are allowed to not like all of the same things.
I feel such a connection and passion for this topic because I was unemployed when I started quilting, and couldn’t afford more than a few scraps at a time. When I started, I wasn’t sure on the aesthetic of scrappyness, I wasn’t into it, but when I learned about the origins of quilting and realizing that I was in the position that my own ancestors were in a few hundred years ago, I learned how important it is to keep traditions like that alive.
And, I mean, not only just talking about how insensitive to scrappy quilting that remark was, but how insulting to the people making these quilts.
I LOVE SCRAPPY! But it does not mean I have to love every quilt that is scrappy.

I’ve always felt that this community is so supportive, and I saw someone whose blog I follow mention that when they first started, they thought that everything was sugar-coated, that they didn’t know why people didn’t point out when there were flaws in what someone made. Here’s the answer: who cares. You didn’t make it, and if you did, would you want to read someone out there off-handedly call it “fugly”? Really? I mean, insulting in such a childish way, too. Your whole attitude about this is decidedly obnoxious.
I am confident enough in my work that if someone called it fugly, it really wouldn’t bother me. “Meh, oh well, I can’t please everyone. Glad I wasn’t trying.” Wow, this fugly word really ruffled your feathers! I can’t imagine if I had called them fucking ugly. I still think we could be friends.
I’m also saddened to see that you didn’t make this quilt for someone purely out of financial reasons. Quilting to me, as I have seen it over the internet, and the way that I’m experiencing it, is such a giving and generous craft. I want to make things for people. I love it, even at a financial burden. Even if I didn’t “make” as much as I thought I should. It’s worth it to share, to love, to give.
This is my 13th quilt. The first 12 were all made as gifts. I did make this quilt purely as a financial exercise. I stated my intentions long ago.
I haven’t even gone into your flawed pricing model. Your design fee, as a commenter above noted, is in indeed where you charge for your artistry etc. I think she meant to say that either you should decrease your design fee (or have it a sliding scale on par with how designed the quilt was – for instance, did you design the pattern, pay for the pattern, or was it a free tutorial posted online?) or you should charge more for your hourly rate to compensate. Not both.
I can agree with a sliding scale of the design fee. But it sounds like here that we could both be arriving at the same number, just in different ways. Lower design fee, but higher wage. Do note, I never once stated that this was my pattern, that it was a complex pattern, or I had any claim to it. My design fee was for the idea and concept of the quilt as a whole. By the way, you don’t have to use my pricing model.

I’m also COMPLETELY baffled as to why you’ve decided to give your own quilt a mark-up. BECAUSE WE AS QUILTERS ARE SEW WORTH IT.
Do you know why mark-up exists…? It exists in the retail world to make middlemen money. Buyers buy from suppliers who sell it to retailers. Buyers mark-up product so they make a profit off suppliers. Retailers mark-up that product again, so they make more of a profit than the buyers. Both buyer and retailer acknowledge that they could sell their product for what the supplier sold it at and still make a profit, but they mark-up along the way because first – it is beneficial for both buyers & retailers, since they both need each other, and second – because of rising overhead costs. Suppliers have minimal storefronts, if any, buyers sell exclusively, retailers are open to the public. There is a reason for some cost increase along the way; however the retail world is vastly overpriced in so many ways, why on earth would you build your personal model on that example? Are you your own buyer and retailer and you’re paying yourself for your services…? Do you have more overhead when you’re the one selling your quilt than when you were the one making it?
I’d also note here that I haven’t included any charges for wear and tear on machinery, small business expenses (IF this is a business for you) like electricity, sketch book, pens, petrol for going to seven different fabric stores, time accounted for photographing, photo-editing, posting on an Etsy site, the money saved on the backing fabric by scouring for it on sale, the $10 extra I spent on Aurifil thread but didn’t tell you about, plus so many other small expenses that I’m happy to come out of my profit.

Your wage is your profit. Your wage is what you’re being paid for the labor you are doing. If you’re not making money by charging your customer cost of supplies + a wage, you are doing something very very wrong. What I tend to do when I sell things is keep track of cost of supplies, then add a profit margin to that – the amount I believe I should be paid for the work that I did. I believe that my workpace is not “hourly” therefore it is unfair to charge “hourly” rates. Not everything fits into a retail model, especially a small business like this one of crafting and creating.
Yes, the wage is what I am being paid for, for the labor of what I am doing. The profit is on top of all of the combined production costs for that item/quilt.
We may have to agree to disagree.And that is completely fine.
I'm exhausted. I couldn't even read the whole post! Mannnnn, some people get their knickers in a knot. As I said on FB the other night Joshua, I don't entirely agree with your bottom figure, but I agree with most of what you were saying in regards to people valuing the art of handmade. I took a little offence to your comments regarding seamstresses, but hey, I then put it all in to context and got over it. Each to their own is my all time favourite saying ever! And unfortunately, the written word on the inter webs can be taken however the person reading it wishes to take it. If I were you, I'd just leave it right her. As my Mum says – EOD (end of discussion). xx
I have to say, it doesn't feel entirely fair to call this "end of discussion"; I posted a comment as a response to a blog post, and instead of receiving a comment back, they decided to post my entire comment, their argument in response to it, and include my full name and blog link so every single one of their readers knew exactly who I was. It feels massively disrespectful and I feel kind of attacked by the comments here now. I don't think it's fair that now I have to defend how serious I am or why my "knickers are in a knot". Is this a fair end to the discussion? Is it fair that in this women's space, you're okay with a guy ending my voice in the discussion? Maybe we should speak up more when things offend us. You mentioned you didn't like the seamstress comment, but then read more and justified it in context? Maybe you should say something! Maybe more people would listen if you spoke up about the things that bother you! Nothing, absolutely nothing will change in what people say or their attitudes if they are not told that what they're doing is offensive or incorrect. And not only confined to this topic!
I just wanted to make one comment, well maybe two, to what you have said. First I’ve been sewing and creating for more then fifty (yes 50) years. I’ve been quilting for about ten of those years but at no time did I ever consider myself a seamstress! To me a seamstress would be someone who sits at a sewing machine and sews seams all day, and not a creative artist who designs, creates collaborates, and everything else that goes into creating any of the items I have created! That includes the many layered, hand sewn lace christening gowns I’ve made, to my own creation costumes for my kids or even any of the many outfits I’ve made over the years and the quilt creations that I now make. I also wanted to say it masked no difference that Mollie Sparkles is a guy and not a girl. So what! Shouldn’t any creative artist be paid what they are worth? Would you tell Elanore Burns she shouldn’t profit from her creations, patterns, stores, lectures? Or Nancy Zieman? No we wouldn’t tell them that because they are famous and on tv and world renown Quilter’s! So why should we tell a man he isn’t worth it or he is to stuck on himself to ask what he is worth!! For years women have screamed about inequality of pay in jobs, but a man shouldn’t be paid his worth for a “women’s” job? And aren’t most of the famous clothing designers men and no one questions how much they are worth. I’ve taught every one of my kids to see including all four sons and now my grandsons. They are all quite creative and love the creative process and even have some people who envy their ability to be sew creative!!
Replace the word “see” with sew. I’ve taught my kids to sew.
Molli Sparkles I think you are fantastic. Your blogs always make me laugh because of all the hilarious little comments you add in. I usually read them at least twice to make sure I haven't missed anything. Don't change please!!!!!
Oh boy, this went a bit further than expected. Some people just take stuff way to serious and reading between the lines. Even though I wouldn't like to buy your quilt (wink) I'm on your side. It made me realize how much work goes into a quilt and no matter how much we enjoy doing it. Also that scrappy fugly went a bit misunderstood here. Scrappy doesn't mean it have to be combined badly and without taking color scheme into consideration.
Wow! You really opened a big can of worms, didn't you? This person is taking everything way too seriously and way too literally. Sense of humor here people. I for one enjoyed your post as an informative discussion of quilting. I thank you for doing it.This is my opinion. I also think some scrappy quilts are fantastic, and some are just FUGLY. My problem with the scrap vomit quilts is the name. It grosses me out. I wish whoever came up with that name hadn't. But I look past that to see some are very beautiful. Keep on doing what you do so well. There are many of us out here who love you! And I the only word I know for a seamstress that is male is tailor, but you are certainly welcome to change that if you want! Happy Tuesday Molli!!!!
Hmmm I'm taking a rather comical view of it all. As I sit late at night waiting for my 82 yr old father to come out of surgery (it's not looking good) I'm so grateful you can bring a smile to my face. Thank you and keep up the fab work.
Never change xx
wow .. you really seem to have stepped on some toes … I guess I will just go back to my "happy little universe" where I quilt purely for the joy of quilting … I have no wish to make money from it, it is a hobby for me and I want it to stay a hobby. Ohh and I never figured Quilting was commonly put into the art drawer – it's a craft, like a carpenter … there might be artists using quilting techniques .. but you would never compare the guy you pay to paint your living room walls to the painter having his pictures hanging in a gallery … and I bet their rates are completely different.
And the gender issue how can we (the women) expect equality if we can't grant it to men in our "domain" – but that's a frustrating topic so no use going into it.
Well I like your "condescending, obnoxious, arrogant, egotistical, over-valued, and unoriginal" posts – though I sure would use other words to describe them. I would go for "straight forward opinion pieces", sometimes I agree sometimes I don't … but I don't need to make you agree to my opinion … There is no use in writing you shouldn't say that because … it would be much easier to say "I on the other hand think XYZ because …" [or to make life even easier a simple .. I don't agree with you but let's leave it at that] …
To come to an end, don't be discouraged to write whatever you fancy writing about … but yeah if you have a strong opinion I guess other strong opions will enter the field and it might get ugly, so next time maybe you are prepared.
I ended up writing a novel again … and I only wanted to do a short thing – thanks for getting people to think!
And the gender issue how can we (the women) expect equality if we can't grant it to men in our "domain"
Here's the issue as it stands for me: the world is men's domain, in those terms. The entire world. We are fighting for equality on a world-wide, massive, societal equality level. In this small community that we have, why should we make every concession possible to the few guys? Why shouldn't they learn to respect our space and interact with it in a respectful way? Why are we not able to have this one space for ourselves, to be who we are and do what we do?
You don't have to respond or anything – just something to think about, I guess. I am very passionate about this, and I'm sorry if I come across as brusque.
Interesting read! I think you missed out on the last point that the mark up does exist in the business world without a "middle man"- it exists so that you can sell through a shop and direct but without being a competitor to your sales venue and getting them angry that they have to sell at a higher price than buying direct, should it be that you sell in a shop or gallery, but also to factor this in from the very beginning just in case that does eventually happen. The extra money you get by selling direct is your reward for the marketing you put into selling that product off your own back.
Quilting is an extremely difficult thing to make financially viable and it's probably not going to make any of us a profit in the long run, but your first post as I see it is more to show recipients of quilts as gifts and other "outsiders" that they should value the skill and artistry of sewing more than they probably do. I'm not sure if everyone else took that from that post, probably not if you're having to defend your position.
I should say that this is from my experience of being a professional craftperson in two other craft forms (chocolate and jewellery) in previous times before becoming a business took the fun out of my hobby. That's why I quilt- because I know there's no way in hell I can make it a business and can still enjoy myself without churning out what other people want as opposed to what I want!
Well, you've probably just made Gwendellyn's day. 😀
You can't please everybody! It was an exercise in valuing the worth of what you make, whatever that is. For what its worth there are some great scrap vomit quilts out there but I agree with you, there are some seriously fugly ones too. The funny thing is though that what one person finds fugly another loves, that is the joy of quilting. Its your blog and you're entitled to express your opinion, that's the point of a blog surely?
Interesting that the 'profit' part of the exercise seems to be a problem for so many. The wage included is surely an expense in the production, which needs to be accounted for while profit is why you are selling the quilt in the first place. If you're looking at it as a business (and I'm not saying everyone has to) you're not selling it to cover your costs but to make a profit at the end of the day. Any business which only covers its costs and doesn't make any profit will go broke in no time.
Keep on sparkling Molli, loving your work!
There are WAY too many folks who do not allow for difference of opinions anymore!!! Where is the respect for others' thoughts? Molli, I am so glad I found you – as the comment above me states "keep sparkling, Molli" !
Personally, I'm offended by what you said about infinity scarves. Really.
NOT. Hang in there, friend. You don't need to do any defending.
I'm not surprised that "male quilter" as a concept is coming under attack as a result of your recent piece, but I am deeply sad. Instead of attacking, we need to be fiercely protecting and encouraging any men who choose to take up this pursuit. (Speaking of true offensiveness, I'm noticing jokes and quips about quilters EVERYWHERE–Jack Donaghy says something about quilting to Liz Lemon, at least twice, and "quilting" is not meant positively.) (Maybe if we made things worth real money it wouldn't be a hippie-midwifey thing to be doing, eh?)
That Dutch quilt is amazing. I lived in the Netherlands for a year, and the Dutch tradition of quilting is also very rich and storied. (I had a LQS nearer me there than I do here.)
There's nothing wrong with male quilters! My husband goes to the quilt guild meetings with me and enjoys learning about it, and I'm always interested to see the different point of view that seems to emerge when a guy makes a quilt. I feel as though every quilter should be protected and encouraged, though, and I don't believe this particular quilter exemplifies that.
I apologize, Gwendellyn. "Under attack" is NOT what you were doing to male quilters in your comment, and it was the wrong phrase for me to have used.
I should have said, "I'm not surprised that the gender divide is coming up in this conversation." L&L over & out.
I'm actually extremely offended that you actually posted my entire comment, and your arguments to it, as a separate post, with my name and links intact. I am mortified, and I think it is exemplary of everything I was trying to say in my comment. I made a post on my own, low-readership blog, and a comment on one of your posts that I anticipated a single, individual reply from you on. I did not put your name or your blog in my post, out of respect for things like keeping things civilized, and keeping attacks from being personal if things went too far, maybe in the comments or something. I think it's sort of common sense and decency. Overall, I feel that the way you viewed my comment was a series of paragraphs that you needed to argue with, instead of seeing a bigger picture. I think that will become clear as I go:
First off, yes, you a man. Gay or not, you have so many things going on for you, societally, that you will probably never even realize. I don't appreciate how dismissive your tone is about this issue, because it is very important. Glad you recognize maybe there are "some" things at play though. As a man (gay or not) in a woman's world, you have to be respectful and you have to recognize that maybe there's a lot more at play that you realize. And, like I said before, I just don't think it's fair that you say certain things with a level of confidence about we know and experience in our lives.
No, you're not supposed to like every painting in a gallery. But if you were at an artists convention, and you were also an artist, maybe one that a lot of people listened to, and you very loudly said a really shitty comment about someone's piece, I have to think a pin would hit the floor. No one cares if it's not your aesthetic! Just say that, instead of going so far to say "fugly" and "burns my eyes" etc etc. It's really not necessary and honestly it is hurtful. After I read that, I did have that moment of "welp guess I'm just making shit over here". Irrational, but it still happens. I'm not sure how confidence plays in, because sure we should all have the confidence to love our work and blow it off and blah blah blah but the point is: why would you even want to go there in the first place? I also deleted the "no hate mail" line because it was irrelevant to an already long quote and I'm not sure why your request for no negative response is suppose to be heeded simply because you asked for it. I mentioned your art education, by the way, because you seem to feel it entitles you to a higher wage, when your experience is still pretty small compared to where it will be the rest of your life. Sewing is a trade skill, it's not an academic subject. You learn by doing, by doing constantly, and you're rewarded for it by being masterful later in life. You can't just study at an ivy league and absorb quilting skill as you go.
I don't have a problem with you being a guy in a woman's space. I do have a problem with your attitude about it, and I would still feel your hourly rate was too high for your experience, if you were a woman. But I wouldn't have the same feeling of a tradition and craft that is a women's tradition and craft being used by someone who didn't seem to fully respect it. And you know, I don't know you, your history, your feelings, I've barely been to your blog before; but that is the feeling I get so often from the things you say and maybe the tone you use, as well. I've always gotten a weird feeling from the way you treat sewing, I'm not sure I can define it further than that. How about wanting a masculine for "seamstress". Why is this word offensive to you. Women are actors. Why can't men be seamstresses? Why does it have to be masculine? Why do you reject a proud title and skill?
Anyway, your pay rate is scale-able to experience. You have 18 months of experience. I'm not sure that 18 months can qualify as $30/hour worth of experience. The thing about pay rates is: the less skilled someone is, the longer it takes them to do something. If it will take a longer time, your pay rate is lower. if you're very skilled, not only can you do things more quickly, but at a massively higher skill level; hence quilts that are $8000 or so. And that is very high-end for a quilt. Here's where my beef came in: Do you, in your second year of quilting, believe that you are making quilts that are ~20% or so the quality of an $8000 quilt? Can you make one in a similar amount of time? In your eighth year will you be charging $8000 or will it be more of an exponential growth? Or, I should ask: how long until you believe your experience will let you sell a quilt for $8000+? I only use this figure, by the way, because it was the highest one I've seen quoted so far for a quilt that was done in an extremely masterful way. I guess I'm just wondering if you're 1/5 of the way there. Because that's what your prices are saying.
I also don't appreciate your "calm down", that is incredibly dismissive and rude; and I don't appreciate that you responded in depth to the things that you felt deserved your time and attention, but something that I am passionate about, that I thought it might be beneficial to know/be reminded of, you can just say "calm down" and move on. You were not just "implying" they weren't your aesthetic: you used the word FUGLY, which, if we can all remind ourselves, means FUCKING UGLY. So, please.
And no, you don't have to love every scrappy quilt, I'm just saying. We're here to be supportive of the craft, not to make divides and belittle personal choices.
That was a personal remark, whatever your intentions were or previous quilts you made: I was saddened you didn't make this one for financial reasons. That's that.
No, you never did claim it was your design or anything, but charging such a massive amount for the design, plus a high hourly wage that I'm not entirely sure 18 months of experience warrants, plus a profit margin added to the top….your customer, in the end, is most definitely overpaying for design. For a free tutorial posted online! How many sketches of white on whites did you have to do to reach your final layout…? Also, it seemed like you and your client collaborated together on the concept of the quilt as a whole, I thought I read in passing that you were disappointed she wanted all whites.
Some of those things go into cost of materials/supplies for your customer, the rest is folded into wage etc. Like I said: if you're not pricing things so you're making money from cost of supplies + wage, you're doing something wrong. Also: The money saved on supplies is pointless. I read somewhere a very important tip along the lines of, "anything you score on sale, that's for you. Charge for thread at the full thread price, charge fabric at the full $12/yd it's worth. If you got a deal, that's your deal, congratulations". So take that for what it is, I guess.
I'd also like to say, about the "three dimensional art" comment. First of all, there are many, many quilters out there that make stunningly beautiful art. They do not, however, make three dimensional art. While you do develop an object that is "three dimensional" in some ways when you're quilting, the only sewing you're doing is two dimensional, flat sewing. I guess you could argue that some of the quilt art that's out there is three dimensional due to, I don't know, crazy quilting, applique, whathaveyou, but in the end, it's still flat sewing. Three dimensional art would have to be things like clothing, honestly. Clothing is the most three dimensional thing to sew out there, it must be manipulated for organic curves and silhouettes, and the way it moves and fits is so extremely personal and difficult to be precise with. Bags are three dimensional, as well! But they take a lot less work, since they need precise measurements to piece together; clothing needs to fit so many different ways etc. If you wanted to sew three dimensional art, start garment sewing and making some concept pieces, or something. But quilts aren't three dimensional.
Anyway, I guess I'd like to close by saying that I'm still extremely disappointed you decided to post this as a new topic, instead of just replying to me one on one in a private setting. I don't think I took anything too seriously, these are topics I'm very passionate about and I have a lot to say about it. If anyone else in the comments would like to have a dialogue with me about any of these things, like I said in my blog post, I am more than happy to discuss things.
I tend to disagree with your comment about quilts being solely two dimensional. I make quilts that are 3 dimensional by using things such as flowers that are made with various methods that are three dimensional. They are not flat, they stand out on the quilt, they have dimension. I’ve added other things on my quilts that were 3D too, I made a Santa quilt and added a big toy bag and put gifts into it, all 3D-not flat. That’s only two examples of my 3 D quilts. I love adding dimension to my quilts, it adds interest and pop to them, so not all quilts are 2D!
This whole thing has caused me a massive amount of anxiety. I really don't like posting negative things online, bringing negative things into a space, or making a "fuss about nothing". I posted what I did because of the way I strongly feel; I obviously do not expect everyone to agree with me, since of course the commenters here are going to be on the side of the person whose blog they follow, but I had something to say and I said it. I still don't think I took anything too seriously – these are serious topics. Quite honestly, the reason I only posted the first half of my comment on my blog was because that was the part that had the topics that I was serious about – feminism etc. The last part, your business practices, that's your own thing, but I figured since I have experience in the industry, I'd offer up my thoughts on the matter. I'm not offended by whatever pricing model you use, that's your own personal decision and you can do whatever want. And in the end, I'd love to see quilts/handmade items as a whole go up in price/value – that doesn't change the fact that customers should be getting their money's worth. Would you want to buy a quilt for almost $2000 from someone who doesn't even have two full years of experience? That was my only point there.
Anyway, again, I really do find it overkill and unnecessary that you posted my comment here for your readers to dissect. I guess you posted my comment because it was the most overtly negative one that you received. But you didn't seem to invite any discussion to the post at the end or anything. At the beginning, you don't even really state why you're posting it! Just that it "stings" when someone hurls a diatribe, that everyone should take time to read what I wrote (…thanks?) and that this is all your opinion. So why did you post this in the end? Did you really think that what I said had value and you wanted your readers to see an opposing side of view? Did you want to start a dialogue about any of the issues I brought up in the comments? I posted my comment on my blog with some specific phrases, such as, "I really want to talk about these things more, so if you agree or disagree and would like to pursue a discussion, please do!" or "How do you feel about these topics? Are these things that you'd like to see talked about more?". What sort of discussion were you hoping to cultivate here, exactly…?
I wasn't going to respond, but I have to. The fact that this seems to be becoming a gender issue is troubling to me. As women, we spend a lot of time trying to get men to value us as people, not objects. If I'm not mistaken, Molli only brought up the fact that he was a man to clear up any misunderstanding that he was a woman. I just think we need to take gender out of this, or we are doing the exact same thing that we as women have been fighting against since the dawn of time. That's just my opinion and I mean no disrespect in stating it. I just felt that I needed to say it.
I left a comment above somewhat addressing this to a different author, if you'd like to read what I wrote or have anything to respond.
I think that it is troubling that so many things are a gender issue. I think even though it is uncomfortable, we should see it for what it is. The only reason I brought up gender is due to some comments and tone in the original blog post that made it relevant. Unfortunately, you can't entirely remove gender from what you say – the things that this blogger has said has a certain overtone and implication to it, specifically because he's not a woman. If a woman posted any of the things he said, I might think that it was sad they didn't want to reclaim the word seamstress or something, maybe, but it's not my place to say anything – they're a woman, that's their choice what to feel about it. When a guy says it, I can say something – I am a woman, I therefore have a bit more authority on the matter. Do you know what I mean?
Like I said above, I understand if you don't want to continue a conversation or anything – I just want to be sure that I'm not being misunderstood here.
I'm with you, Mollie – we don't all have to like the same things (thank God), and people shouldn't be offended if I tell them that something they love or think beautiful just isn't my taste. That's the nicest way I've found to say it, and I still get these hurt looks like I've kicked them. I don't expect anyone to have MY exact taste and preference, so why do They expect it?
And why is someone spending so much time criticizing you and your projects? That was QUITE the effort, and you have every right to respond and "defend" your position (although you really shouldn't have to defend anything at all).
People, people, people….Who says being a seamstress (or seamster?) has anything to do with gender? Or that Millwrights are men? All of you should get over the gender thing. If I don't like someone's work, I don't tell them. If I don't like what someone puts on their blog, I don't follow them.
Wow, that Amsterdam quilt is really quite amazing. Would have been a bargain at twice the price!
As for the rest, well all all I want to say is keep on sparkling Molli!
Gwendellyn & Molli~ Please let me say, I respect both of you for your passion for quilting. I don't see this as a negative…it is an enthralling debate. G~I agree with you in the fact that whenever I see a quilt by a man, it gets a different level of attention, price etc. M~if you're an artist and can get your rates, bully for you! I'm trying to sell table runners for $30 and getting no takers. G~you are passionate about this, M~you are sassy! We can debate without the world ending. I appreciate both of you for lighting this fuse to begin with. Like fabrics, we're all woven together 🙂 (silly & pithy)
Nicely put, Diana.
The bottom line is the basics of economy, supply vs demand, will your product be sold? Perhaps. I know a quilter that charges $3000 or more per quilt and I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I could. I have sold quilts in the past to help make ends meet, didn't make much money, but I got to quilt. Quilts are very generous gifts (of love) and I totally get that some people don't get it (aka the chewed up quilt that belongs to the dog) and some that put it on a shelf in a closet because they don't want to wreck it. Just sayin.
Hi Molli,
Okay, I have to admit that since your original post I have literally been lying in bed thinking about your quilt every single night! I woke up this morning and couldn't stop thinking about it. You are starting an important conversation here. Somethings I think quilters are too polite to say what they really think – I appreciate your honesty and I think we could all benefit from less tip toeing for the sake of not ruffling feathers. I actually agree with you that most scrappy trip around the world quilts are not attractive – in fact, I dislike most scrap quilts unless some semblance of color order is attempted. I only think your comments would have been out of line if they had been directed at a particular quilter or quilt, which they weren't.
Anyways, here is what kept me awake this morning. I agree with you that we are so worth it – part of the arguments the originator of that campaign had is that we, as quilters, are a big part of the problem and are constantly knocking each other down for charging high rates. So. Your longarm quilting. If you truly believe in these wages, to me you should be offering to pay these rates (or similar) to your longarm quilter. Quilting is a critical component of a quilt, and good quilting can take a quilt from average to fabulous, or can make a beautiful quilt look simply average if done poorly. You quilter should really be charging you a design fee, hourly rage, and profit margin to you, as their customer. When longarm quilters charge by the square inch, their incentive to knock that thing out as fast as possible, because spending a long time on it hurts their bottom line.
In your response post you estimate $175 for batting, quilting, and shipping. Think about what that means for your longarm quilter's profits. How many hours does she/he spend quilting this? Probably, at that rate, not the amount she/he should be to truly respect and enhance your art. If we want to change the paradigm, we need to start with each other.
I'm just wondering if any of you folks ever sleep? PS: That Amsterdam quilt is gorgeous!
Nothing like a bit of healthy discussion is there? I feel for Gwendellyn not wanting to be singled out but I have to say, is well able to stand up for herself and I guess that's my point here, There is room for everyone. Male and female, experienced and newbie, making a quilt for commission and making for a gift, selling to supplement an income and selling as a business, making a quilt as an artpiece and something to snuggle under watching the TV, there is room for all of us.
The bit that I would like to add to the coversation is a discussion on the market we are selling to. In a cash strapped recessional ecomony the average person isn't going to be able to afford this without a compelling reason to buy. Wedding/Baby etc may be enough to dig deep in the pockets but to command these prices raising awareness may not be enough. There was an interesting creativelive course that was free while it aired on value and the art of selling handmade items discussing this also in case anyone is interested. http://www.creativelive.com/courses/art-selling-what-you-make-tara-gentile and this wonderful introduction to pricing on Tara's website discussing a cup of coffee bought in a gas station versus a barista. http://www.taragentile.com/ So who are we selling to, what price are they comfortable with and is it enough? I think as above we will all have different answers. It is a conversation worth having!
Thank you for that link! I definitely think that when you're selling, number one is your consumer, because without one, you have no reason to be selling. The things that she brings up are all excellent points!
It reminds me of a small business that I love buying from. I happened to meet the owners personally at events when I lived in their area, and know that they're wonderful people and I'm so glad that their business is a success. They have a large online presence among their fans (sort of a cult following brand, I guess!), and interact pretty often with everybody. A few years back, there was a big kerfuffle, because they decided to do an all-around price increase. They stated their reasons (hadn't raised them since starting business in 2004, growing business costs, etc) and they got a lot of flack for it from the community. People said, "well, you order specially printed tape for taping up packages, why don't you stop wasting money on stuff like that and let us have the same prices". Well, their response was that they're not selling a plain package. They're selling an experience as well. They have heavy theming to their products and their packaging & marketing makes it clear who they are as a business, and who they want their customers to be. If they gave up those things, their custom postcards they print, the labels that they commission local artists to do…they wouldn't be the same business, selling the same experience anymore. And I also love knowing that in supporting them, I'm also supporting the businesses that they choose to support. It feels good all the way down.
I think it's a stickier situation when it comes to trade items and not retail items, only because of the point I brought up on how heavily experience plays a role in trade items. Sewing is a trade, and you need experience to charge more. I don't think you have as many options in deciding what your brand is – you are your brand in a lot of ways, and your skills are what support it and hold it together. Someone can choose to buy high-end items and create a space to sell them in, and know that they have a consumer; but making things that are handmade to sell feels much different to me. While you can choose the sorts of materials you use (you know, coats and clark vs aurifil), you can't "choose" what your skills are valued at. I don't know, these are just some thoughts!
Gosh there is a lot in this isn't there. Branding, experience, cost, quality of product, target market etc. I agree that as one gets more experienced one would get quicker and thus labour time would be reduced but then one's time is more valuable so the labour rate would be increased. The quality hopefully would still be top notch for a commissioned item. Reputation would be important in terms of perceived value and may help make a customer more comfortable with a higher price point so branding certainly plays a big part in this. How we choose to sell, though an etsy store, craft fair, directly online or through commissions may all have a different target market and affect how much a customer is willing to pay.
I love your pricing model. It is a good starting point, and could be adapted by anyone who wants to change one part of it or another. You make great points about gender inequity in pay, and about women undervaluing their own work.
But, I do have to express that the "fugly" comment bothered me. I've been making various crafts since childhood, but I have some negative self-talk around creative activities. Don't we all have that little voice saying, "it's not worth it, why do you bother, your stuff isn't good enough and it will never be, what if you make something and nobody likes it" etc? I'm sure you didn't mean to do this, but your comment impacted me and made it a little harder to get that negative voice to quiet down.
Glad that's off my chest, and I look forward to reading your future posts.
Mollie, Mollie, Mollie. I love you and your blog. I made a fugly scrappy trip this year and love it. I am not wild about the modern quilt movement. Does that mean we can't be friends? I think not. It means we are of the human race and the differences in us are what keep life interesting. Keep posting, but more importantly–keep sparkling!!!
No matter what I thought of your original post, I really find this one pretty offensive. Gwendellyn made a serious effort to make her blog post about the issue, not a personal attack. She was expressing her thoughts and trying to be respectful about it by not including your name or even a link to the post she had concerns about. And what do you do in response? Put her on blast with the cattiest responses to each part of her arguments. How classy.
You know what my favorite part about the online quilt blogging community has been? The respect and love we all have for each other. The encouragement (even if something doesn't tickle your fancy aesthetically), the cooperation. This embodies pretty much none of that.
Seriously, if comments about your work didn't bother you at all, this post would not exist. You would have taken Gwen's comments in stride and let them roll off your back, no big deal. The fact that you thought they were important enough that you had to refute them point by point just goes to show how much of a blow they were to your enormous ego.
One more thing. Gay man does NOT equal woman. I know as a gay man you have to fight some really tough battles, but implying you understand what it's like to be a woman because you're oppressed, too, is not only totally false but really deeply offensive. I would never want to discourage a man from quilting or sewing- hell, I think it would be AWESOME if more men sewed. But your attitude is problematic. You offense at the word "seamstress," for example, shows your discomfort with being in a traditionally women's realm. Why not OWN that word instead of wishing for a male equivalent? Why not say, "hey, sewing was traditionally women's work, but this is the 21st century! Men can do women's work and women can do men's work! So YEAH, I'm a SEAMSTRESS and damn proud of it!" That would at least respect the history of this work instead of trying to masculinize it (Yes, I know that's not a word) and appropriate it.
Anyway, I absolutely think the tone of this post and the fact that you think it's totally okay to put someone on blast and make a totally public personal attack on a fellow quilt blogger says a lot more about you than it does Gwen. Gwen's posts seemed to be honestly about trying to start a conversation whereas yours seem more like you just want to prove you're right and stroke your ego, which is really not in keeping with the awesome quilting community I have come to know and love.
Well – you know what they say, "there's no such thing as bad publicity" 🙂
The community of quilters is certainly diverse. There are traditionalists, modern quilters, people who use only hand-dyed silk and those who cut up old jeans (pockets and all). Some I love and some scroll past quickly. It's totally subjective. That's life, folks!
We don't have to fawn over every heap of scrap-vomit. Some really are ugly, not well planned out and poorly constructed. False feedback – pretending to just adore everything – is no better than lies.
I'm quite interested in the cost model. Quilters, like all artists, should understand how to value their work in the marketplace if they plan to make a living at it.
Well,I read the entire post. There is an art to scrappy, and those who have little or no artistic instinct or training disregard color theory and often create crappy not scrappy work. But beauty is in the eye…I think the artist is someone who creates something that did not exist before and does it without doing harm. It's value
It's value is determined by what it means.
Holy rant lady!
I've seen this same argument played out in the bear-making world, and excuses for low prices which undervalue people's own work include:
I'm doing it for fun
I'm doing it for pin money
It's not my day job, I already earn a nice salary
I won't sell as many if I charge higher
I'm just starting out, I'll increase prices as I go
And on and on. What everyone is failing to realise is that by charging next to nothing for your 'hobby' or 'bit of fun' is undervaluing everyone, and making it more challenging for people who are genuinely trying to make a living from their craft, not just enough to fulfil their next fabric fix. Also, raising your prices further down the line isn't that easy when you've set very low expectations.
Also, good grief, not everyone has the same tastes, if we did then the world would be a seriously boring place. I'll put it out there, I'm not really that fond of white on white prints. I'll expect you to take me round the back and shoot me later Molli ;o) Seriously though, are we going to have a lynch mob every time someone dares to say they're not fond of a certain genre? I'm not sure the world has enough pitch forks…
Apparently there are people determined not only to make up their own background to this post, along with assumptions, sexist allusions, downright snobbery and out and out bitchiness, but they're hitching their cart to to create their own lynch mob of people to come and get the author based on their 'facts'. Wow, this fabulous quilting world they're talking about, definitely doesn't exist in their world.
Don't forget ladies, it's coming up to that time of the year where Santa's tallying up that naughty and nice list, let's not all end up on the former, 'kay?
I think what it really comes down to is: Can you find a price that you feel is worth your time and a buyer is willing to pay? Yes? Hurray! Who cares what anyone else says!
That quilt is insanely fabulous and worth every penny (and more) of $3,000. But I'm exhausted now!
Boy have you stirred up a hornet's nest Molli! Free speech, which was hard fought for in America, is allowed, thus everyone is entitled to their opinion, which is better when defended by evidence. Now this evidence can be interpreted in multiple ways of course. Molli clearly stated in his post it was his OPINION; he did NOT pass laws regarding what he posted so if you happen to have a differing opinion, that is your freedom of speech, but must we get so defensive and angry? Is it really worth the time, energy and anxiety it's causing some of you? He shared his opinion, you have a different one (or the same) so be it. What I've always been told and learned is, once written, it can not be taken back, but it can be interpreted multiple ways so use caution when putting words into print, an advantage or disadvantage of the digital/internet era.
Whether or not I agree or disagree with his opinions or yours is irrelevant because I think he does amazing work as I'm sure all those who post on here do as well! I love following people's blogs and admiring their hard work and creativity, even if some of it isn't my "style." We only live once people! Enjoy life! 🙂
This post seriously needs some cute fluffy kittens….
Go ahead, take a look, don't they make you smile?
Wow, this really has caused a stir! I didn't expect that when you first mentioned you were making your quilt, I was just looking forward to seeing your calculations! And of course the finished quilt, which is beautiful and I'm sure must be even more stunning in person. I have to say, I don't really understand why other people that sell quilts are being quite so down on you for knowing your own worth and the worth of a finished quilt. I would have thought people would welcome the encouragement (if that is the right word?) to charge a little more, even if the 'true' cost is too high for most people to afford.
The quilt in the photos is really amazing, I can't even imagine how long it must have taken to make! So beautiful. That is the sort of scrappy I like! I do agree about some of the scrap vomits and Trip Around the World quilts, they don't really do it for me… Some are lovely, some, not so much! I love that you tell it how you see it, I find it very refreshing compared to some of the other blogs I read 🙂
I've been reading your blog for a while, but never felt compelled to post a comment until now. I really feel for Gwendellyn – for daring to have a differing opinion to you, you've completely called her out, probably embarrassed her, and if my own similar experience earlier this year is an indication, caused her a lot of stress and anxiety.
That's really not very nice.
This world is nasty enough as it is. Let's keep the quilt world a little nicer, huh? Yes you may accuse me of believing puppies, rainbows and unicorns, but the quilt world and quilting is what keeps me calm, happy and positive. No one knows everyone's story, and I wish they would remember that before writing bitter blog posts personally directed at someone else that would do nothing but cause them undue stress and embarrassment.
OMG, I am so tired of this, its simple:
that is all.
ps I love your blogs Molli, I don't always read them but I like your sense of humour, you make me smile, keep it up.
I need to have a Bex and a lie down now! Totally exhausted and late for my hair appointment. Since when did quilting become political? Molli, you know I love your blog, your work and your enthusiasm for what you do. Thank you for your inspiration. And I do think you are an artist. 🙂 x
First of all I would like to say that you are the only one who has made this personal. Gwen brought up some discussion topics on her blog that she felt strongly about, without mentioning your name or linking to your post. In response you have publicly named her and blasted everything she has said. Not discussed it, as was supposedly the original mission of your post, but bluntly dismissed every point she brought up rudely and publicly. That is the only reason I am commenting here, as I feel you have literally attacked someone who dared to critically oppose your subjective arguments, and I feel this is wrong – so I am throwing my two cents into the ring.
I don’t read your blog. I have read a few of your posts, found they were not to my taste, and moved on. I did, however, read your “quilt worth” post and the follow up post and comments. And I didn’t like it. Yes, I felt quite strongly about some of the things you said and the way you said them, but as I was taught “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”, I did just that. I did, however, comment on my FRIEND Gwen’s blog post, when I agreed with what she was saying. I also pointed out why I did not like your post. I found your tone arrogant, offensive to others, and condescending to basically anyone who does not share your particular aesthetic, or does not have an expensive “art education”. I also feel like you imply that the world somehow owes you something because you are a gay man who quilts. And yes, I also called your work in this post “unoriginal” – why? Because you have “charged” 8 hours for your “design work”, which, let us be honest here, consisted of taking an already well-established FREE pattern, and making it in white fabric. I am sorry, but if this constitutes 8 hours of “design”, I would seriously be questioning my afore-mentioned expensive art education.
I apologise if I have misinterpreted your tone, but rest assured, that if I have taken away these things from your blog, others have as well. Plenty of bloggers manage to use their own “voice” on their blogs without putting down others work in a rude manner. You don’t like scrap vomit? That’s fine! You can even say that you don’t like it, but saying “all (these) fugly versions were going around last year” is undermining the industry as a whole, and other peoples aesthetics (and yes I do call this offensive and condescending). If my or others interpretation of your tone bothers you, you may want to consider more carefully what your blog posts are conveying to others before you publish them.
I would also like to add that you have to EARN respect, you cannot COMMAND it. Just because you can sew two pieces of cloth together and it takes you some time, it does not mean that that your work is of a standard that attracts that kind of attention and price. It also doesn’t mean you can tell the rest of the quilting community how to think, and that they are undervaluing themselves because they don’t think the way you do. You may say that you weren’t “telling” anyone how to think – well, by publicly dismissing everything Gwen says in the manner you have just done, I would say that, yes, anyone with an opposing view to your own is somehow incorrect in your eyes. I wont mention the arrogance this shows… It should also be noted that most people who do not quilt (those that would be most likely to buy a quilt), have no idea what the costs are! Certainly, a year or so ago, I had no idea what it costs to make a quilt! I agree that the handmade industry as a whole is severely undervalued, and developing a realistic cost for quilting is a real issue, but I also feel that by pushing your inflated expectations onto people, you are hurting the cause rather than helping it. As a comparison, your quilt is priced in the same range as a Tula Pink original (see ihearttulapink.com). I am talking an original pattern by a well established, very well known and well loved fabric designer, who has been quilting and designing for many years. Now, if I was an outsider to the industry and noticed this, your costing would probably put me off ever looking at buying a quilt again. Again, you have to EARN respect, not COMMAND it.
I do not like conflict or confrontation, and truly do not generally comment in this manner, but I think your public put down of Gwen has warranted this comment. I apologise that I am not one of those people that thinks that the sun, oh oops, sorry, SPARKLES shine out your bum! I think you owe Gwen an apology.
Holy balls Batman!…….gonna have a cuppa and sew some stuff 😉
I am a woman.
I am a quilter.
I quilt because it brings me joy.
I also quilt as a business.
I gift quilts to friends and family regularly.
1: The belief that we shouldn't make money from something that brings us joy baffles me. Why can't our career bring us joy. Why can't our passions provide a decent living.
2. I read blogs to be inspired, to learn and to hear others points of view. Often I will come across a post that really gets me up in arms. I am self aware enough to know that somethings this is because it hits one of my own sore spots. I am comfortable enough in my opinion to accept not everyone has to or will agree with me. When I can sense the author feels as strongly about their opinion as I do about mine, I simply step away from the computer. To do otherwise is simply picking a fight.
3. Your blog makes me smile on a regular basis Josh/Molli. Over the past week it has made me reexamine my pricing structure and what that says about my self value. Thank you for the push to value my time and knowledge. I am certain it will help push my business from operating in the red to making a profit.
Molli, Molli, Molli! Here I was reading along, taking your thoughts in and basically minding my own business and then you went and did this! Suddenly, I'm clicking over to read comments (though some of the longer ones I just could not bring myself to care enough about to read), clicking back to old posts to read comments there, getting all sucked in and finding an hour of my life gone forever. Shame on you! I have to have something to show for my time, so here it is…
I love me some scrappy, but so many people just don't understand that there is a method to the madness. Ironically, I noticed this summer that people who self-identify as not liking scrappy quilts, jumped on the trips around the world band wagon and were less than thrilled with their results. I could pick those people out on a line-up of quilts, because it's clear why they liked what others did and not there own. They don't get scrappy. I want to hug them tight and tell them it's okay. You don't have to do scrappy if you don't want to. I have several non-scrappy trip ideas I'd be happy to share if your sold on that pattern. Do what you like and you'll be so much happier for it (and we won't have to break out our shades!). We are all allowed to be good at different things.
I've also decided that Internet land is a dangerous place for the thin skinned and that's okay too. It's okay to click on past. Really.
To lime green velour shirts and not sweating the small stuff. Cheers!
Molli, Molli, Molli! Here I was reading along, taking your thoughts in and basically minding my own business and then you went and did this! Suddenly, I'm clicking over to read comments (though some of the longer ones I just could not bring myself to care enough about to read), clicking back to old posts to read comments there, getting all sucked in and finding an hour of my life gone forever. Shame on you! I have to have something to show for my time, so here it is…
I love me some scrappy, but so many people just don't understand that there is a method to the madness. Ironically, I noticed this summer that people who self-identify as not liking scrappy quilts, jumped on the trips around the world band wagon and were less than thrilled with their results. I could pick those people out on a line-up of quilts, because it's clear why they liked what others did and not there own. They don't get scrappy. I want to hug them tight and tell them it's okay. You don't have to do scrappy if you don't want to. I have several non-scrappy trip ideas I'd be happy to share if your sold on that pattern. Do what you like and you'll be so much happier for it (and we won't have to break out our shades!). We are all allowed to be good at different things.
I've also decided that Internet land is a dangerous place for the thin skinned and that's okay too. It's okay to click on past. Really.
To lime green velour shirts and not sweating the small stuff. Cheers!
Btw, if you happen to run across my work and think, "Woman you think you can do scrappy?!? I don't think so! Put the scraps down and walk away slowly.", you can go ahead and call it fugly. I won't take it personally, cause I know you're wrong! Lol. ;-p
For me, the thing that stands out in these comments are a couple factual errors:
1) People saying you 'called out Gwendellyn' – saying that she kept your post anonymous on her blog, etc, which is true. However, she came to this blog, and made her comment on this blog, with her name on it, linking back to her own blog. So, she's made the public statement – I don't think it is unfair to expect a public response. She obviously didn't expect it to be in a post, and I can understand why that was a shock for her – but if the statement is public, I don't think it's unfair for the response to be public.
2) Calling it a 'personal attack.' I read all your responses, and not one of them is personally attacking Gwendellyn or anything she has done. There is only one 'you' statement directed at her – and it's not an attack in any way. So I do feel that accusations of 'personal attack' are off the money. (Especially with 'you' statements etc cropping up a good portion of the time in that initial set of comments she left on your blog.)
When it comes to what Gwendellyn said – there's a couple parts of what she said that really grieved me, and a couple that I agreed with. I don't want to perpetuate anything, I just wanted to say that I can see where both she and you are coming from – and I don't want you to be lambasted in ways that are inaccurate.
Gwen and I have spoken privately, without any name calling, and are kindly respectful of each other's opinion and the passion we both have for life. Thank you to everyone who shared their passionate opinion here (and in previous posts). I want everyone to know, as I told Gwen, it was never my intention to put her on "blast" or "attack" her. I actually thought she provided a wonderfully articulate, dissenting view, and I wanted to ensure her voice was heard as loud as mine was. I actually agreed with a lot of what she said! 🙂
I also think Gwen and I might someday have a TV show together, watch out!
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