WiP Wednesday – 38

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

14 Responses

  1. The O's says:

    I always have white thread, if your stuck again. Should have taken me up on my offer of a tour of my LQs on Saturday!!!

    Save some of that white on white coz I got a sneaking suspicion that you might be trying a Sarah twisted MSBHQAL block…

  2. Vera says:

    I make dicky moves all the time but I tent to call it "my style" and intention, he he. Looking forward to see this snowy sparkle in all it's glory.

  3. Mareenchen says:

    I can't wait to see this finished! Go and get some thread already.

  4. Cheryl says:

    The blocks are looking great! I actually get twitchy if I have less than 1 aurifil white spool in reserve 🙂

  5. MsMidge says:

    I'm the queen of dicky moves…… Nothing ever turns out to be what I intended! Always a twist somewhere along the way 🙂 I just ordered a tonne of white Aurifil, and, ahemmmm, other colours, so I should be right for a while!

  6. Sabrina says:

    Oo! Can't wait to see progress on this beauty. 🙂

  7. I've totally ran out, and all the while, I was thinking I picked some up in advance. Yeah, it sucks. Especially when you're in the zone. Love how it's turning out.

  8. ~Diana says:

    I'm totally with you on the white on whites…I always buy them in bulk! And I guard them like a rabid pit bull looking at a ham! My daughter likes to "borrow" from my stash…w/w is the hardest to let go of! Thanks, as always, for the glitter!

  9. Katy Cameron says:

    Oh I always forget about thread. Usually backing fabric too. And binding. I'm a bit crap all together really!

  10. charlotte says:

    Just go buy some. It's only white thread. And yes, I have run out too and it sucks when you do cause that's the only thread that will do at those times. No go get some…git, git.

  11. Liz says:

    Looks awesome. I usually make a point to buy some thread when I visit the craft store so I'm prepared :). I can't wait to see wha happens when you get some more!

  12. sharpie says:

    An entirely white quilt?! Sold. Please replenish your thread supply stat so we can all figure out where this dreamy-ness is headed.

  13. CitricSugar says:

    ALL. The Time. That sounds exactly like something I would do. But then I've had relatively small projects balloon to epic proportions..

  14. Val Spiers says:

    I think it will look lovely especially with all the different fabrics.

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