WiP Wednesday – 38
If you haven’t figured out by now, I’m one of those people who is incapable of doing things in a small way. I like it big, loud, and proud! So when I set about making this No Value Does Not Mean Free quilt, I thought a nice lap quilt would do. Then I started buying fabrics (the Molli Sparkles inducted should know where this is going by now).

Fabrics bought, I proceeded to cut up all of the strips needed for this Trip Around the World. Except, I had some extra fabric. So I cut more strips, and some more strips. Then I sewed them together. And those extra ones together. And the ones I found hiding under the table together. I came up for air and discovered I have thirty-eight blocks in the making, with plenty of fabric still left in that pile of white.

That’s already at least 72″x72″. I guess subconsciously, my psyche knew that if it couldn’t make it loud with colour, it wasn’t gonna let it be small! I spent most of the weekend sewing until my Juki starting smoking (metaphor!) and I ran out of white Aurifil. Then I frantically searched for other white thread. “Hmm. Where did I … um … No. This can’t be? How? No. No. … nooooo!” I didn’t have any other white thread. Uh oh.

I always have white thread, if your stuck again. Should have taken me up on my offer of a tour of my LQs on Saturday!!!
Save some of that white on white coz I got a sneaking suspicion that you might be trying a Sarah twisted MSBHQAL block…
I make dicky moves all the time but I tent to call it "my style" and intention, he he. Looking forward to see this snowy sparkle in all it's glory.
I can't wait to see this finished! Go and get some thread already.
The blocks are looking great! I actually get twitchy if I have less than 1 aurifil white spool in reserve 🙂
I'm the queen of dicky moves…… Nothing ever turns out to be what I intended! Always a twist somewhere along the way 🙂 I just ordered a tonne of white Aurifil, and, ahemmmm, other colours, so I should be right for a while!
Oo! Can't wait to see progress on this beauty. 🙂
I've totally ran out, and all the while, I was thinking I picked some up in advance. Yeah, it sucks. Especially when you're in the zone. Love how it's turning out.
I'm totally with you on the white on whites…I always buy them in bulk! And I guard them like a rabid pit bull looking at a ham! My daughter likes to "borrow" from my stash…w/w is the hardest to let go of! Thanks, as always, for the glitter!
Oh I always forget about thread. Usually backing fabric too. And binding. I'm a bit crap all together really!
Just go buy some. It's only white thread. And yes, I have run out too and it sucks when you do cause that's the only thread that will do at those times. No go get some…git, git.
Looks awesome. I usually make a point to buy some thread when I visit the craft store so I'm prepared :). I can't wait to see wha happens when you get some more!
An entirely white quilt?! Sold. Please replenish your thread supply stat so we can all figure out where this dreamy-ness is headed.
ALL. The Time. That sounds exactly like something I would do. But then I've had relatively small projects balloon to epic proportions..
I think it will look lovely especially with all the different fabrics.