Pick Meme, David Butler!
“Joel, I said, ‘Stop calling me.’ I am not interested, and until you re-re-release Aviary in glitter rainbow, do not even think you are gettin’ some of this.” Can you believe the nerve?! I can’t even talk about it right now. I will tell you this though, I have been fielding calls all week from that man, and I have had E-nough.
I have elevator eyes for only one fabric designer and that is Mr. David Butler.

Now, let’s pop it up GIVEAWAY! Leave a comment with your own David Butler meme idea. I’ll pick a favourite this time next week, and the winner will see it created and published here at Molli Sparkles … oh, and I will buy you a yard of the fabric of your choice from the Intrepid Thread. How’s that sound? Delicious? Salacious? Excellent, I love them both.
Hey Molli …you're Curious … I Wonder if you'd Rock on over and Brush the Sand off my Oysters….
From Amy: "Hey Molli, put your quilting gloves on, I'll help you push and pull it through your throat!"
I think that's out of the gutter and heading down the drain! 🙂
Hey Molli, want to help me do some strip piecing tonight.
Hey Molli, come on over and I'll show you my Seven Wonders.
Hey Molli, can you help me fix the tension in my bobbin?
(No reply blogger melintheattic[at]gmail[dot]com)
Hey Molli, lets get together and glitter my stash!
Hey Molli, you can batik me any time!
Molli, let's make a drunkard's path . . . to my bedroom.
I don't know that's my best. Can we enter more than once?
Hey Molli, ill pin baste you to any quilt anywhere.
Hey Molli, do you have a curious nature?
Hey Molli, come tour the world with me
Hey Molli, come help with my sandwich.
Man, send Joel to me. I've got to convince him to come out with that herringbone in ALL the colors. (Yes I know they're re-releasing it in new colors and I'm very excited but still. ALL. THE. COLORS.)
Anyway. *ahem*
Hey Molli, I didn't need a world tour once I met you!
Hey Molli, Ms Midge has World Tour on the way, word on the street is she's gonna use and abuse it!
Hey Molli, you won't need spray starch to get me firm.
That's just wrong (but I love it!)
I love it too, but I've already posted one similar!
Hey Molli, Ill show you mine if you show me yours.
Hey Molli, I have a fabulous button holer 😉
Hey Molli…..wanna bind together?
Hey Molli… Let me be your Butler, how can I serve you?
Hwy Molli, my line(s) never stops coming. Just one after another….
Too naughty?
Hey Molli, I have a curious nature… do you?
Hey Molli, I'll warp and you weft.
I started with sweet:
Hey Molli, you Sparkle my World…tour.
Moved on to suggestive:
Hey Molli, my machine is oiled and sew ready.
Ended with smutty:
Hey Molli, would you like me to rip your seam?
Ouch. I'm stopping now before I frighten myself! heehee
Hey Molli, I could finger press those seams for you. <—gutter ball <—-even that sounds dirty too!
Hey Molli, come to my strip club so we can roll together!
Hey molli, I just met you, and this is crazy, can u free motion and stipple me baby 😉
I have no meme for you. It's just so funny. Your post and all those comments 😀
Hey Molli
Would you like to stick your pin in my pin cushion
Hey Molli, want to couch with me?
Hey Molli, hold my bodkin while I turn this out…