What better way to celebrate the final countdown of my blogiversary than to host it from Japan?! “What?! But how?” I can hear your thoughts screaming from here! I know, it is so unbelievable that it has to be true! I’ve told you before, I was gonna pull out all the stops for the last 33 days! Here let me show you!

See! That’s me, standing next to some creepy doll wearing a polka dot flamenco dress. This kind of craziness only happens in Japan! Oh, and maybe this kind too:

Did I leave you guessing with my cryptic Thursday suitcase post? No, that wasn’t the Magic Suitcase V.2 (Grandma Sparkles touches down September 25th). Nor, did I have David Butler in there (scary!), it was just my clothes, sillies! Oh yes, my clothes that are now with me in Tokyo! Boom! But, if I need to go shopping for more, I know straight where to go… Um…

This shop obviously knew it couldn’t compete with me coming to town, so it locked the doors tight! I told y’all things were gonna get bigger, and I think you could say they just got jumbo jet big! So what’s a boy to do on his first day out in Tokyo? Meet up with Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts and go fabric shopping of course! Oh, and we hit ’em up style big time.

We met at the crazy Tetsuya Starbucks first for some well needed caffienation, and well, to formally introduce ourselves! This is that moment when bloggy friends become real friends! Alyce was one of the very first blogs I discovered and I thought it was only fitting she be part of my blogiversary festivities.

But believe you me, I am big in Japan, and it wasn’t only Alyce that wanted to get a piece of me. I finally had to don my incognito glasses (from my guard pups) for fear of being recognized and then mobbed. Have you ever tried running with bags full of fabric? No? I hadn’t either, but I can now confirm it is no easy feat!

Now I know you wouldn’t dare forget, but for any new readers, the Molli Sparkles Broken Herringbone Quilt Along (#MSBHQAL) starts on Monday. Get your weaves on because there is gonna be some dramatic hair whipping needed and they confiscated all three of mine at customs. See, even the Japanese find that horrific.

A giant big hug to Alyce for showing me around Tokyo, and for making this cute-as-a-pearl-button wall hanging for my desk at work. Jealous, much? We totally set the fabric district ablaze and you’ll get to see how it all shook down tomorrow for Sunday Stash #38 – The Tokyo Edition!

Love! I've had to keep my hair on and secret squirrel, but was thinking of your fabric adventures all day today! HOw friggin excitement!
What an adventure! I hope you are having lots of fun!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
Ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com
Looks like so much fun! Can't wait to see the goodies you came home with 🙂
Aw, one of your first?! A first love that was real, huh?? 😉 Mwah!
Yay! Looking forward to reading about it all tomorrow 🙂
Oh Molli, you spoil us, trekking all the way to Japan just to show us new fabricky goodness… ;o)
Shut the front door!!!!! So jealous that you get to go shopping for fabric in Japan and hang out with alyce! Looking forward to tomorrow. 🙂
No fair you got to meet Alyce!
What a great fabric adventure. I think all I did for my first blog anniversary was a giveaway. I gotta ramp it up next year!
As far as I'm concerned this post is still a tease. I WANT TO SEE THE FABRICS, Sparkles. 😉
What fun!!!! Enjoy your travels 🙂
So very cool that you got to meet Alyce AND go fabric shopping in Japan.
i can't handle this. i love both of your blogs. i am simply so jeal right now. and this was perfection. plus monday starts all the fun. i've been waiting waiting waiting. what a great blogiversary, molly! only you could do it up this big.
Wow, lucky you. Very excited to see what you get up to on your travels. Have fun and Happy Blogiversary!!
Haha – Tokyo looks so full of crazy weird stuff – loved those puppies 🙂 What a great way to celebrate 🙂
Very cool! I'm jealous. Yeah, I said it and I mean it. But how super awesome exciting for you – Japan – woo hooo!
Konichiwa!! I'm so happy you got there safely and are having a BLAST!! <3 I can't wait to see your stash pics!!
Looks like you are having an amazing time!
Love the photos (but what on earth is that second to last one?!!). Sometimes I forget that I haven't actually met Alyce!
Nothing says style like a polka dot flamenco dress, you know you wanted one just the same…not! All I have to say is your trip to Japan for fun fabric buying with Alyce craps all over my little weekend at the seaside here in SA. Checking the photos out next!
That's so funny! Loved the article! I met Alyce when she visited Osaka a few months back, lovely person. Glad you made it home in one piece despite the mobs trying to get at you!
So I was almost right 😉
oh god – i lurrrrve japan – have to get back there………
I just discovered you from your take over at Lee's blog! OMG where have I been, hiding under a rock??? I love this update from Tokyo. I lived in Harajuku in 2008 and will be returning to do a two week tour of Japan for my husband and my one year anniversary next year! These photos make me so excited and I can't wait to fabric shop til I drop.
p.s. you're freakin awesome!