Passing Notes In Class
Passing Notes In Class, that’s what this is all about. It’s a quilt of secrets and hidden treasures that can only be deciphered by the sender and the recipient. I started it nearly a year ago, and it has brought joy, frustration, knowledge and loop de loop craziness to the extreme. I’m starting to think my quilts are like my children, and this one I just couldn’t kick out of my house. That’s probably because of its intense personal nature, as an open letter to my younger brother in Oklahoma and all that history. But mama, eventually even the kids has gots to go! I know you can feel that! I won’t take you through a full tour of the quilt, block by block, as I did most of that when unveiling the quilt top. However, below you’ll find plenty of photos to give you the full Molli experience, and hopefully some inspiration when you embark on your own t-shirt quilt (it will happen).

This quilt is non-transferable.

These transitional flying geese are probably my favourite part of the quilt.

Autumn in Oklahoma is when football season starts.

The science corner with fussy cut atoms, a spinning churn dash, constellations, algebra, levers and fulcrums.

Orange and black, green and purple: work that colour wheel!

Easier said than done, right?

I need to make some rainbow tornadoes!

The oversized hexagon quilting is a sly nod to athletics while also maintaining the masculine vibe.

Piecing: t-shirts interfaced with Pellon featherweight, blocks pieced with 273 partial seams
I love this quilt, it is the best t-shirt quilt ever.
Yay! It's back from the quilter. It's gorgeous and I know your brother will love it. If he doesn't – keep it for yourself! I have three sons with lots of t-shirts. This gives me all kinds of ideas on personalizing them.
I took a class on this. But nothing nothing close. Such an artist. I know your brother will love it. And Grandma Sparkles must be so proud! No words. Just love.
I echo Leanne – the BEST tshirt quilt ever. The personal nature makes it such a treasure. Good work!!
Really excellent. You have pulled the two worlds together into a creation of beauty that even the most optimistic among us must find surprising.
Wow!! What an awesome t-shirt quilt. This gives me motivation to start thinking about the one I want to make with my Girl Guide t-shirts.
Best t-shirt quilt I've ever seen – colours, layout and all the little extras.
Awesome! I have done a couple and gotten more Crative each time but this is a wonderful quilt full of love and meaning.
A wonderful, artistic gift for your brother~well done! And I love the quilting design by Gemma!
Awesome (and brave) colour choices! I'm scared of orange.
Spectacular SB! xxx
Cody is one lucky lil' bro! Good work… I spy a maple leaf in there, that was also one of our bee blocks… that makes, how many blocks you've done in the bee I am in… um, I dunno, I've lost count! I'd love to see your rainbow tornado… that'd be epic I think.
Its the most original t shirt quilt I've seen Molli. You've raised the bar with all the personal heart in there!
A quilt with a message and meaning! I still can't believe this is a t shirt quilt!
Wonderful quilt…family heirloom I reckon!!
Loved all the little 'extra's' that makes this more than just a t-shirt quilt – well done! 🙂
Yep, still the ONLY t-shirt quilt that I have ever really loved! EXCELLENTNESS!
at the risk of being completely unoriginal… BEST t-shirt quilt ever!
A t-shirt quilt like no other! I would love to see the expression on your brother's face when he received this.
Original and unique make the most special gifts
Most t-shirt quilts are "same old, same old'. This is so unique and special. Would that I had the patience to put something together like this. But, NO, I do not. I cannot think outside the box. Thanks, Molli, for your inspiration.
This quilt is fantastic! Clever and fun and meaningful all rolled into a visual treat.
This quilt is fantastic! Clever and fun and meaningful all rolled into a visual treat.
This quilt is fantastic! Clever and fun and meaningful all rolled into a visual treat.
The tornado block is my fav … you really should do a rainbow version 🙂 Lucky brother, t-shirt quilts are not easy!
At the great risk of repeating my self, spectacular. I think T-shirt quilts get a bad rap (static blocks don't help) but when you think about how much a quilt can be cherished, then add the personal components of t-shirts, well, that's as special as it gets!
This is brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing. I am trying to make a t-shirt quilt for my daughter in love with OBU shirts and now I have some inspiration! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I’m late to the party here but had to say YUMMY!!!!!! I make quilts for the family. On the back I make an oversize label 8 1/2 x 11″ of the story behind the different blocks/patterns/fabrics/techniques. The label is June Tailor COLORFAST sew in inkjet fabric sheets. Follow the directions. DUH. Lots of room to type the story, map of the quilt, add photos, etc.
Love your work Molli.