Category: Sunday Stash


Sunday Stash #198 – Achieve

Okay, so a few weeks ago, things got out of hand, and I’m totally blaming Alyce. You see, she told me she was going to be coming to Sydney for the first time, and she...


Sunday Stash #196 – Singapore Sling 02

It’s been an extremely quiet sewing week around the Molli Sparkles studio. I’ve been a bit of a social butterfly rather than chained up to my sewing machine or computer, which is why you haven’t...


Sunday Stash #193 – Clair’s Fabrics

Sometimes there’s fabric right under your nose and you don’t even realise it! Usually I can sniff it out, but with the seasons changing, the pollen is playing havoc with my good olfactories. You know that...


Sunday Stash #192 – The Second Coming

Some might call Alison Glass a religious experience. I can completely understand why! As I mentioned last week, I began adding to my collection of fine fabric goods (ahem, stash) some of her most recent releases...


Sunday Stash #190 – Filling My Box

When I was shopping the Intrepid Thread sale a few weeks ago, I was immediately drawn to Alison Glass’s Sun Prints collection. We’ll talk about those acquisitions in the coming weeks. Trust you me! What...