Category: Quilt Shows


QuiltCon Reality Check

It’s that time of the year again when the modern quilting debate roars to life via the acceptance and rejection letters for the Modern Quilt Guild show, QuiltCon. To be honest, I’m just all pretty...


Drizzling with Diamonds

Hey y’all! As I’ve been screaming from the technicolour rooftops, I’m at the Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair until Sunday. That means those in the Sydney metro can come hang out and have a chat,...


Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair 2015

What a year! This time last year I was gearing up for my stint as Guest Artist at the Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair. That was the most amazing experience that included lights, cameras and...


Modern Quilt Show Australia

Just a quick chime in today to let you know that my No Value Does Not Equal Free quilt (the first quilt to break the Internet) will be part of this weekend’s Modern Quilt Show Australia. The...


AQC 2015 Recap

An AQC recap? Where does one even begin? It’s like I got glitter in my eyes, and before I could shake it out, it was time to go home! As this was only my second...


When Juki Met Molli

Well here I am! Today was bump in for the Australasian Quilt Convention being held at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne. What a glorious start to the week! Have you ever walked through an airport terminal...


Preparing for AQC!

Just a quick howdy and hello to y’all today! I want to first thank everyone for their amazing words of kindness towards the t-shirt quilt, and my new role as Juki Brand Ambassador. Your support (especially when...