Category: Quilt Finishes


Quick & Easy Summer

Who you callin’ quick and easy? My name is not Summer and I am neither quick, nor easy, if you catch my drift!   Ooooh, my quilt, um, yeah, right! Awkward! Yeah, okay, it was...



Way back in August of 2013, I decided it would be a grand idea to host my own quilt along. This is after I had only been sewing for all of like a year, and...


How Low Can You Go?

What an incredible day! I hope you’re having one, too! Late last year I was contacted by Sew Mama Sew to see if I would like to contribute an article about the cost of quilting....


String Cushion, But Orange

Remember when dear daughter was all like, “Well, and for my third cushion I think it should be like this, but orange.” Well, I finally got around to sewing all my orange strings together, and whipping...


Sparkleworks – Turn Me Over, Turn Me On

Hey lovelies! Last week I introduced you to Sparkleworks, my take on Freshly Pieced’s Bloom Bloom Pow quilt along. I promised you I’d show you the back, in all its technicolor glory, this week. I only lie 5%...



Back in March 2013, our friend Lee of Freshly Pieced announced a quilt along she was about to start. It was called Bloom Bloom Pow in reference to those crazy Black Eyed Peas featuring Will.I.Can’t. This was my first...


The Cost of a Cushion

A few weeks ago I had a work colleague request his own cushions for Christmas. He wanted something mid-century modern, and when I showed him the Art Gallery Urban Mod fabric range, we both knew that was...


Cushion for Christmas & Daughters

I think I’ve had a few followers hitch a ride since I gave y’all the skinny on MsMidge’s Cushion for Christmas Blog Hop. My stop was last, last Wednesday, where I sipped on martinis, brushed...


A Lot of Look

Today, let me share with you a wonderful passage by American dancer and choreographer, Martha Graham. I hope it inspires you, the way it has inspired me. “There is a vitality, a life force, an...