Author: Molli Sparkles


The Honey Pot Bee – #SewRoyalBlock

I have a new tutorial to share with you that is pretty special! I’ve had this design percolating across the pages of my sketch book for the better part of a year. Finally, it bitch slapped...


The Skin We Are In

Do I have some saucy subject matter to dish to you today! Some like it hot, indeed! I’m sure if you’re a regular reader of the glitterful stuff I go on about, then Maddie Kertay...


Sunday Stash #214 – Always Airplanes

For those of you that don’t know, Mr. Sparkles has spent nearly his entire career in the airline industry. He still loves airplanes, and can easily identify one from another purely from hearing them fly overhead!...


The Honey Pot Bee: February

Oooh la la la, Glitterati, it is time! February is now amongst us, which means the unveiling of this month’s The Honey Pot Bee quilt block tutorials! Some of you have been clamouring for these for weeks, while...