Sunday Stash #230 – Monochromatic
What a fabulous week! It’s been so great being home without any travel in sight. It’s about bloody time things got back to a normal pace. I have some very exciting non-quilting related news to...
What a fabulous week! It’s been so great being home without any travel in sight. It’s about bloody time things got back to a normal pace. I have some very exciting non-quilting related news to...
I’ve been playing a bit of catch up with The Honey Pot Bee. There’s been so many great block selections that I’ve really had to pick and choose which ones to sew up first. Isn’t...
Oh hello there you sexy thangs! It’s July, which means we need to drop it like it’s hot. And by “drop,” I mean a five day bonus block challenge, y’all! That’s right — you’ve got...
How many frustration dances does it take before you just start looking like a crazy person? I think I’m on that razor’s edge. I don’t like to apologise on my blog, but I have to...
Another Sunday, another Stash! Here are some more selections that have hit the fabric cupboard from my trips to Singapore. I’ve actually got another week’s worth of fabric to show, and then the following week...
Now y’all know I don’t do novelty prints very well. I tend to look at most of them, flick a wrist, and implore: “Take it away.” I have a feeling it has something to do...
Happy Independence Day weekend for all of my American Glitterati out there! I know there’s gonna be a full round of barbecues, home made ice cream, and fireworks, but make sure you take some time...
I haven’t done a WIP Wednesday in a while, and since I had a spare thirty-seven seconds this evening, I thought why the sparkle not?! A couple of months ago I started searching for a...
Holy Martina Navratilova! I’ve been home for six whole days, which means I actually got to use my sewing machine this week. It must be like riding a bike, because I saddled up to it...
I’ve got some news to share with you today, my beautiful Glitterati. I’ve been meaning to speak about this for a while, but I’ve been trying to avoid the inevitable. I didn’t want it to...